Thursday 10 June 2021


The First Station

"What is truth?"

In order to crush the head of Lucifer and overcome pride and arrogance, my Son observed this patient silence in his Passion, permitting Himself to be treated as an ignorant and foolish criminal. As the Teacher of this philosophy and as the Physcian of the sickness of sin, He would not deny the charges nor defend or justify Himself, nor refute those who accused Him, showing us by his own living example, how to oppose and counteract the intentions of the serpent.

... But do thou, my daughter, prerserve the doctrine of my divine Son and that which comes from me. Abhor human ostentation, suffer in silence and let the world consider thee ignorant; for it does not know where true wisdom dwells. (The Mystical City of God, Vol III) 

Wisdom and truth are embraced by accepting the Lord and His Cross. Our Lady will help me to do "Whatever He says." I will look for an obedience today.

Marian Vow:
John Paul II
This Wisdom is Jesus Christ himself, the Eternal Word of God, who perfectly reveals and accomplishes the will of the Father (cf.Heb 10:5-10). Mary invites everyone to accept this Wisdom. To us too she addresses the command she gave to the servants at Cana in Galilee during the marriage feast: "Do whatever he tells you" (Jn 2:5).
Veritatis Splendor, August 6, 1993. #119

II Station
Second Station - Jesus Accepts the Cross

Venerable Mary of Agreda
The image of [Mary’s] divine Son, thus wounded, defiled and bound, remained so firmly fixed and imprinted in the soul of our Queen, that during her life it was never effaced, and remained in her mind as distinctly, as if She were continually beholding Him with her own eyes.
Mystical City of God, Volume III (Tan Books: 2006), 573.

Pontius Pilate,
Behold the Man!

Father Faber
[V]erily there was need that some one should testify that He was man, who, if He had been only Man could never have survived the crushing of the winepress which the threefold pressure –of His Father, of demons, and of men—had inflicted upon Him. Then rose over the crowded piazza that wild yell of blasphemous rejection by His own people, which still rings in our ears, still echoes in history, still dwells even in the savage frightfulness of its reality.
The Foot of the Cross, (Tan Books: 1978), 206.

One time today, when presented with a difficulty or with my Lenten resolution, I will try to be like Our Lady who silently and courageously accepted the Cross of Her Son and united Her heart to it.

Marian Vow:
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
No other grace can be compared with that of carrying the cross out of love for our Lord.
The Thoughts and Saying of Saint Margaret Mary, (Tan Books: 1986), 79.

I give this resolution to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Thanks be to God for graces received.

The Third Station --The First Fall
Fr. Faber
“He is her Babe of Bethlehem. She is helpless. She cannot get near. Omnipotence held her heart fast. In a peace far beyond man’s understanding, she followed slowly on to Calvary, Magdalen and John beside themselves with grief, but feeling as if grace went out from her blue mantle enabling them also to live with broken hearts.”
Foot of the Cross, (Tan Books:1978), 208.

John Paul II
“Mary shares our human condition, but in complete openness to the grace of God. Not having known sin, she is able to have compassion on every kind of weakness. She understands sinful man and loves him with a Mother's love. Precisely for this reason she is on the side of truth and shares the Church's burden in recalling always and to everyone the demands of morality. Nor does she permit sinful man to be deceived by those who claim to love him by justifying his sin, for she knows that the sacrifice of Christ her Son would thus be emptied of its power. No absolution offered by beguiling doctrines, even in the areas of philosophy and theology, can make man truly happy: only the Cross and the glory of the Risen Christ can grant peace to his conscience and salvation to his life.”
Veritatis Splendor

In my failings as well as my victories this Lent Our Lady will keep me company and give me the strength of her blue mantle and permit no “beguiling doctrines” to deceive me. I will turn to Our Lady for wisdom and strength.

Marian Vow:
St. Katharine Drexel
“O holy Mother of God, behold your child! I am not worthy but Jesus gave me to you. I am part of His legacy, teach me to behave that a child of Mary ought to behave.”
Praying With Mother Katharine Drexel, 14
I give this resolution to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Thanks be to God for graces received.

Topic: Fourth Station – Jesus Meets His Mother

“She is going up to Calvary, in brave tranquility, to help to slay the Babe of Bethlehem.”
Father Faber, At the Foot of the Cross, (Tan Books: 1978), 211.

“The fourth dolor contains within itself the whole science and mystery of cross-bearing. This is the wisdom we learn from the picture while we gaze on Mary in the streets of the cruel Jerusalem. The eye of her soul sees the fair-haired Boy in the temple, whom she sought more than twenty years ago, while her bodily eye is fixed on the pale and bleeding and earth-stained Man, going with sound of trumpet and the chorus of earth’s curses to His doom. And shall we, who gave Him that heavy cross to bear, and kept weighting it after we had given it, if our cruelty were not satisfied, refuse to bear the sweet grace giving crosses which He binds on us, so little too as, when we have borne them for a while, we are forced to confess they are? Oh, no! let us do now as Mary did them –look at Him who is on the road before us, and see how the beauty of the Sacred Heart sits with meek majesty and attractive love on the woe-worn disfigured Countenance.”
Father Faber, At the Foot of the Cross, (Tan Books: 1978 , 239.

Is my suffering any greater than Mary’s who helped “to slay the Babe of Bethlehem?” I will try to be grateful for the small crosses which come my way.

Marian vow:
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
“You must constantly carry the cross which He lays on you, be it interior or exterior.”
The Thoughts and Saying of Saint Margaret Mary, (Tan Books: 1986), 81.

I give this resolution to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Thanks be to God for graces received.

Topic: Fifth Station of the Cross
Jesus meets Simon the Cyrene

Father Faber
Judas was almost a dolor by himself. We learn, from the revelations of the saints, how she had striven in prayer for that wretched soul. She had lavished all manner of kindness of him, as if he had been more to her than either Peter or John.
Father Faber, At the Foot of the Cross, (Tan Books: 1978), 218.

Is Our Lady reminded of Judas when she sees Simon’s compliance? Couldn’t Judas have borne the weight?

This was her first lesson in the loss of souls. If we were more like saints, we should know something of what it meant. The Passion began by losing an apostle’s soul, and ended by saving the soul of a poor outcast thief. Such are the ways in which God takes His compensations.
Father Faber, At the Foot of the Cross, (Tan Books: 1978), 219.

Today, I will pray for the conversion of sinners with the heart of Mary.

Marian Vow:
St. Katharine Drexel
O Mary, make me endeavor, by all means in my power, to extend the kingdom of the Divine Son and offer incessantly my prayers for the conversion of those who are yet in darkness or estranged from the fold of Your Divine Son.
Praying with Mother Katharine Drexel, 14
I give this resolution to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Thanks be to God for graces received.

Topic: The Sixth Station: Jesus Meets Veronica

Father Faber
“How [Mary] longed to wipe the blood from His face with her veil, to part His tangled hair to remove with lightest touch that cruel crown, to lift the Cross off His shoulders and see whether her broken heart would not give her superhuman strength to carry it for Him!”
Father Faber, At the Foot of the Cross, (Tan Books: 1978), 212.

One can almost imagine the Mother of Christ standing beside St. Veronica in the crowd encouraging her spiritual daughter to great courage and sublime compassion.

John Paul II
[T]he Divine Redeemer wishes to penetrate the soul of every sufferer through the heart of his holy Mother, the first and the most exalted of all the redeemed. As though by a continuation of that motherhood which by the power of the Holy Spirit had given him life, the dying Christ conferred upon the ever Virgin Mary a new kind of motherhood—spiritual and universal—towards all human beings, so that every individual, during the pilgrimage of faith, might remain, together with her, closely united to him unto the Cross, and so that every form of suffering, given fresh life by the power of this Cross, should become no longer the weakness of man but the power of God.
Salvifici Doloris, #26
February 11, 1984

Today I will think of St. Veronica as a symbol of a child of Mary who looks to offer Christ comfort in his sufferings. How can I comfort the crucified in the presence of Our Lady today?

Marian Vow:
St. Katharine Drexel (feast day March 3rd)
What likeness is there between me and my Mother? Do I try to be like her, in her love for Jesus? In her devotion to the cause for which he died –the salvation of souls- in her absolute submission to the will of God, in her patient suffering? Holy Mary, Mother of God and my Mother too, let me stand at the foot of the cross with you, to learn its lessons and to learn to be like the Mother of Sorrows. Amen.

I give this resolution to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Thanks be to God for graces received.

The Seventh Station-The Second Fall of Jesus
St. Alphonsus di Liguori
Cosmas of Jerusalem used to say, "While I keep my hope in thee unconquerable, O Mother of God, I shall be safe. I will fight and overcome my enemies with no other buckler than thy protection and thy all-powerful aid."
St. Alphonsus di Liguori, The Glories of Mary (Tan Books: 1978), 122.

St. Maximilian Kolbe
Cooperation with grace is very important, for in response to grace comes further new grace. The more faithful we will be to grace, the more we will have reason to hope that we will receive more graces. One thing is sufficient; now, this moment, cooperate with its grace. …There is but one ultimate cause of spiritual breakdown, namely, the lessening of the flow of grace through personal ignoring of it. Then the soul weakens. This flows from infidelity to grace. How can we assure ourselves against such an eventuality? St. Alphonsus Liguori tells us to turn to the Blessed Mother and place all our trust and hope in her. Experience proves this to be true.
Will to Love (Marytown Press: 1998), 72-3.

Today, I will ask over and over that my Heavenly Mother keep me responsive to the life of grace.

Marian Vow:
Ven Mary of Agreda
O Great Chieftainess of the martyrs, Queen of the courageous, Mistress of all the imitators of thy Son, if I am thy daughter and disciple, as Thou condescendest to call me, and as my Lord wishes to merit, do not reject my longing desire to follow thy footsteps on the way of the cross. If in my weakness I have fallen, do Thou, my Lady and Mother, obtain for me the courage of a contrite heart, justly humiliated on account of its vile ingratitude. Gain for me through thy prayers the love of the eternal Father, which is so precious, that only thy powerful intercession can obtain it and only my Lord and Redeemer can merit it for me.
Mystical City of God, Volume III (Tan Books: 2006), 579-580.
I give this resolution to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Thanks be to God for graces received.
Topic: The Eighth Station – Jesus Meets the Sorrowing Women

Father Faber
“The absence of the apostles was a keen aggravation of Mary’s sorrow.”
Father Faber, At the Foot of the Cross, (Tan Books: 1978), 217.

The sorrowing, faithful women and St. John the Evangelist were there but where were the rest of the chosen Twelve?

Father Faber
[The absence of the apostles] was a triple wound to her. It wounded her in her love of Jesus. She knew how deep the wound was which it made in His Sacred Heart. She saw how, far beyond the cruel scourging and the barbarous coronation, Her beloved was tormented by this cruel abandonment of Him by those whom He had loved beyond the rest of men. She could go near to fathoming the anguish which this was causing Him. Moreover, her own love of Him underwent a cruel martyrdom in seeing Him thus deserted, and by those whose very office should have taken them to Calvary, who should have been witnesses of His Crucifixion as well as of His Resurrection.
Father Faber, At the Foot of the Cross, (Tan Books: 1978), 217.

Today, when I pass the crucifix, I will spiritually place myself in the company of Our Lady and pray for perseverance.

Marian Vow:
St. John Damascene
Having confidence in you, O Mother of God, I shall be saved. Being under your protection, I shall fear nothing. With your help I shall give battle to my enemies and put them to flight; for devotion to you is an arm of salvation.
Francis Johnston, Voices of the Saints, (Tan Books) 141.

I give this resolution to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Thanks be to God for graces received.
Related site: Castle of the Immaculate & AirMaria

Topic: Ninth Station - The Third Fall of Christ

Fr. Faber
So completely was she clothed in holiness from head to foot, that it never so much as occurred to her to think that the load might be lightened, or the pangs mitigated, or the circumstances be more tolerably disposed. When we have comitted ourselves to God, we have committed ourselves to more than we know.
Father Faber, At the Foot of the Cross, (Tan Books: 1978), 223.

St. Maximilian Kolbe
When a soul attributes to itself what comes from God as his gift, can we expect that God will shower it with graces? If he were to do so, he would only confirm the soul in a false and arrogant opinion. When, from his Mercy, God does not give the new and bountiful outpouring of his grace and …even permits the soul to fall so that it would finally realize what it is in itself, and that it might no longer depend upon itself, but with greatest confidence dedicate itself to Jesus. Whence falls were, for the saints, steps on toward perfection. Woe to the soul that will not even accept this final medicine, but in pride continues to repeat: ‘I can’t improve myself.’ God, too, is just, and for every grace that he has conferred he will demand a strict accounting.
Will to Love (Marytown Press: 1998), 73.

St. Therese
I beg you, my Divine Jesus, to send me a humiliation whenever I try to set myself above others. … But, you know my weakness, Lord. Every morning I make a resolution to practice humility and in the evening I recognize that I have committed again many faults of pride. At this I am tempted to become discouraged but I know that discouragement is also pride. Therefore O my God, I want to base my hope in You alone.
The Prayers of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, (ICS Publications: 1997)

Marian Vow:
Our Lady to Sister Agnes Sasagawa,
visionary of Akita, Japan
Order of the Handmaids of the Eucharist
August 3, 1973

Is what you think in your heart true? Are you truly decided to become the rejected stone? My novice, you who wish to belong without reserve to the Lord, to become the spouse worthy of the Spouse, make your vows knowing that you must be fastened to the Cross with three nails. These three nails are poverty, chastity, and obedience. Of the three, obedience is the foundation. In total abandon, let yourself be led by your superior. He will know how to understand you and to direct you.

I give this resolution to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Thanks be to God for graces received.

Topic: The Tenth Station - Jesus is stripped of His garments

St. Katharine Drexel
O incomprehensible Love! May I be covered over by the seamless garment woven so lovingly by Our Lady. May she cover me with it so that I may see God’s Will in all that happens.
Praying with Mother Katharine Drexel, 16

St. Therese
O my Beloved, no one had this right over you and yet you obeyed not only the blessed Virgin and St. Joseph but even your executioners.

St. Therese continues.
Now in the Sacred Host I see you at the height of your annihilations. How humble you are, O divine King of Glory, to subject yourself to all your priests without making any distinction between those who love you and those who are, alas! Lukewarm or cold in your service … At their word you come down from heaven. Whether they advance or delay the hour of the Holy Sacrifice, you are always ready…O my Beloved, how gentle and humble of heart You seem under the veil of the white host! To teach me humility you cannot humble yourself further.
The Prayers of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, (ICS Publications: 1997), 116.

Let me accept the day, in all that happens, in great humility as the Will of God in the presence of Our Lady.
To help attain this resolution, I will make a Spiritual Communion and say Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto Thine.

Marian Vow:
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
O my Mother, imprint deeply in my heart the wounds of your crucified Son.
The Thoughts and Saying of Saint Margaret Mary, (Tan Books: 1986), 17.

I give this resolution to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Thanks be to God for graces received.

Topic: The Eleventh Station – Jesus is nailed to the Cross

Fr. Faber
It is her place to console, not to be consoled. Her Son came to minister, not to be ministered to. She must participate in the same sublime office.
Father Faber, At the Foot of the Cross, (Tan Books: 1978), 217.

Resolution (comes first today):
Please help me Mother Mary to stand with your courage, to meditate on the Passion of your Son. Do not let me run from the horror and the violence of that Good Friday. Let me pray and not faint so that my heart may be opened further to withstand my own trials by coming into contact with the Divine suffering.

Fr. Faber
The Right Hand is nailed to the Cross. The Left will not reach. Either they have miscalculated in the hole they have drilled to facilitate the passage of the nail, or else the body has contracted through agony. Fearful was the scene which now ensued, as the saints describe it to us in their revelations. The executioners pulled the left arm with all their force; still it would not reach. They knelt against His ribs, which were distinctly heard to crack, though not to break, beneath the violent pressure, and dislocating His arm, they succeeded in stretching the Hand to the place. Not more than a gentle sigh could be wrung from Jesus, and the sweet expression in His eyes dwelt there still.
Father Faber, At the Foot of the Cross, (Tan Books: 1978)

Marian Vow:
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
Prostrating myself at the foot of my Crucifix I said: "How happy should I be, O my loving Savior, if Thou wouldst imprint on me the likeness of Thy sufferings. " To which he replied: “This is what I intend to do, provided thou dost not resist Me and on thy side dost contribute thereto."
The Thoughts and Saying of Saint Margaret Mary, (Tan Books: 1986)

I give this resolution to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Thanks be to God for graces received.

Topic: The Twelfth Station - Jesus Dies on the Cross

John Paul II’s prayer which concludes the Encyclical
Veritatits Splendor

O Mary,
Mother of Mercy,
watch over all people,
that the Cross of Christ
may not be emptied of its power,
that man may not stray
from the path of the good
or become blind to sin,
but may put his hope ever more fully in God
who is "rich in mercy" (Eph 2:4).
May he carry out the good works prepared
by God beforehand (cf. Eph 2:10)
and so live completely
"for the praise of his glory" (Eph 1:12).
August 6th, 1993

Fr. Faber
The Crucifix is always the same, yet ever varying its expression so as to be to us in all our moods just what we most want and it is best for us to have. No wonder saints have hung over their Crucifixes in such trances of contented love. But Mary is a part of the reality of this symbol. The Mother and the Apostle stand as it were, through all ages at the foot of the Crucifix, symbols themselves of the great mystery, of the sole true religion, of what God has done for the world which He created. As we cannot think of the Child at Bethlehem without His Mother, so neither will the Gospel let us picture to ourselves the Man on Calvary without His Mother also. Jesus and Mary were always one; but there was a peculiar union between them on Calvary.
Father Faber, The Foot of the Cross, (Tan Books: 1978), 240.

Today, I will keep the crucifix of my Rosary near me and I will pray with the sentiments of John Paul II that “the Cross of Christ may not be emptied of its power.”
I will turn to the Mother of Mercy frequently today.

Marian Vow:
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
I seem not to have suffered anything as yet and, consequently, I feel I have done nothing for my God.
The Thoughts and Saying of Saint Margaret Mary, (Tan Books: 1986), 81.

I give this resolution to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Thanks be to God for graces received.

Topic: The Thirteenth Station – Jesus is taken down from the Cross

Father Faber
She remembers the midnight-hour when the Holy Ghost overshadowed her at Nazareth. Now it is the Eternal Son who is so strangely overshadowing His kneeling Mother.
Father Faber, The Foot of the Cross, (Tan Books: 1978), 300.

Fr. Faber
[Nicodemus and St. Joseph of Arimethea] approached our Blessed Lady with the profoundest reverence and sympathy, told her what they had done, and asked her permission to take the Body down from the Cross. With hearts full of the tenderest devotion to the dolors of the Immaculate Mother, they drew nigh to the Cross, and made their preparations.
Father Faber, The Foot of the Cross, (Tan Books: 1978), 298.

Ven Mary of Agreda
In imitation of the Mother, Saint John with the pious women and the other faithful there present, also adored [the Crown of Thorns]; and this they also did with the nails, handing them first to most holy Mary for venerations and afterward showing their own reverence. Then the great Lady placed Herself on her knees and held the unfolded cloth in her outstretched arms ready to receive the dead body of her Son. In order to assist Joseph and Nicodemus, saint John supported the head, and Mary Magdalen the feet, of Christ and thus they tearfully and reverently placed Him into the arms of his sweetest Mother. This was to Her an event of mixed sorrow and consolation; for in seeing Him thus wounded and all his beauty disfigured beyond all children of men (Ps 44,3 ), the sorrows of her most chaste heart were again renewed; and in holding Him in her arms and at her breast, her incomparable sorrow was rejoiced and her love satiated by the possession of her Treasure.
Mystical City of God, Volume III (Tan Books: 2006), 707.

Today I when I pray the Angelus, I will recall Our Lady’s acceptance at the Annunciation extended to every part of her life even to accepting into her arms the lifeless Body of the Son of God.

Marian Vow:
Fr. Faber
She performed her task as an act of religion, with grave assiduity, not delaying over it to satisfy the grief of which her heart was full. The dead Body seemed as obedient to her as ever the Babe had been in Bethlehem, obedient in all things but one. She told St. Bridget that the extended arms could not be closed, and laid by His side, or crossed upon His breast. We ought rather to say they would not than they could not, be closed.
Father Faber, The Foot of the Cross, (Tan Books: 1978), 301.

I give this resolution to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Thanks be to God for graces received.

Topic: The Fourteenth station – The Entombment

St. Margaret Mary
“The cross is a precious treasure to be kept secret, lest we be robbed of it.”
The Thoughts and Saying of Saint Margaret Mary, (Tan Books: 1986), 79.

St. Francis of Assisi
Blessed is that servant who stores up in heaven the good things which the Lord has revealed to him and dos not desire to reveal them to others in the hope of profiting thereby, […] Blessed is the servant who keeps the secrets of the Lord in his heart.

The footnote from the above text explains:
As he does in other texts, Saint Francis proposes Mary, the Mother of God, as the model Christian. In this instance, she is the ideal servant of God who keeps the secrets of the Lord in her heart.
Francis and Clare; The Complete Works
Translated and Introdction by Regis J. Armstrong O.F.M. CAP.and Ignatius C. Brady, O.F.M., (Paulist Press: 1982), 36.
I will try to keep something I do a secret so that I may bury it with the Lord in His tomb.

Marian Vow:
John Paul II
Even though Paul, in the Letter to the Romans, wrote that "the whole creation has been groaning in travail together until now", even though man knows and is close to the sufferings of the animal world, nevertheless what we express by the word 'suffering' seems to be particularly essential to the nature of man. It is as deep as man himself, precisely because it manifests in its own way that depth which is proper to man, and in its own way surpasses it. Suffering seems to belong to man's transcendence: it is one of those points in which man is in a certain sense "destined" to go beyond himself, and he is called to this in a mysterious way.
Salvifici Doloris,


This is the rest of the post

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Wednesday 12 September 2012


The prayer should be said devoutly for three consecutive days. After that, text of the efficacious Prayer together with your Thanksgiving needs to be published without waiting for the outcome - and your petition will be granted to you. To facilitate publishing - please send me via e-mail (available in 'view my complete profile' section on the sidebar) your thanksgiving prayer text ONLY and out of respect to Our Lady, please sign your prayer - it is not necessary to sign with the full name, it can only be signed with initials or first name, but please, sign it. I will post the signed text below the main prayer here asap.  Alternatively you may chose to pray here but publish both the prayer with your Thanksgivings in another public place such as a newspaper, your parish church bulletin, etc, where other fellow catholics can read it.

Oh, most beautiful flower of Mt. Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven. Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity, Oh Star of the Sea, help me and show me here you are my Mother. Oh Holy Mary, Mother of God Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech thee from the bottom of my heart to succor me in my necessity (make request). There are none that can withstand your power. Oh Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (say three times). Holy Mary, I place this prayer in your hands (say three times). Amen.


Oh, Blessed Mother I thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening to my miserable prayers, and I thank you for all the graces, blessings, favours, petitions granted and for your unceasing protection and intercession and all good things that happened to me and to my loved ones through your help, with love and devotion, JP (27.8.08).

Thank You, Mother Mary for answering my prayers. Connie (29.8.08).

Thank you, Mary, for your speedy and effective help. Tanja has been acting less vituperative, and I no longer feel hunted like an animal at work. Please continue to intercede. Kathryn (14.9.08)

Holy Mother,
Thank you for your kind intercession in quickly answering our prayers. Mike 9/19/08

thank you blessed mother...I'm so happy i could made the impossible happen...jane cicchitto

Mother Mary, thank you so much. I know through your intercession that our prayers will be answered immediately. Rachel

Holy Mother, Thank you so much for all your blessings and for helping us find and obtain a home for the "comings" and the "goings" so that we may serve the Lord. We love you, Cookie and Doug

Holy Mother, thank you once again for answering our prayers and helping us through a trying financial time. Mike 10/30/08

Holy Mother, thank you for helping me and answering my prayer. Mickey 10/28/08

Thanks for answering my prayer, I am forever grateful for so much blessings showered from you daily and from Jesus Christ. Love RH
4th November 08

Thank you, Mother Mary, for your kind intercession and quickly answering our prayers.

Thank you Holy Mother for your help and the conversion of my children. L.A.P
23rd November 2008

Most Holy Virgin, Flower and Beauty of Carmel I thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening to my prayer and obtaining all the graces I need. Jay
7th Dec 2008

Hello Mother, Thank you for listening to me and helping me out. Thank You! .
20th Dec 2008

Petition: Mary, Lady of Mt. Carmel, I beg you from the bottom of my heart: help my in finding a good, loving and believing wife.
Thanksgiving: Thank you, oh Mary for your help and a gift of love which I was granted because of your intercession.
Tomasz from: Racibórz Poland
22 of December 2008

Thank you so much Blessed Mother for your powerful intercession for Our Family. I especially Thank you for answer to pray between Santino and TJ and between all the children for loving each other and for the arguments to stop. i Love You Blessed Mother - Grace
January 8th, 2009

Mother Mary,thank you very much,I know that through your intercessions my prayers would be answered immediately.I love you,very much.
January 10th, 2009

Oh most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruitful vine splendor of heaven. Blessed mother of the Son of God. Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. Oh, star of the sea, help me and show me, herein you are my mother. Oh Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth. I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in this necessity (make request). There is nothing that can withstand your power. Oh, Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee(3 times). Holy Mary I place this cause in your hands (3 times).
Say this prayer 3 consecutive days, Publish it and your petitions will be granted to you. This novena never known to fail.

I believe in this. I am publishing this novena as promised and I know all will be granted. FM
February 3rd 2009

Thank you Our Lady for all your help. I would not have been able to fill my great need without your help. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Bill in Ireland.
2nd March 2009

Thanks You My Mother of Mount Carmel, for answering my prayers and for showering all your blessing on me. I love you my Mama Mary.
Audrey Pinto
18th of March 2009

Most Gracious Mother, Mary, Queen of Heaven, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your help with my prayers. Laura Portland, OR, March 2009

Thank you Blessed Mother, Star of the Sea for your help in the past for others, and for helping me with my most shallow request. Tanya 8th April, 2009

Dear Mary, thank you for listening, caring, and answering my prayer, Amen.
Mary Noel
2nd of May 2009

Petition: Blessed Mother, please restore health to my mother, assist me to find the stability and happiness that I am seeking and bring my friends to a knowledge and love of your Son Jesus.

Thanksgiving: Thank you Holy Mary for your powerful intercession and blessings on me, my family and friends. I am deeply grateful for your loving care and the continuing graces in my life.

Thank you, Blessed Mother, for the healing I have received

I have been praying for a transfer of job for a couple of years now, but when i stumbled on this prayer and prayed it for just three days i miraculously got the transfer at the end of the third day of prayer!!!

Thank you dearest Lady of Mount Carmel you have indeed shown yourself to be a Mother to me!
Your loving Catholic son, Dominic

Our Lady, thank you for every grace you have obtained for me from your Divine Son. I am so grateful to you and I love you so very, very much. Thank you for hearing my prayers and interceding for me. I love you.

Oh, Blessed Mother, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening to my miserable prayers, and I thank you for all graces, blessings, favors, petitions granted and for your unceasing protection and intercession and all good things that happened to me and to my loved ones through your help with love and devotion. CM

Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Son of God. Thank you for all of your love and devotion. Thank you for listening to my prayers. Thank you for your grace and love. Thank you for your intercession in my time of trouble. I am at peace knowing that your love is overwhelming me and that I am not alone. Thank you for helping and leading me closer to your Son, Jesus Christ and our Father God. Thank you for giving me your guidance and favor. I pray in Jesus name that my prayers will be answered. With all my love and devotion:
Louis Mercado 07/19/2009

Holy Mary, Thank you for all the good benefits I have received from you. Thank you for hearing my prays. I know my prays will answered, because nothing is impossible when you are involved.
Your faithful servant, Maria G. 07/19/09

Thank you, My Blessed Mother, for answering my prayers, JEP, 27.08.09

Oh Most Gracious and loving mother. I wish to thank thee for answering my prayers. My family and I are in dire need and your motherly help is greatly appreciated. Please help me to do God's will with your prayers and graces. Janet 09-19-2009

Thank you so much Mother Mary for your intercession and I believed that by the power of your prayer to our Lord God, my request will be granted. Benedict F. 09-30-2009

My dearest Mother I humbly thank you for listening to my pleas. My family is in dire financial need and I believe you shall answer my prayers. Jesus gave you to us as our Mother and as such I know you will help me in the way Our Lord wills for your wills are as one. My heart and soul again thank thee. May the world come to know and love you as God intended.
Elizabeth 10-3-2009

Thank you Mother for helping me and listening to my prayers. i will always pray to you and i will share this to everybody i know... thank you so much for being our Mother. thank you for guiding us and helping us and being with us, in our deepest darkest moment in our lives.
your faithful servant,
maloy conanan

Thank you O Most Holy Virgin Mary, for interceding for me. Thank you for your son Jesus. Thank your for always being there for me, through ups and downs. I know I’m going through what I’m experiencing now for a reason. With you by my side, nothing is impossible. Thank you for helping me become closer to You, your Son, and God. I will always and forever be thankful to you for granting my prayers, but most especially thankful for all the blessings that you so generously shower upon me. I believe in you. I trust in you. I love you. - MCSA

Thanks you dearest Mother. Thank you for your love and peace. Thanks you for saving my job and helping me with Simon's schooling. Thank you for healing my heart. Thank you for helping all of my family (2 other sons) reunite with us and making our home with you in your graces bright.
Carolyn English

Dearest Mother, Thank you for answering all of prayers. Thanks you for praying for me. Thank you for mothering me.
Carolyn English -11-30-2009

Dear Holy Mother,
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your speedy intercession in this desperate and impossible case. Thank you for hearing my prayer.
Teresa (December 2nd, 2009)

Dear Blessed Mother Mary, Thank you always for being the loving Mother that you are, and for never forgetting about your children on Earth. Thank you for your prayers. Love, a.
(December 7th, 2009)

My beloved Mother and Queen, I thank you for listening to my prayers and all the graces received through your intercession. J
Dec 17th '09

Oh Blessed Mother, thank you so much for listening to my petition prayer, Jolanta
Dec 24th '09

Holy Mother, thank you for helping my daughter. I will always be grateful. FMcC
Dec 28th '09

In hope of prayers answered. Pray for me Holy Mary. SM
January 14th, 2010

Thank you, Most Blessed Virgin Mary for answering my prayers, Love, JEP
January 18th, 2010

Thank you Our Lady of Carmel for lovingly answering my prayers in what has been a difficult time. Your help exceeded anything that I could have imagined, David.
January 27th, 2010

Thank you Mama Mary for answering our prayers! - Teresa
February, 11th 2010

Many thanks for introducing this wonderful prayer to me the spirit of OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL and her grace and favours have convinced me of the power of devotion to her and the the everlasting love shown by her son Jesus Christ.

February, 11th 2010

Thank you Our Lady so much for all you've done for me in the past and the doors you'll open for me in my career and personal life in the future.

February, 13th 2010

Thank you, Blessed Mother, for all the care bestowed on me and my family in the past and in the future. Our Lady of Mount Carmel, thank you. Steven K.

Thank you beautiful Mother of mine, thank you for showing me what I should be praying for. Not just veneration for me and my child, but the hearts of the wicked and ignorant people who live without the sweetness of you and your son. Dear Mother pray for me and my son and all those that have hurt us, lied about us, and upset us in our new community.

Thank you for restoring peace through your grace and your son's mercy. Amen

Carolyn English
20th February, 2010

Although I consider myself unworthy of your intercession, O Holy Virgin Of Mt. Carmel, I thank Thee from the bottom of my heart for the blessings and answer of my petition I will receive. Tom T.
27th February, 2010

I have received this short testimony and a request to publish it from the reader and follower of one of my blogs:
I have always had a great devotion to our Holy Mother. I am in formation to become a Third Order Carmelite. The Holy Mother has answered two of my urgent requests and I will be grateful all my life for her help; not only for the prayer requests answered but also for the grace of vocation to become Third Order Carmelite. Tom Trotter III
5th of March, 2010

Oh, Holy virgin of Mount Carmel, dearest Blessed Mother I thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening to my miserable prayers, and I thank you for all the graces, blessings, favours, petitions granted and for your unceasing protection and intercession and all good things that you have granted to me and to my loved ones through your powerful intercession,
with love and devotion,

9th March 2010

Thanksgiving from Paul
19th March 2910

Thank you, Mary, for answering my prayers, that any obstacles to my doing God's will be removed from my way.
Toronto, Canada
March 23, 2010

Many thanks to Our Lady of Mount Carmel for all she has done for and given to me may her name be praised eternally.
March 26th, 2010

Thank you, O Blessed Lady of Mount Carmel, for two requests granted
Testimony by Marg
March 30th 2010

Thank you, Our Lady Of Mount Carmel, for hearing my prayers. I am grateful for your intercession.
March 30th 2010

I am eternally grateful to you for having heard my prayer to obtain employment to serve my family's needs and to do God's Holy Will.

Thank you, Rick
March 30th 2010

My lovely Mother, I humbly thank you for listening to my prayer although I am a sinner, but because of your mercy!

With your answer of this prayer, I can use my time and treasures to proclaim Gospel of Jesus to all people, Amen!

Thank you for your continuing praying for me until I can join you to praise Holy Trinity in heavenly home!

Frank, 03-31-2010

Most Holy Virgin, Mother of God and my Heavenly Mother, I give my heartfelt gratitude for all your help and support through life, and for favours received.

April 1st, 2010

I thank you in advance as I know you will look after me as you have done my mother.
Gillian. Ireland.
April 8th, 2010

Many thanks to my Mother in heaven for all she has blessed me with she truly is the Star of the Sea and the Mother of God.
April 22nd, 2010

"Thank you Mother Mary for interceding on my behalf. It's been a long journey and I appreciate your help in ensuring that it ends well for me. Love SO"

April 24th, 2010

Thank you, most Blessed Virgin of Mt Carmel for listening to my prayer and for all graces received

April 29th, 2010

With love thanks and gratitude to Our Lady for answered prayers,

James L.
May 11th, 2010

Thank you most Blessed Lady of Mt. Carmel.
Josephine M
May 11th, 2010

Thank you, Our Lady, for helping the man outside the coffee shop. You never fail, and THIS was a tough one. Thank you

Tanya B
May 13th, 2010

Thank you Holy and Blessed Mother Mary for your loving intercession of my prayer for me and my sister Carolene to your Son and our Saviour Jesus Christ to the most Holy and undivided Triune GOD. I continue to trust that GOD always answer our prayers through the Holy Spirit. Wanda 5/16/2010

Holy Mother Star of the Sea, thank you AGAIN for helping my mother
and my family.
Tanya B
May 21st, 2010

Thanksgiving from Denise K
May 21st, 2010

Thank you my Lady, for helping my nephew on the border patrol.
Tanya B
May 22nd, 2010

Thank you, Mother Mary for granting my request and for always providing guidance and protection. I am truly blessed to have you in my life.

May 25th, 2010

Our Lady of Mt Carmel, Star of the Sea, THANK YOU for all of your help and blessings.
May 26th, 2010

Thank you Blessed Mother of Mount Carmel for help in having my request granted. And thank you for all of your assistance throughout the years for the favors I have received
May 26th, 2010

Holy Mary, Mother of God, ever Virgin, please receive my humble thanks for Your help. MW
May 27th, 2010

My Dearest Mother Mary I wish to thank thee in advance for listening to my prayers. You are my guiding light and your help is need in our financial strive. But I ask you not only to allow us to obtain financial stability but also to use the gifts give to do our Lord's will. You you know His will can help my family not only in these dire times financially but also to guide us to do you Son's will. Always be our Mother and help the world accept His mercy in this special time. I love you and want all souls to love and do God's will here and in heaven. Help us please dearest Mother.
May 28th, 2010

Thank you, O Blessed Virgin of Mt Carmel, for helping me, JEP
June 2nd, 2010

Thanks you, My Mother and My Queen for helping me, Jolanta
June 6th, 2010

O Blessed Virgin of Mt Carmel, Thank you again for listening to my prayer, Jolanta
June 10th, 2010

Holy Mother, Star of the Sea, thank you for hearing my petition and, as always, for your swift intercession. Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, please keep me under the protection of your mantle.

June 16th, 2010

Thank you Blessed Mother, for this impossible request. I hope you don't get tired
of me...mtb
June 24th, 2010

Our Lady of Mount Carmel thank you so much for answering my petition.
I have already seen how you have helped us and answered my prayer.
June 28th, 2010

Thank you for helping me in the past securing a new job and helping me through dark times making our marriage stronger, and helping sort out financial issues. Please help me again as I have great faith in your powers. Please help me and my husband sort out present financial mess. I love you and wish your name be made known. AF
July 8th, 2010

I say thanks for prayers answered from the Novena of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
Thank you for your intercession. RC
July 8th, 2010

I thank you, Holy Mother for listening and answering my prayer. Denise K
July 11th, 2010

Dear Holy Mother, thank you for always being there for me and my family. Thank you for listening to my plea for my son, Dan, who needs a job right now that will restore his self-esteem, bring good people into his life, and lead him on the path to his future. Thank you for taking him into your loving hands and asking your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, for this help. It seems like an impossible task but with your help, I know anything is possible. You of all women know the pain of watching a son suffer. Thank you for your help with mine. Susan
14th July, 2010

17th July 2010

Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Thank you for all you have done for us in the past my faith in your miracles is strong because I know your powers having received your help. Please help us sell the site for a good sum to alleviate our financial pressures, help us to stay strong in our marriage and our faith, help us to have kindness patience and tolerance towards our children. May our first Son receive all the help he requires and may we give equal attention to our Second Son. Please bless this baby I am carrying and may it be a healthy happy child. Thank you for your miraculous intervention, may your name always be kept known and faith kept alive. AF
20th July 2010

Oh Holy Mother of God, Flower of Mount Carmel, please accept my seemingly infinite thanks for answering my prayers in my most very desperate time of need. Your help in this troublesome time will not go unrequited by me. I will strive every day to be son most worthy of your favors and help to my family, friends and myself. I will seek to emulate your son, and my king, Jesus each day to the best of my capabilities. Again, thank you from the very depths of my now very full and grateful heart. Brian
21st July 2010

Blessed Mother Mary, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, thank you sincerely for receiving and answering my petition.
Margaret 23rd July 2010.

Oh My Lady, thank you for the prayers answered about my daughter and her intended! I am heartily sorry for forgetting about the publishing! You NEVER FAIL! So many favors and requests you've helped me with, i can't convey how mortified i am that i failed to publish this sooner! Our lady of Mt. Carmel, fruitful vine, Splendor of heaven, thank you. Tanya
25th July 2010

Oh Mother Mary, Thank you again for helping my daughter.
27th July 2010

In thanksgiving to Our Lady for answered prayers,
Denise K,
31st July 2010

Thank Our Lady for the good news received recently regarding my father`s health.
Thank you for keeping both my parents healthy. Bill in Ireland.
1st August, 2010

Mary, Holy Mother of God and us all, thank you for always listening to my prayers and laying them at the feet of your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for helping my son. I know this problem seems small compared to others but this has been heavy on mind and heart for many years now. I know with your help, all will be well and I place him in your hands. You have always been close in mind and heart; help me to imitate you and your Son and to live how Jesus wants us to. Thank you again.
13th of August, 2010

Holy Mother, thank you for always listening and receiving my prayers to place at the feet of your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for any help with my son. I will continue to be your faithful daughter and try to live my life like you did yours, to try my best to be a good person in imitation of Jesus. Thank you, Blessed Mother.
13th of August, 2010

"I've asked you for what appears to me, to be the impossible. However, I believe you will answer my prayer in some form or another. Thank you in anticipation, Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
19th of August, 2010

Thanksgiving and love to Our Lady from Lynn
26th of August, 2010

"Many thanks for the granting of my wishes you truly are my mother and the blessed mother of god may your name be praised in heaven and earth.
30th of August, 2010

" Thank you Holy Mother for answering my prayers and petition's now and always. Thank you for your love and consonant protection, please pray for us and help is to live as your son our Lord wants us to and bless us in all our needs."
30th of August, 2010

Thank you dear Mary for the many blessings and prayers granted. I am eternally grateful.
1st of September, 2010

Holy Mother,
I pray for your divine help in this matter. Please heal the hearts and souls of all of those affected. Your presence brings me peace always.
2nd September, 2010

Our Lady of Mount Carmel I believe that you can make miracles happen, and my prayer request is going to require a miracle. I don't know how and when but I have faith that my prayer request is happening with you at the helm. Please Our Lady of Mount Carmel make haste and let me know you hear my petition.
4th September, 2010

Je rends grâce à Notre Seigneur Jésus d'avoir accepter mes prieres et mes remerciements et mon amour à Notre Dame de Mont Carmel par son intercession auprès de son fils.Jesus,Marie,je vous aime ,sauvez les âmes.
Niry .
6th September, 2010

Dear Mary, I thank you from my heart for praying to Jesus for my Mom. My momloves you with all of her heart and is devoted to you. Mom has had a badsummer with health and I know that my prayer to you is in your hand for
my mom Patricia. Oh thank you Mary for always being here to listen
and pray for us. I am confident mom will be feeling better. Thank you
I love you Mary with all my heart.
8th of September, 2010

"Thank you again for your help and guidance mother Mary, I love you from the bottom of my heart. Love, Sean"
13th September, 2010

Dear Mother Mary, thank you so much for echoing my weak prayers. Thank you for your love, your care, your example. Thank you for answering my petition. Thank your for drawing me and my fiance closer to Jesus. I love you, my mother. Sarah
2nd of October, 2010

Thank you Holy Mary for your powerful intercession in my hour of need also for the blessings on me and my family. Denise
5th of October, 2010

Dearest Mother, I humbly beseech thee to honor the request I have made to help my family in dire financial straits. Please always keep my family within thy bosom, and with thy love and interception I know my family will be in heaven's hands. Thank you for becoming my Mother and for all your graces. I know all will pass and therefore I leave my request in your hands which are always the same as God's will. May all be done. Janet
20st of October, 2010

Thanking Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in advance of favor received to trust in hope and faith that prayer will be answered. Gail
27th of October, 2010

Mother Mary, Blessed and Holy, you've watched from your throne in heaven all my efforts to change my life. Without your help, I could never have gotten this far, and I thank you for seeing my struggles, hearing all my petitions, and answering my prayers. Truly, you are close to me, and I take comfort in your presence. - Andrew
17th of November, 2010

I humbly thank you O Blessed Virgin of Mt Carmel for listening to my prayer. JEP
21st of November

"Lord Jesus thank you for our Lady of Mount Carmel our Mother for her constant intercession and protection. Thank you Holy Mother in confidence for you intercession to save these souls which I have prayed for and for the happy conclusion to what I have asked for that it is pleasing to the Lord that we may all grow in faith and be healed. In addition to the Thanksgiving for the healing and progress you have already provided- please through your intercession let it not be lost but rather built upon for the Glory of God the Most High

Your sinful servant


30th November, 2010

Holy Mother thank you for your constant intercession and thank you for the answer to my prayers. Nicole
1st of December, 2010

Dearest Mother, thank you for interceding and presenting my petitions to God on my behalf. Though I am unworthy, I am confident that I will obtain God's comfort and reassurance through your intercession. May I be granted the opportunity to serve you as promised. Catherine
13th of December, 2010

Mary Mother of God, I want to give you thanks for interceding for me I want to give thanks for the restoration of my marriage. Christine O.
17th of December, 2010

Thank you O Blessed Virgin of Mt Carmel for graces received through your intercession - Elizabeth
21st of December, 2010

Thank you Blessed Virgin of Mt Carmel for graces received and prayers answered, J
25th of December, 2010

Thank you, dear Mother, for your faithful intercession of my prayers. I am confident that God is answering my prayer.- M.
January 2, 2011

Thank you, O Blessed Virgin of Mt Carmel for graces received and answer to my prayer.
January 12th, 2011

I give my thanks to our Lady for her intercession, confident that my prayer will be answered. T. H. V. Philippines
January 14th, 2011

Holy Mary My Queen My Mother, I give you thanks from my heart that You would pray to Your Son our Lord Jesus Christ, that He would ask the Father God Almighty to bless my son Christian, a United States Marine, by keeping him safe from returning to combat in Afghanistan . As Your Son Jesus has said “All that we ask of the Father in His name, the Father will grant unto us”. I feel most confident that my prayer is answered. Thank You Blessed Virgin! John M.

January 14th, 2011

Dear LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL thank you for hearing my prayer, for helping me with my problems and granted me my petition. Joanna W.

January 17th, 2011

O dearest Mother, O Blessed Virgin of Mt Carmel for listening to my prayer and for your help. J.

January 17th, 2011

Holy Mother thank you for your constant intercession, protection and for answering my petitions. Nicole
January 18th, 2011

Holy Mother of Mount Carmel,

Thank you for hearing my prayer and concerns and bringing a wonderful answer to my prayers. I have great financial difficulties which have piled up upon me since a horrible divorce which was not of my making. I know that you are keeping me close to your heart and are always watching over me and I thank you for that. Thank you Dear Mother for bringing the financial relief that I so deeply need so that I may go forward and to the work that the Good Lord wants me to do and not be set back from doing that by my financial difficulties and anxieties about money problems. It means so much to me to know that always, always you are here with me.

Much love, Joan
January 19th, 2011

Thank you Our Lady of Mount Carmel for all answered prayers now and always!

January 27th, 2011

O Holy Mother, Blessed Virgin you have helped me in all facets of my life, especially in time of trouble. I know that you will grant the full recovery of my health so that I can continue the work of God. Thank you Sweet Mother.
Anonymous, February 1st, 2011

Grateful thanks to Our Lady for answered prayer from Beverley
February 26th, 2011

O Blessed Virgin of Mt Carmel, thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening to my prayer and helping me in this my necessity. You are my Mother and my Queen, thank you, Jolanta
March 6th, 2011

Great Lady our Mother thank you for healing my family please continue to intercede for us now and always. Thank you, Nicole
March 8th, 2011

Thank you so much, Mary. You have accomplished the impossible, and I thank you for your powerful intercession. I love you, Aaron
March 9th, 2011

Dearest Mother, Thank you for answering my prayer.. Oh Most Holy Mother, I adore thee. I shall continue to honour you and make known your novena to anyone in need. Tanty
March 12th, 2011

O Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Queen of Heaven and Earth, thank you for Your Most Powerful Intercession regarding my urgent Financial situation. O Immaculate Heart of Mary pray for us now and at the hour of our death. I love You O Blessed Mother Mother and will never cease to utter so beautiful and powerful Your Name. Amen
March 12th, 2011

My Lady of Mt. Carmel, Thank you for obtaining my request from your Divine Son Jesus. I know you asked Him for me as you held Him in your arms. I thank you in advance Mary because Jesus said, "whatever you ask for in prayer, if you believe you have received it, it will be yours". David, NYC
March 23rd, 2011

Holy Mother thank you for answering my prayers and reuniting part of my family. Please continue to intercede for us and move a mountain in my daughters heart, through your intercession and through the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Amen. Thank you, Nicole
April 6th, 2011

Blessed Virgin, help me to stay strong in my faith and never to question your Son. Please, continue to lead my son on the road to his career. Thank you for always being there for me. Susan
April 8th, 2011

My Mother Mary, you are full of Graces. I appreciate you for your graces that you have allowed to manifest in my life. I prayed to you to exonerate me in the problems my enemies have enveloped me. Within two days your wonders happened. I was eventually exonerated. These were problems on the job which had lingered on for about 3 months! My enemies were shamed and I and my family will continue to sing Alleluia to God. We believe all other prayers sent to you are already granted because we have faith and we have been convinced. My Mother Mary, I thank you for being a good Mother to us. Empower me spiritually to continue to preach you and your powers to others. Thank you, my Good Mother.


Great Lady, I thank you for your constant intercession, for answering me and restoring my family. Please continue with your mother Good St Anne to go to the thrown of God and ask for a healing for our family, Our Lady of Mt Carmel, make haste, to help us.

Holy Mother- Blessed be your name and the name of your son Jesus Christ. thank you for your intercession and miracles withing my family. Please continue to intercede for us, unite and heal us and help our daughter in Jesus name amen. Nicole
14th April, 2011

Thank you my dearest Mother for listening to me. Please help me as l am going through this terrible depression . I know that with your help l will get better. l promise to make your name better known and better loved. 1rene
16th April, 2011

Thank you O Blessed Virgin of Mt Carmel for listening to my prayers and for all your help and graces received. JP
26th April, 2011

O Our Dear Blessed Mother, you truly are our Mother, who upon seeing me, your daughter in need, could not bear to be her so troubled. You not only gave the material response to my request, you have awakened and inspired in me the right way to see the crosses I have to bear, and the graces that the Lord Jesus Christ has never failed to shower on me all throughout my life. Thank you, my dear Mother. I will never stop adoring, loving, praising and thanking your Immaculate Heart and the Most Immaculate Heart of your Son, Jesus. Please always guide me and stay with me forever. Amen. LLV
10th May, 2011

O Blessed Mother Mary, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, thank you my heavenly Mother for granting my request. O Mary, Blessed Virgin, Our Lady of the Brown Scapular, I love you. John D
13th May, 2011

Holy Mary, Mother of God, thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. With your assistance, help me to live up to this grace and do God's Will thereby. Beatrice
26th May, 2011

Holy Mother, I believe in this prayer! I believe I will overcome all struggling I am facing with my PhD. With your help I'm sure I will do a good work and I will finish it on time. Our Lady of Mount Carmel, thank you. Carlos
5th June 2011

Thank-you Lady of Mount Carmel for being there to listen to my fears as life unfolds. It is so wonderful to know that you are there to listen to me. JLC
11th June 2011

thank u Mother for giving me hope. I am confidant that you will perform a miracle and saju will be healed.
Hail Mary...Mother of God

Oh dearest virgin Mother Mary, I thank you for your constant intercetions for me every time I pray to you. I thank you for the protection you have provided to me and my family. I believe that the job that i have asked throughout this period will come to pass through the mighty power that you have. It will be for the good of everybody and not just for me. I thank you and trust that everything will be okay in the name of Jesus. Amen

Your loving daughter Josephine
23rd of June, 2011

My dear Mother of Mount Carmel, I thank you with all my heart and soul and strength for hearing my prayer. I know you always hear my prayer. Thank you for saving my marriage and bringing my wife back to me, thank you for changing her heart and understanding the truth of Jesus, thank you for making her repent from the bottom of her heart. Thank you Mother Mary of Mount Carmel. I thank you.
24th of June, 2011

Thank you blessed mother for your lightening swift answer to my prayers and for all your help, love & support. Thank you also to your Son, Jesus son of God.
24th of June, 2011

Holy Precious Mother, thank you for answering my prayers and allowing me to experience true joy and happiness. Blessed be your wonderful name. Stacey
June 25th, 2011

Blessed Mother, thank you for hearing my prayers in all their selfishness. I know that I am asking you to grant me the impossible. I am eternally grateful and eternally in your debt. Thank you for granting what I have been pleading for. JM
June 28th, 2011

Thanksgiving to Our Lady for graces received, from Wullie C
July 8th, 2011

Holy Mother, I thank you for listening to my poor prayer and granting my petition. Thank you for being our Mother and keeping us under the mantle of your protection. Thy name O Mother brings such joy and peace to my heart. Marie S.
July 13th, 2011

Holy Mary, thank you for listening to my prayers. I trust in your love.

Thank you,
13th July, 2011

O Mary my Mother, I thank you for listening to my prayer and for so many graces received. I trust in you, Jolanta
15th July, 2011

Thank you so much for listening to my oh-so-human prayers. My gratitude for your love, intercession, and protection is deep. I know I am blessed to have you in my life and I look forward to growing closer to you. Thank you for the graces for which I ask that are in accordance with His will. Thank you, Mother Mary. I love you. NTJ Kansas City

My sweet dearest Mama Mary, I know you never fail in coming to my assistance.
in answering my most heartfelt petitions and prayers, in Jesus' name, Amen. LC 7/17/11

Dearest Mother Mary, thank you for interceding for me. I trust in you and your holy Son, through whom all things are possible. - Catherine.
18th July, 2011

Blessed Mother, Through your intercession, I have faith my prayer will be answered. Joseph
19th July, 2011

My dearest Mother, I'm really really looking forward to your intercession in my utmost urgent prayers. Please mother please do not forsake me. Your daughter in distress, Rosy
20th July, 2011

Dear, compassionate Mother, I come to you in gratitude for the peace I know your intercession will bring to my relationship, for the wisdom God will grant me in this most difficult decision of my life. I trust that He who controls life itself will show me the light to the right path. Thank you, dear Mother, for your intercession and love. Christine

My Dear Mother, Queen of Heaven, I want to thank you for another petition granted through Your Dear Son, Jesus Christ!
You are indeed our Mother, never known to fail us in our time of distress.
Thank You! Thank You! Grant me the grace to spread devotion to You and Your Son.

With gratitude and love,

21st July, 2011

Dear Mother
What can i say?? I didnt know that it will ever happen and it did my face is completely beautiful and ive got my dream job and im fully satisfied with it.Not only that, im attached as well and hes a catholic and all that i have ever wanted, hoped,wished and prayed for has happened. Thank you sooooo much...This is the best month ever!!!!Love you forever mother.....

Your grateful and out-of-loss of words daughter
21st July, 2011

Our Holy Mother, I prayed for the miracle to have my husband returned to me a faithful, drug free, loving husband and father. Through your intercession my prayers have been answered and my family will continue to be blessed, protected, and guided by you and my Lord God. Your protection and blessings as my Mother, I shall always be grateful for and sing your praises. On this, our youngest sons first birthday, my prayers have been answered. Thank you for granting me the miracle of keeping my family together and being loved faithfully by my husband. My children will now get to grow in this world knowing the love of a complete family that was only possible by the grace of God and your love for me. With all of my heart, I thank you.
Tina A.

Dear Blessed Mother Mary, thank you for hearing and listening to my prayers. Thank you for interceding and restoring my relationship with N and helping us find our way back together. I will be forever grateful to you and show you my gratitude through my daily actions. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love you. R.
21st of July, 2011

Dear Blessed Mother Mary, Thank you for hearing my prayers with N. Please find it in your heart to have mercy on me and answer my prayers. I promise that I will never take for granted my relationship or life with N. and I will never forget that you helped me in answering my prayers. I will try to show you my gratitude every single day somehow/someway, either through my actions, volunteer work, donations, charities...........however I can show you, I will. I promise to never forget this great favor that you granted me. Please hear my prayers and answer them as you have in the past. I will be forever thankful. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, I know you will do everything you possibly can to intercede for me and restore my relationship with N. and bring him back to me. Thank you, I love you. R.

Holy Mother, Queen of Peace, I thank you for creating an atmosphere of harmony at work and for diluting whatever false poison people have spread about me. Thank you for helping us to get along and for restoring the brotherly love that existed at the beginning. Compassionate Mother, please continue to dispell the discord among your children and help us remember always that we are all your children. (Christine, 27.7.2011)

Dear Holy Mother, Thank you for listening to my request. I trust in you. I am happy with the outcome, May your Divine Son be praised for evermore. Your will, in union with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, be done. Mike
27th of July, 2011

Dear Blessed Mother thank you so much for answering my prayer. Virginia
29th of July, 2011

I believe in Jesus Christ and respect Our Lady of Mount Carmel and Holy Tradition of the RC Church. I believe and trust my petition will be granted to me. Anitta
2nd August, 2011

Thank you, our dear Lady of Mount Carmel for my niece’s successful surgery and her safety. Thank you, too for my successful oral surgery. kog
3rd August, 2011

I have with great devotion have said the petition prayer to our Lady of Mount Carmel. With great devotion and anxiety I have prayed to our dearest Mother to help my daughter pass through her IPCC Exam in the first attempt itself, in all the seven papers that she has appeared. With great devotion I have prayed that my daughter does not fail this Exam, and passes through her first attempt itself, wherein the results will be declared on 8th August’2011 at 2pm. My hearfelt thanksgiving to our dearest Blessed Mother, who has never ever failed me in the past. I, with great gratitude, give my utmost thanks, and every beat of my heart love and honour her. I thank dearest Blessed Virgin Mother for all the blessing that she has bestowed on my family, my children and me. I earnestly pray that my entire family be always close to her and her dearest son our Lord Jesus Christ. With regards and thanksgiving I end my above text to be published through your profile. With regards and blessing to you and your family. Daisy, Mumbai.

It has been a long road and many years with Craig. Thank you for the peace I feel with this situation and confidence that however it turns out that it is God's will.
Donna C
7th August, 2012

Thank you so much, Our Lady of Mt Carmel. I have full confidence that you will answer my petition.
Thank you thank you thank you! S
9th August, 2011

Blessed Mother Mary, Thank you, for listening to my prayers. I am sure you will intercede on my behalf soon. Sandra
11th August, 2011

O Mary my sweet Mother you have always been with me supporting me and wiping my tears off. I thank you for all that from the bottom of my heart. I ask with all my hope to remove all the barriers between this relationship of me and raj, to make our parents agree for relation and allow us to get married to each other and live a peaceful life with each other. I beg of you O my sweet loving Mother the help of all to grant me thy special grace and special aid in getting my petition granted. I trust you my Mother that you will help me and grant me my petition through your powerful intercession. Shruti
14th August, 2011

Thank you Most Holy Mother for listening to my petition, PG
17th August, 2011

Thank you Most Holy Mother for listening to my petition, Fred
18th August, 2011

Thank you Most Holy Mother of Mount Carmel for your blessings and miracle granted to our family. Thank you for helping me in my most desperate hour. You are forever in my heart. Thank you Mother Mary, I love you. MK
20th August, 2011

Oh holy Mary Mother of God, Queen of heaven and earth. I want to deeply thank you for helping me and answering my prayers. Thank you sending my special someone back into my life. I will forever praise your name. You are forever in my heart.....Mickey
21st August, 2011

In thanksgiving for answering my prayer: None can withstand Thy power! Beatrice
22nd August, 2011

Thank you again, O Most Holy Mother for listening to my petition, PG
22nd August, 2011

Thank you so so much mother Mary for answering my prayers.
From S
22nd August, 2011

Dear Blessed Virgin, Mary, Mother of God, Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Thank you for interceding on my behalf with your Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ, and asking him the grant my request. I will be forever grateful to you and try to show you my gratitude and devotion everyday. I will never forget how you heard me and answered my prayers and I will be forever grateful to you and never take it for granted. Thank you once again for having mercy on me and finding it in your heart to answer my prayers. I am so happy and grateful to you and I will always remember this. I love you and thank you from the bottom of my heart. Amen. RS
30th August, 2011

Thank you holy Mary,mother of God, star of the sea our lady of Impossible cases. I venerate thee, you give me job and have made all my impossible cases possible.Thank you Mary cause of my joy. Kenechukwu
5th September, 2011

Thank you Mary, Mother of God for all your blessings and favours received.
9th September, 2011

Thank you my Dearest Mother for listening to my requests and for Your help. JP
12th September, 2011

Oh Blessed Virgin Mary, my Mother of God, thank you in advance for finding work where I can touch others with a sign of the cross. Thank you for the physical health and spiritual well being of the ones I have specifically prayed for. Please bring my family together in our Lord’s Church and on this earth. May I be an instrument for my Lord in my teaching this year. Thank you again. I love you! Kit
13th September, 2011

I get so much comfort in this prayer and in knowing that Mary will help with my current problem... I have seen the blessings of this prayer and I truly believe it does not fail and won't fail me this time, either. Thank you, Mary, and I will continue to thank you all the days of my life. -Jennifer B

My dearest Mother,
Forever I am grateful for the many times you have saved me, helped me, and protected me. I am thankful that you continue to pray for me and my family. If not for you, I know that my life would have been unbearable. Thank you for your prayers and intercessions.....and all my answered prayers. I love you.

29th September, 2011

Thank you so much Mother Mary for helping me in my need. Thank you for helping me commit my relationship with DGD and filling us with love and understanding. Thanks for erasing all the misunderstandings, bitterness between us and helping us both to value each other and grow as happy, caring individuals with one another. Thank you for the wonderful memorable phase of our life when we met each other and had a beautiful journey.
Please hold your shining light above us and continue to guide us both always.

Thanks so much,
2nd October, 2011

Most Holy Virgin, Flower and Beauty of Carmel, you are my inspiration and guide. I thank you and place my cause in your hands. You inspire me to be a better mother, wife and woman. Thank you for your Mercy.
Maria U.
5th October, 2011

Thank you Mother, for answering my prayer. AJ
12th October, 2011

O Blessed Virgin Mary, I pray and ask you to guide my children through this difficult time in their lives. For my son to recuperate from knee surgery and my daughter to gain self-confidence. Thank-you Mary, for listening to my prayers.
14th of October, 2011

My Most Holy Mother, thank you with all my heart for hearing the prayers of your most undeserving child. Thank you for quickly getting us completely out of this wretched debt and allowing me to keep my home and saving my marriage; also for finding my husband work with a steady paycheck that we may be able to continue to live together in harmony like the Holy Family. I appreciate with all my heart your constant and unceaseing protection and intercession. Love, Josie
16th of October, 2011

Thank-you! The move is almost here. I have a job, now I just need the right place to live. Please watch over me! Blessings and many thanks!!!

Jenn 10/16/2011

My Most Holy Mother, thank you with all my heart for hearing the prayers of your most undeserving child.  Thank you for quickly getting us completely out of this wretched debt and allowing me to keep my home and saving my marriage; also for finding my husband work with a steady paycheck that we may be able to continue to live together in harmony like the Holy Family.  I appreciate with all my heart your constant and unceasing protection and intercession.  Love, Josie
17th October, 2011

Thank you gracious Lady for hearing my plea for financial help ,I'm secure in knowing you will hear this prayer and have mercy on me a sinner , but faithful child of your Blessed Son Jesus Christ , sincerely Katie
18th October, 2011

I submit my cares and anxieties to Our Lady of Mt Carmel and ask humbly that she might see fit to answer my heart-felt petition. Brendan
19th October, 2011

Dear Blessed Mother, I never understood how much I loved you until now that I'm a mother myself. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for hearing me and interceding for me to your son Jesus. I need your intercession Mother and I thank you! I love you! Thank you also for the blessing of our new national Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help! LMD
20th October, 2011

Thank you for always being by my side and getting me to were I am today in life. I am forever grateful. Please assist me in this favour I ask, I believe in you, you have always answered my prayers before And never let me down xxx OM
22nd October, 2011

Dearest Mother of Mount Carmel
Thank you for hearing and having mercy on me and my family. Thank you so very much dearest Mother – I have prayed so long with no answer. We need our pension back now Mother – you can see that my poor husband is tired and getting too old to continue to work so very hard. Dearest Mother of God, you know how hard it is down here. You had to watch while your loved ones suffered. Please Mother, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit love you so much they will gladly grant your request for me. Hide me and my family in your love Mother Dearest. I have joined the Carmel Guild here in town and I so look forward to spreading the good news about you, our loving Mother of Mount Carmel.
I do not know the precious prayer I have just prayed to you by heart dearest One but know that I will continue to say it and that I fervently mean to print it here if that please you. Know that I love you Mother of mine, thank you thank you. Amen, AW
22nd October, 2011

Thank you so much Mumma Mary of Mount Carmel. We all thank you so much for the favour received by reciting the lovely prayer to you for three days. We have no words to thank you. You know how much we love you Mumma. Thank you once again Mumma now and always your child. Rita
24th October, 2011

Holy Mother thank you for everything you have done for me and my family; I prayed this pray to you many, many years ago for my brother and you answered my prayer and I pray this prayer to you again today for my husband. Thank you for your mercy. mia
25th October, 2011

Thank you Lady Carmel for making my wishes come true. Thank you thank you thank you
26th October, 2011

Thanks, praise, glory and honour to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel for hearing my pleas for a complete, speedy recovery from a very painful and distressing trapped nerve. John
28th October, 2011

Our Lady, thank you AGAIN for helping me and my goofy are certainly going to get a lot of Catholics out of THIS one! Larry's back and neck will thank you too! I love you so much! Thank you. Tanya
29th October, 2011

Mother Mary, I have faith that through your intercession, my petition and prayers regarding my son will be heard and granted. I thank You with my whole heart. nk
30th October, 2011

Blessed Mother, if I have any sins I have not confessed, that I have forgotten about or in ignorance committed against Him, I ask for the grace that they be made known to me so I may go and confess them. Every night before I sleep I will strive to pray that my sins be made known to me that day so I may go and confess them and I ask for the grace that I might learn from my sins so that I may strive to avoid them. I do not want to grieve your son's or your heart. I realize I need grace from your son my savior to accomplish this, I can do nothing without his grace or mercy. Please accept this prayer and make it perfect, I can do nothing through my own power. I have other prayers I need graces for but I wanted to come and ask for forgiveness first. I thank you Blessed Mother for showing us how to love your son. For praying for us to your son. You are the Queen of Heaven and Earth, and my Blessed Mother, please accept my prayer. CKM
4th November, 2011

Blessed Mother, I thank you for listening to my prayer and for graces received, J.
6th November, 2011

For my best friend. Someone your Son sent to me to be my friend in this life and the next, when my own mother was called back to Heaven. She is physically struggling which is causing emotional distress as well. For the God's grace during this trial in her life that she may do his will. Thank you for hearing my prayer.M
6th November, 2011

Oh Holy Mother, Thank You for prayers answered, SPA
14th November, 2011

I want to send my thanksgiving to be published in gratitude to Our Lady of Mount Carmel for favors received. Our Blessed Mother is a loving and powerful advocate for her children on earth. With much thanks, Gail C.
15th November, 2011

Thank you Mary my mother for listening and answering my prayers. UC
16th November, 2011

Mother Mary, thank you so much. I believe through your intercession that our prayers will be answered immediately. Tammy & Connor
17th November, 2011

Thank you dear Mother for your powerful and kind intercession as I know through your intercession, my prayers and petition will be answered immediately. Thank you for the blessings and graces you have bestowed on me and my family. I love and adore you.. CF
19th November, 2011

Dear Mother of Mount Carmel, Thank you for the gift of relief, for the joy that comes from peace. Thank you for bringing this distressing issue to a blessed resolution. sMJ ~ The Day before Thanksgiving!
23rd November, 2011

Thank you Mary, Mother of God even though I am not worthy thank you - Maria
23rd November, 2011

Thank you for always remembering me when I forget you - Mia
23rd November, 2011

I would like to thank Mary my Mother for prayers answered - Mother Mary I trust that my prayer is answered amen - char
23rd November, 2011

My Beloved Mama Mary, I thank you in advance for your powerful intercession and for answering my prayers for Conrad’s complete and permanent healing and deliverance from the addiction to alcohol. May your mantle of love, grace and protection always be upon him. Lead him closer to your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, so that God’s divine plans for his life will be fulfilled. Amen. I love you, Mama Mary - Monisha
25th November, 2011

Thank you Holy Mother for listening and answering my prayers. Forever Devoted
25th November, 2011

I say thank to Our Lady for my prayers have been answered. Nancy
29th November, 2011

Blessed Mother, thank you for calling to me, and not leaving me to wander aimlessly. You are again awakening my heart to heaven. My mother prayed the Rosary every day, and when she left this earth, I know her Rosary continued for all of us. I see her joy. Thank you for my mother, and thank you for drawing me back to you. In you I trust my deepest petitions, and I thank you for your abundant blessings. May I live a purposeful life. Sharon
29th November, 2011

All praise and glory to you Blessed Mother. In the hours between writing my last note of thanksgiving until this, there have been substantial changes in response to my petition...and on the third day. Thank you for noticing me. I will share these blessings. Sharon
30th November, 2011

My Holy Mother, thank you for all the blessings you Have afforded to me and my family. I pray Holy Mother that you hear my prayer for my daughter. Thank you for always listening to my prayers, and I am forever devoted to you. LPD
30th November, 2011


I thank you Our Lady for already helping me in this terrible situation I’m experiencing right now, in terms of my financial woes. This has taught me a proper lesson in this stage of my life. I have every faith in your efficacious intercession and will commit my devotions to you as long as I live. I know Sweet Jesus will listen to you to perform a miracle as at Cana , may he change my debts into financial blessings. This I ask from the bottom of my heart, dearest Mother of the Son of God, for your powerful intercession. I can trust no one with this prayer except through You, My Mother for your Son and our God to grant me this favour. Amen
Your Ever Grateful Daughter, AN
1st December, 2011

Thank you, dear Blessed Mother for your graciousness in hearing my prayers and interceding to your precious son Jesus and to God the Father, for my elderly mother's recovery from recent surgery and for the healing of the nerve pain in her right leg and of the lumbar spinal stenosis. She is already improving and I know that she will continue to improve with your loving care and intercession. Thank you for always looking after us. We love you. Shannon S.
1at December, 2011

Oh, most beautiful flower of Mt. Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven. Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity, Oh Star of the Sea, help me and show me here you are my Mother. Oh Holy Mary, Mother of God Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech thee from the bottom of my heart to succor me in my necessity (make request). There are none that can withstand your power. Oh Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (say three times). Holy Mary, I place this prayer in your hands (say three times). Amen.CR
2nd December, 2011

Beloved Mama Mary, I thank you in advance for interceding for us and granting our prayers for the apartment deals to go through according to the desires of our heart. Keep us always close to the Sacred Heart of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. I love you, Mama Mary - Monisha
3rd December, 2011

Beloved Mama Mary, thank you for granting our prayers for one apartment deal to go through according to the desires of our heart. I thank you in advance for interceding and granting our prayers for the other apartment deal to go through as well. We love you Mama Mary. Truly nothing is impossible for our mighty God! Amen. I love you, Mama Mary - Monisha
5th December, 2011

Thank you Mother Mary for interceding and having my prayers answered for me. F.B
6th December, 2011

Thank you Mother Mary from the bottom of my heart for all that you have done for me, for listening to me, guiding me and interceding for me. I love you mother Mary and thank you for the help you are giving me at this time and for answering my prayers. Thank you A.R.E.
10th December, 2011

Thank You Mother Mary for listening, interceding and having my prayers answered for me. Fran
11th December, 2011

Thank you for answering my prayers. Mia
12th December, 2011

Mother Mary, thank you so very sincerely for listening to my prayers and answering them. I love you so much and look forward with great anticipation to growing closer to you. NTJ
12th December, 2011

I am extremely happy in finding that site and for this wonderful prayer that I received and will gladly share it with others. Thank you HOLY MARY,MOTHER OF JESUS.
13th December, 2011

Thank you Holy Mother of God and my Mother for listening to my prayer and for your help, JP
14th December, 2011

Holy Mother
Thank you for always hearing my prayers, and for your compassion and grace with which your care for all of us. Thank you for answering my prayers in the past and the present. Forever devoted to you. LGD
14th December, 2011

Thank you Mary for hearing my prayers. ST
15th December, 2011

Thank you, O Most Blessed Virgin for listening to my prayer, Jolanta
16th December, 2011

Dearest Mother Mary, thankyou for hearing my heartfelt plea yet again...Thankyou so much for giving me back my relationship with DGD. I will never again take our relationship for granted.Thanks for showering your mercy and bringing him back to me again. Please let us never be apart and always be happy with each other together.
Love and Thanks, Deeps
18th December, 2011.

Oh, most beautiful flower of Mt. Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven. Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity, Oh Star of the Sea, help me and show me here you are my Mother. Oh Holy Mary, Mother of God Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech thee from the bottom of my heart to succor me in my necessity (make request). There are none that can withstand your power. Oh Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (say three times). Holy Mary, I place this prayer in your hands (say three times). Amen.
Thank you My Queen -DM
20th December, 2011

Dear Virgin Mother, Thank you for your blessings during this holiday season, and throughout the year. You are most deserving of our love and devotion. I keep you in my heart and you are my guiding light. May your light shine upon all those that need hope, love and joy. MCU
21st December, 2011

I praise and thank you my Holy Mother for blessing me and helping me to help those who are in need. Marcella
21st December, 2011

Thank you in advance Holy Mary, Our Mother. Anonymous
21st December, 2011

I thank God for the blessing of my wife and my son. I am very thankful that God has given me a very nice, kind, and loving family. Josh P. and Crystal LuAnn Kennedy
22nd December, 2011

Holy Mary, Mother of our God,
I am joyful that I can talk to you through this prayer and tell you about my necessity. I am grateful to you and I know you will not leave me on my own in this difficult time. Thank you. V.V.
23rd December, 2011

Dear Lady of Mount Carmel, thank you for granting my request. My devotion to you is forever. Lisa D.
30th December, 2011

After saying the prayer for one day.......

I have had a breakthrough in an area in my life that has been seemingly impossible to change. I've gone through tremendous financial difficulties over the past several years and it seems as though a dream will be coming true. It hasn't made itself clear as to how it will affect me financially, but I am certain that at least stability will finally take hold.

Thank you holy Mother Mary. (Plus, my parish is Our Lady of Mount Carmel), it makes me cry just thinking about it). This prayer is a direct line to Her. I believe it 100%.

Thank you for helping me out!

Nancy McC.
31st December, 2011

Thank you Mother for blessing SRK and my marriage. Thank you Mother for blessing with a good job of your chcice. Rgds, DR
6th January, 2012

Holy Mary, Many thanks for listening to my pleas.I am in dire need of financial help and finding permanent or steady employment. I believe you will answer my prayer. Thanking you in advance, LDQ.
6th January, 2012

My Holy Mother, thank you for helping my son, MGreen.
6th January, 2012

Our Lady of Mount Carmel I thank you for the blessings, guidance and graces that our family have received. Thank for hearing my prayers to unite my family in love, peace, respect, joy and contentment. Our Lady of Mount Carmel you never fail to grant those who implored your help. Thank you for guiding my children to do better in their education. I love you and entrust to you my desires, needs of my family and worries, please take care of them. Thank you once again for being there for me in my desperate times. I always call upon you and trust for your mercy and goodness, Jo.
7th January, 2012

Dear Our Lady of Mt Carmel, thank you that I received an answer to my first novena. Please hear and answer me again regarding Allan. VM
9th January, 2012

My Dear Beautiful Queen - Thank you so much for all the wonderful Blessings I have in my life. I am so grateful to have the friends and family that I have and that I wake up everyday to see the beauty of Gods creation. I believe you are always with me guiding me. Thank you for your intercession. I am certain that my prayers will be answered. I will gain employment and I believe that my pay will be in abundance that I will be able to take care of my family and that I will find the true love that I long for. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart. I praise you, Mary my Queen, always and forever. Love your child - Maryalice
9th January, 2012

Thank You For The Mercy, Holy Mother of Son of GOD, I pray to you for your help in my hour of need. Holy Mother, please help me deliver my request to the Lord JESUS CHRIST and send the Holy Spirit to help me make this wish or miralce to become a reality. Forgive my sins and allow me to walk proudly as God's servant. I accept JESUS CHRIST as my savior and teacher to guide me towards the path of righteous way of life. Thank you and praise the Lord GOD. Amen, RS
9th January, 2012

Dear Blessed Mother Mary, our Lady of Mount Carmel, I thank you with all my heart for hearing me and interceding for me to our Lord, your Son, for my most dear petition. Please know how thankful I am to have you as my Mother, you comfort me and you are there to help me. Thank you Blessed Mother, I love you! -Lacey
10th January, 2012

My prayer has not be answered yet, but I know she will hear and answer my prayer and petitions to her.

I am publishing this prayer to her and know that my prayers will be granted. Thank you Blessed Mother, Gina.
10th January 10, 2012

My prayer has not be answered yet, but I know OLMC will hear and answer my prayer and petitions. I know that my prayers will be granted. Thank you Blessed Mother, Gina
10th January 10, 2012

Thank you mother for fulfilling my prayers. Rgds, DR
12th January, 2012

Most Holy Virgin:

I give thanks to thee for I am confident that you will intercede for me. I know my prayers will be answered and that I will gain employment. You hear my cries of a lonely heart and I I know you will bring someone into my life that will be my best friend/true love - the way god intended a couple to be. I would be forever in your debt if "V" and I came face to face today. I know I am still in his heart and maybe seeing me again would change things for the better. Thank you so much!
Love - Maf
14th January, 2012

Please thank Mary Mother of GOD for listening to me and asking GOD to make it his will to answer my prayers the way I see them. I know it is so not as important as many other's problems, but thank you and her from the bottom of my heart. Please pray that the outcome will be the way I know in my heart it should be for my beautiful daughter. Thank you O Blessed Mother, KD
15th of January, 2012

I thank our lady for listening and I know and believe my prayers will be answered holy mother of god pray for us who have recourse to thee, Charlotte.
15th of January, 2012

Thank you Mother for fulfilling my wish, DR
16th of January, 2012

Holy Mary, Mother of God, thank you for hearing my prayers! There are none that can withstand thy power!
21st of January, 2012

I will continue to pray in thanksgiving for nine days. I know our lady will hear and answer my petitions. Thank You Blessed Mother for all of my answered prayers. Gina T.
23rd of January, 2012

Our lady of mt.Carmel,I thank you for your powerful intercession.Oh beautiful flower of mt Carmel,thank you for obtaining for me from your divine son,all blessings,both spiritual and temporal,particulary the grace of financial assistance,which will enable me to meet and satisfy my financial obligation with a local bank.Virgin most powerful,thank you for your love towards me and my loved ones. FN
29th of January, 2012

Thank you, Blessed Mother for hearing and answering my prayers in the past, because you have answered, and for these particular ones in the future. I will continue to ask for your help. Gina.
30th of January, 2012

Blessed Mother, thank you for listening to my desperate prayers. Have mercy on me and my children. I humbly but urgently seek your intercession to save my marriage, rescue my husband from what appears to be a terrible midlife crisis, and restore his love for me. I know that miracles are possible with your help. Our family will soon be whole and healed, with my husband back home for good as a loving spouse and responsible father. Dear Mother, you are my light in my darkest hour, and I thank you with all my heart. M
3rd of February, 2012

Dear Mama Mary, Please help with this special request as I am in dire need. Please place this request at Jesus' feet and intercede for me as always. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your mercy and powerful intercession for the countless favors and petitions you have granted. LCD
6th of February, 2012

Thank you Blessed Mother for answering some of my petitions, I know and believe that the rest are sure to be answered before long. Thank you so much for listening to me and granting some of my petitions. I will constantly keep praying to you, my devotion to you is constant, and also to your son. Thanks ever so much, your servant GT.
8th February, 2012

Thank you Our Lady of Mt. Carmel for your continued support. I know that you will bring me positive test results tomorrow blessing my familiy and answering my requests. Thank you in advance for my blessings. JH
13th February, 2012

Blessed Mother- thank you for all your graces and mercies and for strengethening me- Nothing is impossible for God- thank you.AM
16th February, 2012

I would like to thank you again for this blog - I have prayed the Novena and it gave me a lot of spiritual strength. In reciting the prayer I have recieved a lot of graces granted to me through Our Lady of Mt Carmel intercession. Please publish my testimony to let other believers know that Our Mother's help and intercession is the true source of love and redemption from God. Nicole O.
16th February, 2012

Holy Mother, thank you for helping me and answering my prayer. TH
18th February, 2012

Dear Blessed Mother, thank you so very much for hearing my prayers for my Aunt Jean's successful open heart surgery today. I love you. -Shannon
22nd February, 2012

Thank you blessed mother for answering my prayers, I hope u will help me and my husband to save our marriage. Thanks be to god, amen JS
25th February, 2012

Oh Blessed Mother thank you so much for listening to my prayers and for helping my daughter and son. They just need some friends to be able to do things with. They are lonely and seem to have many friends in school but not once school or one of their many activities are done for the day. Thank you again for watching over them, guiding them and helping them. Amen.D and T
25th February, 2012

Dear Our Lady of Mount Carmel, you have helped me in so many ways in the past and my life would not be as it is today without your intervention, I am truly blessed with healthy happy children and a strong marriage. Please look after my husband and help him to get the job interview and the job that he has applied for so that he may get out of his present job which is damaging to his health and confidence as I know he is capable of so much better. Thank you for all you have done for me and I believe in you that you can help my husband. AF
28th February, 2012

Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Thank you Blessed Mother for hearing my prayer. Karen
29th of February, 2012

I believe that you will hear and answer my prayer Holy Mother. I thank you now for your grace and wisdom and through the Lord will aid me in my hour of need thank you for all your help through the years you have never failed me. CE
4th of March

Thank you again for your site and all it does to elevate the intercession and devotion of our Mother. NO
5th of March, 2012

Blessed Mother, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the help you have given me before, and I thank you in advance for the help I know you will give me. You have been my guide through life's challenges and I am forever greatful. Oh Holy Mother, please answer my prayer. Juan
7th of March, 2012

Holy Mother, in my life I have never asked for something do specific as I have asked you with this novena. Please listen to my prayers, I have left it all in your hands - S
10th of March, 2012

Dear Holy Mother, Thank you for answering my prayers. Gabrielle
11th of March, 2012

Mother Mary I want to thank you in advance as I know that you have already placed my
request in the hands of your Son and my Lord Jesus. I have started my prayer today and will continue it for three consecutive days and have also said it for three consecutive hours. I have never specifically come to you for any request or wish before but I know that from this day onwards you will be my Mother and I your daughter for ever more. I love you Mother Mary. I believe that Jesus has honoured your request just as he did at the wedding at Cana, and I believe with all my heart that my prayer has already been answered. Father in Heaven, Strenghen this belief by the power of the Holy Spirirt. Thank You once again dear Mother, for looking down upon this ungrateful and miserable sinner. Help me to spread your devotion in any way possible.D.M.T
12th March, 2012

Thank You Jesus, Thank You Blessed Mother, Thank You St. Josepph. A thousand times thanks. Thank You for helping me to realize my sins and come before you with humbled heart. Thank You Father for revealing your promises to me through you Holy Word by the power of Your Holy Spirit. I am sorry for having offended Thee. Thank You for the peace and Trust that You have filled me with. And thank you for bringing into my lfe the partner You have chosen for me and clearing all misunderstandings. thank You Jesus for Your Healing love than encompasses all. And once again Thank You Mother Mary for having obtained for me the petition I had entrusted in Your Hands and bringing back the joy in our families. Deepthi
13th of March, 2012

Thank You Jesus and Mother Mary fro granting my request. Thank you for hearing me, a miserable sinner. Thank you for undoing the mistakes I have made in sinfulness and bringing back the person I love, whom I had thought I lost. Thank You for giving me the oppurtunity to make amends. help me to spread your devotion
far and wide. Deepthi
15th of March, 2012

Dear Mother Mary, thank you for always hearing my pleas and interceding, especially for the healing of my mother, Loretta. We place our faith in you and know that she will continue to improve with God's help. Love, Shannon
15th of March, 2012

In Thanksgiving for answering my prayers for my 87 year old mother, I pray for her health constantly. Thank you blessed mother for hearing and answering my prayers. My dedication and devotion to you is constant. I will never stop praying to you and your son. Thanks G.
15th of March, 2012

Thank you Our Lady Our Mother for bringing me to you. Thank you for your love. Thank you for petitions granted in advance & in the past. I love you too X A.
15th of March, 2012

Thank you very much for listening to my prayer and I do prayer you can help me in all my needs. Thank you - LDQ
15th of March, 2012

Thank you Holy Mary, my Mother and my Queen for answering my prayer and bringing my beloved friend Erica, the daughter I never had, back to Me. I know that it was You and Jesus your Son who brought her to me in the first place. Thank again for this favor.
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16th of March, 2012

Thank You Jesus and Mother Mary fro granting my request. Thank you for hearing me, a miserable sinner. Thank you for undoing the mistakes I have made in sinfulness and bringing back the person I love, whom I had thought I lost. Thank You for giving me the oppurtunity to make amends. help me to spread your devotion far and wide.
17th March, 2012

Thank you Blessed Mother!!!! My prayer was answered on the same day my thanksgiving prayer was posted!!! My friend contacted me!!! Incidentally, my father was named after Our Lady of Mount Carmel because he was born July 16th! I will forever be grateful and devoted to Our Lady! EG
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Oh Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, thank you for answering my petition...again...still. Have you noticed I am bugging you less? Thank you for helping me on this journey. It is not so scarry with you by my side. tb
18th March, 2012

This is for a very special Thank You to my Beloved Mother and To The Holy Trinity
and St. Joseph; not only for granting my request but for all that has happened to
me especially what I thought was bad. I also would like any one reading this to know
that Mother Mary truly can bring about the impossible through her intercessiont. if You have doubts rememeber that she is truly our Mother and humbly lay your doubts and fears also at her feet. A thousand times thanks.Deepthi
18th of March, 2012

Holy Mary, Mother of God, thank you for Your intercession and for my prayers answered. I love you Mary. EG
19th of March, 2012

"Holy Mary, I beg of you, I plead of you, I implore you to please answer my prayer please .. Please Amen - S"
20th of March, 2012

Thank you Blessed Mother, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, for listening and for granting my request. I felt your peace and love. Karen (7/8/11)

Thank you Blessed Mother from the bottom of my heart. I love you and will be eternally grateful. I believe in you. Karen B.
20th of March, 2012

Thank you Holy Mary, Mother of God and my Mother, for powerful and loving intercession. I know my prayer is already answered! G
21st of March, 2012

Please publish this letter of gratitude to Our Lady of mount Carmel for all the good she has bestowed on me during my lifetime. Yet again I seek her help and i know she will not be found wanting. May her glorious name be exalted both here on earth and in heaven for she truly is my Mother. Peter
21st of March, 2012

Thank You Mother Mary for obtaining for me the impossible twice before. It is this your kindness that brings me once again to your feet to implore for the faith to pray this through and to obtain, according to the will of God, that which once again seems impossible. just one Word Mother, and all strongholds will give way.I thank you
in advance for you loving kindness.Deepthi
24th of March, 2012

Thank you Jesus, for bringing down all strongholds &hindrances and washing away all the misunderstandings that were threatening to wash away all my blessings. Thank you Blessed Mother for your unfailing intercession and granting my desire.Forgive me for
almost giving up halfway. Thank you St. Joseph. A thousand times thanks. Deepthi
25th of March, 2012

Mother of Christ and Mother of mine, thanking you for hearing my prayer and interceding on my behalf to the Lord so that finally my heart's greatest desire is granted through the power and perseverance of prayer. AM
26th of March, 2012

Oh, Blessed Mother, I am truly grateful for your help and speedy response in helping my husband find a job. I am undeserving of your aide. -Julie M.
28th of March, 2012

In Thanksgiving for my 87 year old mother, I know that you will keep her in your watchful eye and ask your son to take good care of her, so that everything will be o.k. Thank you Our Lady, for I know my petition will be answered. Gina T.
30th of March, 2012.

I am trusting Our Lady prays for me to her son. I am in a difficult situation at work and I know I will be brought out of it. I know I am under the protection of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. I also believe that “all things work together for good for those who love God, and are called according to his purpose. I will continue to work hard and do my best. Ruth
31st of March, 2012

Thank you, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, for answering my prayer! tanya
31st of March, 2012

Mother of Christ and Mother of mine, thanking you for hearing my prayer and interceding on my behalf to the Lord so that finally my heart's greatest desire is granted through the power and perseverance of prayer.Thank You for filling Deepak with your Holy Spirit and giving him the courage to take this decision on our behalf. T.D
1st of April, 2012

Sincerest of thanks to Our Lady for listening to my request, which I place in her hands. PW
1st of April, 2012

Holy Mary Mother of God and my mother, thank you for answering my prayer, and reconciling me with my daughter. JST
4th of April, 2012

Oh Mary, Mother of God help me in my necessity, please help my husband to find closure in his troubles, I thank you and I know you have heard my prayer, Catherine E
5th of April, 2012

O Mother: Thank you for your intercession! May I fulfill my Lord's will through this matter. Anonymous
5th of April, 2012

Dear Blessed Mother,
Thank you for enduring the suffering of your son's passion alongside Him. I love you Mother, and look to you as a mother myself. Thank you for hearing my petition and answering me! I take comfort in your intercession Blessed Mother! Lacey
5th of April, 2012

Thank you for this prayer and this devotion to Our Lady. Thank you my Lady for looking out for me and helping me in the granting of this favour. It is a blessing in itself that you are there for me and I am your humble servant for evermore. M.C.G.
5th of April, 2012

Thank-you Holy Mother for answering my Holy Week's Prayer as well as for answering my prayer for your assistance for two other people. B.L.
6th of April, 2012

Thank you O Blessed Virgin Mary for your help and intercession and for all graces received, JP
7th of April, 2012

In Thanksgiving for my 87 year old mother, she is having dental surgery on 4/12/12. I know that you will keep her in your watchful eye and ask your son to take good care of her, so that everything will be o.k. Thank you Blessed Mother, for I know my petition will be answered. Gina T.

Thank you our lady for all the things and comfort you have given me but I need u now more then ever. EH
13th of April, 2012

Dearest Mother - thank you for your help and intercession in this necessity, I love you, JEP
14th of April, 2012

Thank you for being with me, and most importantly, your presence is felt at all times. May I obtain that which I ask. May I follow the ways of your son to become part of that spiritual body in heaven! Amen. KB
16th of April, 2012

Thank you Blessed Mother Mary for hearing and graciously answering my prayers! You have never let me down. EG
18th of April, 2012

Thank you to the Blessed Mother for her constant protection and aid and Thanksgiving for healing my family and granting my requests. I ask her for continued intercession and protection for my family. Nicole
19th of April, 2012

My Lady, I ask for more than I deserve. Thank you for your presence with me. Please hear my request and bless you for your intercession for me. I am blessed. May this person join me in my commitment to our Lord! KB
20th of April, 2012

My Dearest Mother, I thank you for your help, Jolanta
20th of April, 2012

My Lady, I would never before thought that I would pray for this person who broke up my family, but now having done so I feel a sense of peace.  May this person's family be brought back together as well and feel the presence of our Lord in their lives.  May this person be an example for others through the intercession of my Lady, the Queen of Heaven! CLB
23rd of April, 2012
Thank you Holy Mary for listening to my prayers And granting my request! Dannette
24th of April, 2012
My mother, my Queen. Thank you for helping me even though my request is really shallow and I don’t deserve it because I’m a miserable sinner. Please Mother hear my request. I love you and I thank God for giving you to us. You are my refuge dearest Mother, please have pity on me and help me with my doubts. Love, Veronica S.
25th of April, 2012
Blessed Virgin, mother of my Lord, as I seek your intercession for the spiritual welfare of this person, your assistance brings relief and comfort. I am blessed. I thank you for the gifts this person has and will receive and pray he will be an example for others in all his actions, words and deeds! Kit
25th of April, 2012 Dear Blessed Mother, Thank you so much for your loving guidance and intercession for me. I do not deserve it. I trust in you to heal my depression and renew the love of a lost relationship if it be God's Will. Colin
26th of April, 2012
Thank You Mother Mary for the miracle you have given me. Thank you for your powerful intercession that has brought hope and happiness back into my life. Deepthi
26th of April, 2012
Thank you holy mother for listening to my request i know you will answer my prayer thanks to your intercession i have two beautiful children Who will grow up to love and honour the lord you have always been a great comfort and support to me throughout my life hail mary queen of heaven. Love Catherine
29th of April, 2012
My Dear, Beloved Holy Mother, Thank you so much for quickly answering my prayers. Love, A. C.
30th of April, 2012
Thank you Our Lady of Mount Carmel! Alex
1st of May, 2012
Dear Blessed Mother, This is my thank you, for a prayer answered. I know you will help me with my finances and maybe some left over from the refinance. Thanks so much, I know you have heard my prayer and will answer. I will continue to pray to you often. Gina T.
4th of May, 2012
My Lady, except my prayers and thank you for my daughter in my life. Your intercession is special for all that I ask both spiritual and temporal, yet the actions of your Son and our Father are not worthy of this humble heart. I am blessed and may this soul receive all I have asked and I know she will pass this on to the ones she touches in the days to come. Christopher L
5th of May, 2012
My Lady, as you interceded with the birth of this son, may he carry on our Lord's wishes for himself and his family. Thank you for granting my prayers. May this person understand the body of Christ that we desire to become a part of. May our actions of Love be the prelude to becoming a part of this body, that begins with the Eucharist. CLB
5th of May, 2012
Holy Mary I know you will hear my prayer thank you for your intercessions which have helped me throughout my life. From cathy
6th of May, 2012
My Lady: This brother lives a life that may need assistance and your intercession is most helpful! May this soul live these days of his life as an example for all he touches, especially his family. May they follow his example as he lives with the grace of your assistance. Thank you again and again! CLB
6th of May, 2012
My Lady: Thank you for the intercession of my brother. May his life reflect the special graces that will allow him to be the example for everyone he touches in his life, especially his family. May he show his love for our Lord in all that he does. Your assistance is so special! CLB
6th of May, 2012
Thank you Blessed Mother for being with my baby during her Exams this week! I love you. EG
7th of May, 2012
My Blessed Mother, the intercession for my brother is appreciated beyond what I can say. May he feel the strength that you bring and live the life my Lord asks. I thank you in your son’s name! Christopher
12th of May, 2012
Dear Blessed Virgin Mary. Thank you for your help and intercession concernining my mother's soul in Purgatory! Kit
12th of May, 2012
Thank you Our Lady of Mount Carmel for always listening to my prayers. Thank you for the many blessings you have shown me in the past . This week, dear Mother when I am so afraid, I humbly ask you once again to help me and I know you will not desert me. Love, Jacqueline
14th of May, 2012
Holy Mother I thank you for listening to my prayers I know you will help me with my request oh holy queen of heaven mother of god pray for my family I love you and the Lord you have helped me throughout my life and through you I have received many blessings - Cath
15th of May, 2012
Thank you Blessed Virgin Mary for your help and intercession, J
17th of May, 2012
Dear Blessed Mother, I love you and thank you for watching over me and my family and for answering the prayers of my heart. Love, Vita
21st of May, 2012
Holy Mother I thank you for all your help and graces received, I love you, JP
21st of May, 2012
Dear Blessed Virign Mary, I pray for your help all the time. I am writing this in thanksgiving for a financial favor that I need to be granted. I know you will hear and answer my prayer. Thank you for always listening and granting the other favors I have asked of you. I will keep praying to you and your son always. Your devoted servant, Gina T
22nd of May, 2012.
Holy Mary Mother of God, thank you for hearing my novena. I place all my trust in thee. Charlene 24th of May, 2012
Thank you again, my Dearest Holy Mother, for answering my prayers. Love You, Always. A.C. 25th of May, 2012
I turn to you again holy mother please help with my request I know you will always listen to me help my son to overcome his fears and make me be a mother like you are to our Lord. Hail Mary Queen of Heaven - Cath
25th of May, 2012
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, you have never, ever failed me before and are a constant help in my life. Thank you so much for your intercession over the years; I know you will help me with a new job and money until then. Thank you again, Sean
28th of ay, 2012
Blessed Mother, Thank you for listening to me and helping me. Anne
28th of May, 2012
Dear Blessed Mother. I thank you for my father and his presence he had in my life and being part of the body of our Lord in heaven. I ask for too much, yet this is so special. Your intercession goes beyond what these few words can express. Kit
29th of May, 2012
My Blessed Mother, I thank you for the intercession for my natural father. I look forward to the day to see him in heaven. I don’t deserve my wishes, but my Lord hears you and I am blessed. I love you. Christopher
29th of May, 2012
My Blessed Lady, thank you for being there for my little brother and being there for him today in heaven. I am blessed and Danny is as well. Christopher L.
29th of May, 2012
Dearest Blessed Mother, my grandmother is another mother that I thank you for your intercession. Your guidance and intercession have been felt and I am so grateful for you all the help you have provided. We are the ones blessed. CLB
29th of May, 2012
My dearest Blessed Mother, losing a brother is most difficult, but the intercession for his family is felt and the mediation that you have brought for Rick is appreciated more than these few words can express. Thank you for all you do!!! KB
29th of May, 2012
Holy Mary, Thank you for hearing and for interceding on this intention and all my intentions. I remain hopeful! Amen, xo, amc
30th of May, 2012
Holy Mother, Thank you for your loving grace in my time of need. -Mary H
30th of May, 2012
Blessed Lady of Mount Carmel, I wish to thank you for all blessings received. a.g.
2nd fo June 2012
Dearest Blessed Mother: Grandparents are special and while I do not remember these souls, thank you for your special intercession and for the intercession for all my grandparents going to Adam and Eve. I hope to be a grandparent myself one day and may I provide the example that I received from my family. Thank you!!! CLB
6th of June, 2012
Dear Blessed Mary, godparents are special. My Uncle Mitchel was a special god parent for me. I pray that I can be like him and I thank you for the intercession you have provided. I am blessed and may all godparents, especially Uncle Mitchel be part of the body of Christ today! Chris 6th of June, 2012
I want to thank you blessed virgin Mary for always listening to me and answering my prayers. I can really use an answer for my mother’s health on this prayer. She is 87 years old and needs a prayer answered about her breast, that it is not cancer. Thank you for always listening and answering. I will always pray to you for your help and guidance. Also for a friend that has something wrong with his brain (BB) that you will take it to your son for his help. Thanks as always. Your servant Gina T. (6-7-12).
Blessed Mother, I thank your for listening to my prayers. Blessed be His Holy Name. AG
8th of June, 2012
Dearest Mother Mary, thank you so much for healing me, healing me of all the emotional scars, pain, trauma since past two years. Please give me strength to move on and find happiness again. Please fill me with true happiness, joy and love again. Dear Mother I entrust my life in your hands, and have full faith in you. You have seen and known everything, please help me. Thank you so much Mother..Deeps
10th of June, 2012
Holy Mary I am asking you to intercede for me as I have asked you before - you have always helped me and I know you will help me now. Ask the lord to give me the strength to get through this trouble, many thanks to you My Mother, Cath
11th of June, 2012
Dear Blessed Mother, Thank you so much for hearing me and interceding for me to Our Lord. Thank you for so quickly responding and making me feel better and comforted. I love you Mother! ~LTD
12th of June, 2012
Holy Mary I thank you for your intercession and prayers answered, J
15th of June, 2012
Mother Mary, thank you for your help and guidance and for providing us with our necessities to move forward in this life. I accept that whatever the outcome will be the best for our family and that she will keep us safely on the right path. Annette H
16th of June, 2012
Holy Mary I thank you for your intercession and prayers answer Merci! CSpero
18th of June, 2012
Thank you for hearing my prayers and I believe the financial burdens of my family will be lifted! Thank you for help many thers in need as well!! AD
20th of June, 2012
Dear Mother Mary, thank you for intercession and answering my prayers. Thank you for your guidance and blessings. Please continue to interceded and pray for me and my family. D.Tan
21st of June, 2012
Thank you dearest Mother of Mount Carmel, Infant Jesus and St Jude for hearing my prayer of healing and giving my mother peace and happiness. I would like to thank you from the core of my heart and will never cease to pray and love you. Thank you so much and also for making our family begin to pray together. TEM
29th of June, 2012
Dearest Blessed Mama Mary, I trust in your powerful intercession that my petition will be answered according to God's will. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. LDC
1st of July, 2012
I want to thank you blessed virgin Mary for always listening to me and answering my prayers. I can really use an answer for my mother’s health on this prayer. She is 87 years old and needs a prayer answered about her breast, that it is not cancer or anything that is life threatening, also that the biopsy this Friday (July 6) will come out favorable for her and she come out fine from the surgery. Thank you for always listening and answering. Thank you for helping me with my financial situation, hopefully it will turn out better. I will always pray to you for your help and guidance. Also for a friend that has something wrong with his brain (BB) that you will take it to your son for his help. Thanks as always. Your servant Gina T.
3rd of July, 2012
Thank you so very much Mary and our Heavenly Father, for all your blessings; answering my novena prayer of healing for my friend who had been diagnosed with skin cancer; needed immediate treatment that would also have horrible side effects. Having done this Novena to our blessed Mother Mary, my friend had the treatment and amazingly had no side effects at all and has just been told the next set of results have come back and she doesn't have cancer after all, only skin damage!!! Praise you Mary for your prayers and your intercession to our Father in Heaven for answering my prayers and granting healing against all the odds. Gratefully forever yours Lisa xxxx
3rd of July, 2012
Thank you Our Lady of Mount Carmel for your kind attention and intersession on behalf of my prayers. As you have so patiently taught me, Jesus, I trust in you. DM
8th of July, 2012
A thank you to Our Lady for prayers answered. I continue to pray. Our Lady, pray for me and for my family. Amen, Thank you, John, Glasow, UK
9th of July, 2012
Our Lady, Thank you for listening to my prayer. Please help my family from the problems we face everyday. C.K 07.08.2012
Thank you dear Mother, Our Lady of Mount Carmel for all favors granted. Teji
9th of July, 2012
Holy Mary. Words cannot express my heartfelt thanks for your holy intervention on this vital matter which has, quite literally, changed my entire life. EF
12th of July, 2012
Blessed Mother, I thank you for hearing and answering my prayer once again. I look to you Mother, for how to do this gift of motherhood I've been given. I love you Mother and I praise your son Jesus! ~Lacey
12th of July, 2012
Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, thank you for listening to me and answering my prayers. I love you from the bottom of my heart. Lorenzo Maria
13th of July, 2012
Thank You blessed mother, I prayed that my 87 YR old Mom would not have breast cancer. You have answered another one of my prayers. I will to continue to pray to you and your son always. Thank you ever so much. GT
13th July, 2012
Thank you Blessed Mother for your intercession and answered prayer. LD
16th July, 2012
Oh Our Blessed Lady of Mount Carmel, our sincere thanksgiving and praises are yours! Not just because of our answered prayer but for your continuous love, guidance and protection for us. We praise and glorify you now and forever. Amen With all our love, Leo and Elise
16th of Jule, 2012
Sweet Mother, Thank you for being with me and taking care of me my whole life. Thank you for for your intercession in my present trial, assistance I do not deserve but which I receive through your mercy and limitless love. Thank you for this result. Please never let me go - LJMH 16th of July, 2012
Thank you so much my dear Mama Mary for your intercession for the favor received which I fervently prayed for. You are truly a miracle worker in my life! I love you from the bottom of my heart! LDC
16th of July, 2012
Thank you Our Lady of Mount Carmel for protecting me and my family and easing my anxiety. SC
18th of July, 2012
Dear Mother Mary, Thank you for continuing to watch over us. Thank you for all the blessings we have. Thank you for answering my petitions. Lulu
18th of July, 2012
Dearest Holy Mother, Thank You for listening to my problem and for once again answering my prayer. Abundant Love For You Always, My Beloved Holy Mother. A.C.
18th of July, 2012
Thank you Our Lady of Mount Carmel for taking my prayers in your holy and Immaculate hands! Love, Karen 18th of July, 2012 Thank you Our Lady of Mount Carmel for taking my prayers in your holy and Immaculate hands! Karen
18th of July, 2012
Thank you Dear Mother for listening to my prayers and for your intercession. Amen. Z
18th of July, 2012
Holy Mary, Eternal Mother of us wretched sinners, I give you thanks and praise from the deepest recesses of my heart and soul for your loving intercession in the reconciliation of my marriage and reunification of my family. JZ
18th of July, 2012
Oh Blessed Virgin Mary, my Mother. Thank you for hearing and interceding on behalf of our family and obtaining our request from our Most Glorious Father in Heaven. Glory to the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit. The H Family.
19th of July, 2012
Thanksgiving from Teji
19th of July, 2012
Blessed Mother, thank You. Thank you for your love. I know You have a reason for everything, and even though I feel alone, You are with me. You DO answer my prayers, even if it is not the way I desire. Your way, Blessed Mother, is always the best way. I love you, Holy Mother! You are my everything, you give me so much, I am undeserving! O Queen of Peace, thank You for Your Peace. Your humble slave and daughter, Clare.
19th of July, 2012
Dear Mother Mary of Mount Carmel, you never cease to hear and intercede for all our needs...THANK YOU. Dear Mother, you choose to receive our Lord and carried Him in your holy body, protected Him and with the help of your spouse Joseph. I THANK YOU. Dear Mother Mary, please always continue with your prayers and intercessions as I will do the same here in this valley of tears; to pray for peace of all the world and all your people. I Love You, especially your Son JESUS; my Lord and my God!!! [prayer] Under thy protection we seek refuge, Holy Mother of God; despise not our petitions in our needs, but from all dangers deliver us always, Virgin Glorious and Blessed One. Amen. Jose S
21st of July, 2012
Dearest Mother, I place all my hurts and pain in your hands. Thank you for helping me find a way to "lift these up". Thank you. Lulu
21st of July, 2012
Thank you, Mother for your prayers and intercession before the throne of God. I love you. You always take such good care of me. Karen
22nd of July, 2012
Dear Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Once again I am awestruck as the result of a petition to Almighty God through you seems to anticipate its utterance . Thank you. EF
22nd of July, 2012
Thank you blessed and beautiful Madonna for my answered prayer. LDM
23rd of July, 2012
Dearest Mother, Thank you for being with me at this time and helping me with my personal intentions. Please watch over my children, wherever they may be, and keep them safe from harm. Bless where they are and what they do. Lulu
23rd of July, 2012
Thank you, Mary, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Mother of Jesus, for relieving the pain my husband has been suffering from his ailment. May he continues to heal and be pain-free soon. Margaret
24th of July, 2012
Blessed Mother, Thank you so much for your love, prayers and intercession with Jesus. I have obtained your intercession and am at peace, my prayers will be answered perfectly. Mother, thank you for being my mother. My mother of Mercy! Love, Karen
25th of July, 2012
My Dearest Holy Mother, Thank You so much again for answering my prayer, and for listening to my problems and for never failing to help me. Love, and Devotion for You Always, My Dearest Holy Mother Mary. A.C.
25th July, 2012
Blessed Virgin Mary. Once again my heartfelt thanks. EF
25th of July, 2012
Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thee womb,Jesus. Your beautiful prayers are always with us, thank you for your motherly protection and care, We will always praise your powerful intercessions, O glory mother of Carmel assist us in all our necessities and deliver us from the evil in this world. Amen. F. Adeeb Zakir
1st of August, 2012
Thank you Our Lady of Mount Carmel for your intercession in easing my anxiety and keeping me calm. Also for my skin biopsy that it's benign. SC
2nd of August, 2012
Blessed Mother, Thank you for answering my prayer, I know with your intercession he will find the courage and strength. Anna
6th of August, 2012
Dear Holy Mary of Mount Carmel, thank you for hearing my prayer. Thank you for your divine intercession, of which we do not deserve. I know your prayers are heard, and I thank you for your praying on our behalf. Please thank GOD for the blessings in our finances and help in the matters I prayed for. I love you. -KAS
10th of August, 2012
Dearest Mother Mary, Thank you for listening to my prayers. Thank you for keeping my children and our house safe during the strong rains. As I pray to you once again for my special intention, I thank you - for I know You will be there with me at that time. And the turnout will be a blessing from heaven. Amen. Lulu
12th of August, 2012
Dearest Mother, I know you will be with me as I go thru this most difficult times. Whatever happens, I know this will have Your blessings. Thank you. Lulu
15th of August, 2012
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, thank you for your intercession and assistance. With heartfelt gratitude, WCE
15th of August, 2012
Thank you Mary, my Mother for responding to my call. Love, Pam
17th of August, 2012
Thank you Mother Dearest for answering my call of distress. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Rgds Venita
17th of August, 2012
Our Lady of Mount Carmel thank you for listening and your help with my request. Denise
19th of August 2012
Thank you most beautiful Mother for answering my prayer. My family will benefit most for this wonderful opportunity and it is from your blessing that this is possible. I am forever grateful. Wayne
20th of August 2012
Holy Mother you have never left me unaided thank you one again for these answered prayers you have moved mountains in my life through your intercession. Please continue to watch over my family, protect and guide us all and help us to grow closer to your son. Please help us in our spiritual growth and temporal needs. Please help Patrick with his alcoholism and his work. Nicole
21st of August, 2012
Holy Mother of God and mine, thank you for answering the prayers I have carried so long in my heart, when I cried out to you in pain and tears, when all hope had gone- through Your intercession and prayers the sorrow has been replaced with joy. Till I draw my last breath I will thank and praise You for answering this much cherished prayer and truly I now believe that there is nothing impossible for God. AM
23rd of August, 2012
Thanks to Holy Mother for graces reveived and abswered prayers. Monica C
24th of August, 2012
Blessed Mother Our Lady, I trust in your intercession and in your prayers to our Lord Jesus for me, I take so much comfort and I believe that He will hear and answer your prayers on my behalf. Thank you Mother, I need you and I love you and your son, our Lord and Savior! ~Lacey
25th of August, 2012
Our Most Blessed Lady; Thank you so much Heavenly Mother for hearing my prayer for the cure of my niece Karrah's multiple sclerosis. You have done so much for me during my life Blessed Mother.... Having saved my life at least twice in both the distant and more recent past. You know that I love You and Your Son so much and I now faithfully look forward to Karrah's cure. Thank you Holy Mary, Blessed Forever Virgin, Holy Mother of God, MG.
30th of August, 2012
Holy Mother you have never left me unaided thank you for answering my prayers and helping my family save the house- I thank you before I even receive the favor as I know you will answer my prayers. NO
4th of September, 2012
Thank you beautiful lady for answering my prayers and having pity on me. LD
8th of September, 2012
Dear Blessed Lady, I want to thank you for always answering all the petitions I have sent to you over the past. I really need you to ask you son for this favor for my 87 Yr. old mother who is not feeling well. I would like you to intercede for me and ask him to be merciful to her, that nothing is life threatening to her health and we will be able to handle and take care of the illness. I know you will hear and answer my prayer and bring this petition to your son in our behalf. Thank you so much, I will always pray for your help and bring me closer to your son. Thank You. GT
12th of September, 2012
Mother Mary, I thank you for praying for me and helping me most in the time of my need. Continue to pray for me oh Holy Mother of God, Amen. Your child in Christ, DT.
14th of September, 2012
Dearest Mother, thank you for your help and graces received, your faithful daughter in Christ - JEP
18th of September, 2012
Dear Mother Mary, thank you for always being there for me. Please continue to pray for me and keep me safe. From one mother to another Mother, please pray for me and keep my son and I safe. Amen. DTan.
19th of September, 2012
I thank you Our Lady for prayers granted. Having a difficult time at the moment but I place all my trust and love in you. Thank you and pray for me and my family. John, Glasgow, UK
19th of September, 2012
Dearest Mother, There are none that can withstand your power.... I place my petitions in Your Hands.... thank you, Dear Mother. I know you will be with me, to help me, to help us... Amen.LC
20th of September, 2012
Dear Mother Mary, I thank you my Mother for the miraculous cure of my wife from very nagging cough of so many years. Thank you for providing breakthrough and the best of jobs for me and other brothers and sister of mine. I appreciate you for the realisation of the building project we have before us for parents which you did complete miraculously. May the name of Jesus be exalted my Mother Mary. Banish sickness from our lives. Expel unemployment from our mist and let the Peace of God be ours in Jesus name. Let divine miracle uplift me within some two weeks so that my enemies would know I serve a living God. Amen. RA
21st of September, 2012
Dear Blessed Virgin, ..... Thank you and I know my faith and belief in you and your son will give us a good outcome. I will continue to keep praying to you and your son always. Gina T.
25th of September, 2012
Blessed Mary thank you for interceding with your son and granting my request to completely heal my condition as if I never had it. I believe truly and I will use my health for the greater glory of God and to become a better person. I pray for those with greateer need than mine also. Thank you mother, bless Jesus ". Amen. CS
26th of September, 2012
Dear Blessed Mother, This is in Thanksgiving for a prayer answered. The outcome could have been worst for my 87 yr. old Mother. I will continue to pray to you and your son. Gina T.
26th of September, 2012
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, please help Joseph finish his job in Malaysia and please bring him home safely LMR
27th of September, 2012
Dearest Mother thank you for all your blessing, please bring my husband home safely from Malaysia LMR
27th of September, 2012
Holy Mary I thank you for your intercession and prayers answered, CS
27th of September, 2012
Most Holy Mother please help Joseph to finish his job Malaysia he is having so many road blocks. Thank you mother for blessing us with so many gifts in life - LMR
3rd of October, 2012
Thank you Jesus for hearing my prayer through the intercession of Your Blessed Mother. I pray that devotion to Mother Mary increase manifold everyday and that all your children may overcome evil and temptation through her prayers. thank you once again, Lord for blessing me with a beautiful marriage and working all things for my good. Paise and Glory be to your name forever. Deepthi
7th of October, 2012
Thank you. Blessed Mother. For all your blessings and gifts. I am forever grateful. PM
10th of October, 2012
O Star of the Sea, I thank you for listening to my plea and thank you for helping to bring about a resolution of the family problem I am faced with. Many thanks Dear Mother. BD
13th of October, 2012
Thank you blessed Mother for answering my prayers and for keeping your promises. I love you. Michele
14th of October, 2012
Dear Mother Mary, I THANK YOU for hearing my prayer. I know that it will be answered and my problems lifted by Our Lord Jesus. Holy Mary, I thank you for being here with me and my faith in times of trouble, worry and heartache. I love you so much. Lily
16th of October, 2012
Thank You Mother Mary, for all your help, patience, and guidance as always. Love you and thank you from the bottom of my heart. Adrian Rafael
17th of October, 2012
Mother Mary, thank you for hearing my prayer. I know you hear it just the same even though it is a special request and not an urgent need. It is my ardent desire to be of assistance. Thank you for taking my prayer to the throne of your Son, Jesus. You are so full of love, kindness, and graces, just waiting to bestow them to your children; I am so grateful to have recourse to you. Love, NTJ 21st of October, 2012
thank you so much Mother Mary for always listening to my plea and have shown me a lot of signs of answering my prayers. thank you for the care and 25th of October, 2012
Holy Mary, Mother of God, I thank you for listening to every prayer I offer and ask from you. I thank you for answering my prayers quickly as I greatly and badly need your loving grace, fruitful and financial blessings, and protection. I also thank you for the guidance and full support as I write my upcoming test on Monday in order to pass it with a high mark. I thank you for answering all the financial blessing prayers that my family and I have been offering. Continue to guide and bless us Mother Mary and I truly thank thee for everything that you have showered upon us. - J
28th of October, 2012
Holy Mother Mary, I want to thank you for letting me pass my test today and for guiding me through each minute as I feel your presence and warmth beside me. I want to thank you from the bottom of my grateful heart for granting me a high mark on this test today. I love you so much. -J
30th of October, 2012
Dear Holy Mother, I thank you for hearing my prayer. With great confidence in Your Mercy, I await the fullfillment of my prayer. So much depends on this for me and my fellow countrymen/women. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I Love you my Dear Sweet Mother. Love Forever, Your daughter Pat
4th of November, 2012
Oh, beautiful mother thank you for your wonderful blessings, graces and favors.You are always there for me in my times of need, protecting me with your motherly love. I love you very much. Your devoting daughter, Yani
6th of November, 2012
I have said this prayer many times before and my petitions have always been answered. I have placed another two now before St. Mary, and I now wish to thank her for her intercession and pray that she continues to look after us. anne
7th of November, 2012
Oh, Blessed Mother I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you Mother Mary for helping my Daughter, Forever in your service CS
14th of November, 2012
Great Lady my Mother thank you for saving our house and family for employment and for help at school. Please continue to bless our family and thank you through your son Jesus. Nicole
15th of November, 2012
Thank you, Mary, for answering my needs now and in the past. I know you will assist us at this time of need. PM 21st of November, 2012
Thank you Mother Mary for answering my prayers, in intercession for my family and me. Robert
22nd of November, 2012
25th of Nove,ber, 2012
my prayer is heartfelt my family is suffering I know you will help us especially my daughter who is only a child but needs your help please let my husband change so he can accept that children need support not anger she tries so hard to be good but as in all of us fails at times. I know you will help me be a better mother I want to be more like you Hail Mary full of grace from Catherine
25th of November, 2012
I thank you O Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Our Lord, for your help and graces received, J
27th of November, 2012
Blessed Mother, thank you for answering my prayers, imani
1st of December, 2012
Thank you my mother for answering all my prays in Jesus name imani
2nd of December, 2012
To my Mother Mary : Dearest Mother Mary , thank you for interceding for me to your most divine Son in my necessity. You are most dear to my heart loving , kind Mother. Ever be at my side to keep me close to your merciful Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Joan J.
4th od December, 2012
Our Mother of Mt Carmel..thank you for showing me the signs of answering my prayers.. within the 9 days novena, a lot of opportunites come our way for those who i prayed for request. thank you for answering my prayers I love you with all my heart RL
4th of December, 2012
Holy Mary I thank you for your help you are always there for me and my family blessed Mother I know The Lord will help us, Cathy
6th od December, 2012
Holy Mother, my thanksgiving is manifold-when I kneeled before yesterday, begging for your help and intercession like so many times before-and when I had doubt that perhaps my prayers will not be answered, you gave me the most simple and most beautiful sign this morning- that my prayers are being heard and not to let my faith waiver- to always believe that a petition to You will never fail and I know that my prayers will be answered- so thank you not just for answering my prayer but for restoring hope and peace to my soul because I know for God nothing is impossible. Anna
6th December, 2012
Blessed Mother thank you for interceeding in my necessity. My heart is lifted by your grace. Thank you - Rich J.
6th of December, 2012
Thank you our beautiful flower of Mt. Carmel. Thank you for listening to my prayer in my desperate time of need. I am grateful that you gave me this opportunity to thank you. TJ
6th of December, 2012
Dearest Mother, thank you for your help in this necessity, thank you for graces received, JP
16th of December, 2012
Thank you Dear Lady I have not received my request but saw a glimmer of hope -BC
18th of December, 2012
Lady of Mt. Carmel please pray for my husband ( Joseph Robert)that needs a operation on his neck keep him strong and see him through this procedure. Thank you for the many blessing you give us everyday of our life’s LMR
19th od December, 2012
In 2013, I pledge to pray to Our Lady of Mount Carmel daily, in devotion to the gifts bestowed on my family. These gifts are health, happiness and love. For 2013, I hope that Our Lady guides me and my family members to be better human beings, and find peace and love in her presence. Maria
26th of December, 2012
Oh my Dear Lady thank you for the blessing you have brought to me and husband thank you for bringing him home safely and seeing him through this operation, Thank you from the bottom of our hearts... from, Joseph & Linda
27th of December, 2012
Thank you holy mother because you have never forsaken me, I was very ill and of little faith, but you have saved me and brought great happiness and peace to my heart. F.A.
30th of December, 2012
My mother thank you for blessing me with a wonderful husband (Joseph) I love thy with all my heart... many thanksgiving.. My Lady Mt. Carmel,,,LMR
31th of December, 2012
Thank you Blessed Mother, for hearing me and interceding for me to your son, Our Lord. I Love you ~Lacey
9th of January, 2013
Dear Our Lady of Mount Carmel, thank you for granting my request and blessing me with your heavenly graces. I know that you have heard and answered my prayer. LD
10th of January, 2013
Thank you Blessed Lady for showing me that you are working on my desperate request. I thank you from the bottom of my heart and pray that my need will be fulfilled soon. Humbly with love bpc
10th of January, 2013
Thank You Sweet Mother Mary for answering my prayer. FB
11th January, 2013
Great Lady you are truly the means by which we find salvation in your son- Jesus. Please bless my family- help me with my professional needs and provide for our temporal welfare. I ask these things knowing you will never leave me unaided. Nicole
11th of January, 2013
Oh Blessed Mother I thank you for all you do for me & my family...I am forever grateful! Thank you CS
13th of January, 2013
Hail One Who Is our vehicle, Keep us in your prayers to maintain this center & keep us in good health. God has & continues to bless & protect us in this endeavor by overcoming many hardships through the continuous intercession of His and Our Blessed Mother. Christina Davis
15th of January, 2013
O Holy Mother Mary, thank you for hearing my prayers. May God have mercy on me and those I love with your intercession. You are a true mother to me. Amen DLM
16th of January, 2013
Mother thank you for bringing my husband home safely, without you I don’t know what we would how done you walk us every step of the way Thank you Mother for blessing us with our love, Joseph & Linda
17th of January, 2013
Dear Bless Mother, I thank you for listening to my prayer. I thank you in advance for granting me what I pray for and truly want. My prayer is to find true happiness and love with my future wife. This is very important to me. And I cannot thank you enough for your help and intercession. Mary I will never forget what you have done for me. Thank you Mother. CS
20th of January, 2013
Thank you Mother for all the blessing you have brought to me and my Husband We love you with all our hearts.... JR/LMR
24th of January, 2013
Thank you my loving Holy Mother for protecting me from my enemies, blessing me with your wisdom and giving me the brave words to stand up for myself from the evil persons in my life. For caring for me and shielding me from the antagonistic marriage I am in. For sending me your love and light to surround me and protect me from harm. I beg you to please ask your Son, the Lord of all, my King and creator to please heal me. Heal my abused mind and body. Regards, Sherri
24th of January, 2013
My love and gratitude for hearing my prayer and request for a job. On the second day of the prayer, I was called by a friend to meet with him on Friday to review the caseload of design projects to see what I may be able to help him with. After 31 years of a high-level position at a community college, I was asked to leave when a new president arrived. It has been a very painful time for me for so many reasons, and I thank Our Lady of Mount Carmel for supporting me during this difficult time and opening up the doors to a possible new opportunity. I thank you and our Dear Lord for your love and support and will let the world know of the glory of God and power of your prayer. Lovingly, Nancy
29th of January, 2013
Thank you Oh Holy Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and earth for providing a home for my family; for interceeding on our behalf on the weekend of January 4th and for allowing my daughter to pass her state licensing exam today. We love you Immaculate Virgin and Mother and I thank you for assisting me in my necessity. Blessings, Sherri N.
29th of January, 2013
Matko Boza Carmelitanska dziekuje Ci z calego serca za wstawiennictwo i za laski otrzymane za Twoim posrednictwem. Jolanta
30th of January, 2013
Blessed Mother Queen of Heaven- Thank you for your constant protection and the answer to my many prayers. Please whatch over my family in our spiritual, health, protection and temporal needs. Amen Nicole
30th of January, 2013
Dearest Blessed Mother, I thank you firstly for listening to my prayer. The prayer that I ask of you is very important to me. I pray with all my heart that this prayer will be answered in my favour. I promise that should this request be granted, I will be forever grateful to you. However, I will also donate to a charity in appreciation. Mary, the request I ask is extremely important and I believe that you are my last resort and you can grant me this. Your assistance and guidance is greatly needed and appreciated. I thank you and your son in advance. Thank you and Amen. CS
5th of February, 2013
I thank and praise you, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, for listening and guiding me through these turbulent times. Your prayer brings peace to my heart, and I know Our Lord is praying and supporting me. Today I will interview for a job and need to secure this work and to bring in pay immediately for my family. All praise and glory to our Lord and Our Lady of Mount Carmel for so much love and support. NR
8th of February, 2013
Thanksgiving To Our Lady for graces received from Steve & Diane
10th February, 2013
Thank you Lady of Mount Carmel, blessed Mary! please hear my prayer! Thank you, Jenn! I am ready to do what the universe wants of me but I think I need some company along the way....sometimes we have to fall out of place to find a bettter place to begin! Thank-you!
14th of February, 2013
Thank you dear Our Lady of Mount Carmel for hearing my prayers for my husband, GMG. With confidence, I throw myself into your arms of mercy and comfort knowing that your prayers and intercession on behalf of my husband will be heard by our Heavenly Father. ALG
16th of February, 2013
Dear Mary, I have no one else to help me, you are my only hope, please help me find my soulmate,my loving,caring husband. I am tired of being alone and lonely. Thanksgiving: Thankyou Dearest Mary, for granting me the love of my life.Thankyou for uniting me with my better half and making me complete.May our love be never ending and enduring for lifelong.Always shower us with your grace, I believe in you always. Deepti
18th of February, 2013
Oh blessed and beautiful Lady you know my struggles, you know my pain. Please answer my prayer and my hearts desire in Jesus name, Thank you for answered prayer. ..Loretta
19th of February, 2013
My Mother, Thank you for your love, prayers and intercession on our behalf. ALG
19th of February, 2013
Dearest Mother, thank you for comforting me and answering my prayer. AM
20th of February, 2013
Holy Mary Mother Of God, thank you for hearing, and granting me my needs, thank you for listening, thank you for always being there for me, and acting as the intersessor to your son our Lord Jesus Christ, who I am not worthy of. Thank you again Holy Mary Mother of Jesus who shelters her children from harm you are always remembered and besieged by me to pray to your son for me. I have a great love and devotion to our Lord, Jesus Christ Most High, who has always been my greatest hero, for he offered himself to save the whole world. Thank you again Holy Mother for answering my petition of the mind, heart, soul. In Christ ever so humbly, John Harold Michael
21st of February, 2013
Thank you Mother Mary for listening to me and interceding on my behalf to the Divine Mercy to make it his will to answer my prayers the way I see them. I know it is not as important as many other problems but I thank you Lord Jesus Christ and Mother Mary from the bottom of my heart. Please pray that the outcome for my son's university application for Fall 2013 will be the university and course I know in my heart it should be for my son. I know I've asked you for what appears to me to be the impossible. However, I believe that through your powerful intercession, my prayers and petition for my son will be answered as soon as possible. JB
23rd of February 2013
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, thank you for fixing my problem - I've LEARNED MY LESSON, Star of the Sea, thank you. Tanya
26th of February, 2013
Thank you, Mary, for helping me to trust, and for answers to prayer. CH
1st of March, 2013
Holy Mary, Mother of God my Strength my Witness, and my Hope, I thank You, for your intersession to your son, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for necessities answered, I am a lost soul, feeling the contentment of your love, in your love, for your Son Jesus Christ, Thank You for these favors Granted.............. For you are my, Mother Of Everlasting Glory, Amen Harold.
1st of March, 2013
Thank you Holy Mother for quickly answering my prayers for my son. TCN
7th of March, 2013
Holy mother please pray for me I'm having health issues at the moment and feel frightened I know you are my mother and will help me. please ask The Lord to grant me courage I ask for my family who need me. Holy mother hear my prayer, Catherine
8th of March, 2013
Dearest Mother, Thank you for all the blessings. I know that my faith falters now and then, especially now that I am facing some personal issues and challenges. Hoky Mother, I ask for your intercession that I get the job that I interviewed for, because I know that job will be a great blessing for me because it dovetails my skills and interests. And I intend to do my best to be a blessing as well to the people there. I want to get my life back together, and thank you for helping me hold myself together when I want to breakdown. Thank you for my friends and family who believe in me, and I pray that I will get that particular job through your intercession. All these I ask of The Lord, through you. In Jesus's name I pray. Your daughter, HDLM
11th of March, 2013
Thank you Holy Mother for helping Rich and answering my prayers. Miracles happen everyday Mother, thank you for this answered miracle. Loretta
14th of March, 2013
THANK YOU!!!! Mother Mary Our Lady of Mt Carmel I want to thank you in advance from the bottom of my heart i will continue this most powerful 3 day novena to you and beg u to grant me this miracle just like the novena says NONE CAN WITHSTAND YOUR POWER so please Mother Mary Our Lady of Mt Carmel please hear and answer my prayer in the way im begging you i ask this of you Our Lady in Our Savior your Son Jesus Most Holy Name amen I TRUST IN YOU OUR LADY OF MT CARMEL THANK YOU FOR GRANTING ME THIS MIRACLE AND THANK YOU MOST OF ALL FOR ANSWERING MY PRAYER IN THE WAY I ASKED I WILL BE FOREVER GRATEFUL I LOVE U MAMA MARY ALWAYS!!! Theresa (Pmmlmamhfbcbahbbtibijna)
14th of March, 2013
Thank you Blessed Mother for listening to my prayers. MW
15th of March, 2013
Dear Mother Mary. I place my faith and trust in you, I have yet to complete my prayers of intercession yet I know that my prayers will be heard and answered. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Margherita
17th of March, 2013
Oh, Blessed Mother I thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening to my miserable prayers. Although I have not received an answer to my petition, I trust in you and the Father’s will…sometimes trusting is hard but I believe that if it is the Father’s will He will listen to your/my petition and take care of his faithful servant. I also thank you for all the graces, blessings, favors, petitions granted and for your unceasing protection and intercession and all good things that happened to me and to my loved ones (especially my wife Cristina) through your help, with love and devotion. Mike Kirby
18th of March, 2013
Holy Mary, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening to and granting my request. No request is too small or petty for the attention of you, my Mother, Margherita
19th March, 2013
Holy Mother, I thank you for your help I know you are always there to help and guide me. Intercede for me and ask The Lord to grant my request I love you and thank you. From Catherine
20th of March, 2013
My dearest mother, thank you for listening to my prayers.. I trust in you and I continue to pray for a good outcome. Thank you our lady.. JM, Glasgow
26th of March, 2013
Blessed virgin thank you for listening to my prayer and granting my request. I am truly grateful, Rita
2nd of April, 2013
My sweet Mama, thank you from your little daughter for loving me & little Jesus so much to let me be your precious little child. Thank you Mama for loving me and for putting in my heart this burning love for my heavenly spouse! Thank you Mama for begging and obtaining for us a fervent, burning love and complete and never ending communion with sweet little Jesus! Thank you Mama that we are no longer lukewarm, but are consumed with love continually for Our Lord and are consumed continually by His love for us. Thank you for a balanced, everyday faith of sound mind and great joy in burning love where all duties are done in Him, with Him, and through Him for Him. I love you Mama, thank you, thank you, thank you for your love for me and for hearing my prayers! I love you so very much! XOXO, Suzanne
8th of April, 2013
Holy Mary thank you for receiving my prayer. Charlene
8th of April, 2013
Holy Mother Mary I thank you for helping my grandson with his many problems, I will continue to pray for a good outcome as I know your intervention as a mother will be what turns him around. Rita from Perth
9th of April, 2013
Oh beautiful mother of Jesus, thank you for answering this prayer and helping Rich who is lost and hurting. Thank you for ending his self destructive road and blessing him. I am forever grateful. Thank you...Loretta
9th of April, 2013
Dearest Mother, Thank you for listening and hearing my prayers. Thank you for being someone who understands what it is to be a mother more than anyone. Thank you for asking your son to hear my petition! I love you Mother! ~Lacey
14th of April, 2013
Thank you Mother Mary, for your loving intercession and quick response to my prayers. smh
17th of April, 2013
Thank you Mother Mary, for your loving intercession and for quickly answering my prayers. Susan
17th of April, 2013
Dear Holy Mother, with all my being I thank you for granting the request I've made in prayer to you. I am forever grateful and renewed in spirit through your mercy. Amen. CJ
18th of April, 2013
Dearest Blessed Mother, thank you from the bottom of my heart for the numberless blessings which I have received from your powerful intercession. My hope is in you as always and forever for you are my beloved Mother. I love you, Mama Mary. LC
26th of April, 2013
Thank you holy Mother Mary for intercedeing on my behalf and for answered prayer for the restoration of my marriage. Ajm
1st of May, 2013
Thank you Blessed Mother for answering my prayers. I will honor you always. I love you Mother Mary. Susan
1st of May, 2013
Thank you Blessed Mother for answering my prayers. I will honor you always. I love you Mother Mary. Susan
1st of May, 2013
Thank you Blessed Mother for always listening and answering my prayers. I LOVE YOU. Susan
3rd of May, 2013
Thank you blessed Mother for hearing and answering my prayer - I have been without a job for 10 months now and had lost all hope. You have restored my faith and self worth. My prayers have finally been heard and I can finally hold my head up high once more. Amen, Lyn
5th of May, 2013
Dearest Mother Mary Thank you so much for your kind intercession and for always listening and answering my prayers.  I LOVE You!  Susan
7th of June, 2013
Blessed Mother, My Mother, thank you for all the graces you have bestowed on me.  I thank you from the bottom of my heart for always listening to my prayers and answering them.  I Love you! Susan
14th of June, 2013
Thank You, Blessed Mother for your intercession to my prayer for protection and care for my 88 year old mother, who will be having bladder surgery on Monday, June 17-2013. She is very upset and scared over it. Ask your son to be with her during this trying time and look after her. I know you will send this petition to your loving son. Also for myself and the rest of my co-workers not to be furloughed from the job or that the days be lessened. It will be a burden if we lose a lot of our salary. Thank you for answering and listening to my prayer. I will continue to pray faithfully to you and your son. Always. GMT
14th of June, 2013
Thank you, Dearest Mother for listening to my prayer and graces received, Your always, JEP
16th of June, 2013
Holy Mother, thank you so much for granting my prayers. The novena has helped me through many a trying time and I am forever grateful. Louise
20th of June, 2013
Thank you Mary for listening to my prayers. HH
29th of June 2013
Oh beautiful Mother, I have endless thanks for your unceasing love toward me. Please help me with all of your endless power to restore what was lost. I love you, thank you for everything. OG
6th of July, 2013
Please holy Mother help me in my hour of need ask The Lord to give me the confidence to carry out my duties with grace and humility let me be filled with the Holy Spirit I love and revere you my mother - From Catherine
14th of July, 2013
Prayer of petition to our Lady of Mount Carmel and thanksgiving.  Thank you Dear Virgin Mother of Carmel for your kind intercession. Yolanda
16th of July, 2013
Mama Mary, thank you so much for your endless prayers and blessings for me and my family.  Please don't get tired of listening to me cause I will be talking to you every moment I can.  Please bless my family, specially my growing teenage kids that they may follow the right path, make good and wise choices based on their Christian and family values.  Please pray for their protection from the harmful influences of the world as a whole, specially this modern world where morality and Christian values are already waning.  Help them grow with your graces everyday of their lives.....thank you, thank you, thank you....I am entrusting my children to your care with great confidence that You are going to save them, AMEN!  I love you, Mama Mary all the days of my life.  LR
18th of July, 2013
Dear Blessed Mother, Please send my petitions to your son to be answered about my Mother who is 88 years old.  That he makes her health become better with time.  She recently fell twice.  Hopefully she has no broken bones or hips.  I send this to you to intercede for me to your son and help heal her and that there is nothing seriously wrong with her health.  Thank you Blessed Mother, I will continue to pray to you and your son always.   Gina T.
18th of July, 2013
Thank you to the blessed mother, thank you for looking after my son and setting him free. Thank you for my daughters college, work, and personal success.  Thank you for looking over my kids and answering my prayers. MaryAnn L.
22nd of July, 2013
Blessed Mother of the Son of God, thank you from the bottom of my heart from a mother whose son was found innocent at trial. I thank you dear Mother for all of the blessings you have bestowed upon our family. Elizabeth
24th of July 2013
Thank you Blessed Mother for interceding for me and answering my prayers. Lyndell
24th of July, 2013
Great Lady never have I come to you in trouble that you have not been merciful and loving and you have always interceded on my behalf to ensure a good outcome. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart and ask you to continue to bless and guide me and my family in all our needs please protect them heal us, provide for our temporal needs, increase our faith and help us in all we do to make the decision most pleasing to God. Nicole O.
12th of August, 2013
Dear Blessed Mother. Thank you for always hearing and answering my prayers and for your loving intercession.  I Love you and honor you forever! Susan
15th of Augusr, 2013
Dear Mother Mary, I thank you for all the blessings that you have bestowed upon me. Thank you for never failing to answer my prayers and for the countless times you have interceded for my intentions.  I Love You. Susan
17th of August, 2013
Dear Mommy, Thank you so much for hearing my prayers and always answering them, especially for helping me fix my financial mess.  I trust you will now help me fix my broken relationship with my daughter and the discord in my family and marriage which has resulted from it.  Please let it all come to a quick peaceful end.  Also that my professor gives me a manageable amount of work for my course and I can honor my Lord Jesus with an “A”.  Please come to my rescue soon, Mommy and thank you again for your help.  I know you have a wonderful relationship with your Mommy, St. Ann, and that’s what I want for me and my daughter.  I thank St. Ann for her intercession as well.  Please never get tired of me and protect me always.  I am eternally grateful for all of your love and help.  I love you Mommy.  Josie
19th of August, 2013
As a devoted grandmother, I place in your arms my beloved john paul a 16 year old making bad decisions. Hold him fast and breathe our love into him. I love you and place my trust in you. Thank you for hearing me and loving him and his parents. Filomena
22nd of August, 2013
Mama Mary, thank you very much. I know my baby and I will be safe until I give birth, and there will be no complications before, during and after surgery. - Malou
22nd of August, 2013
Our Dearest Mother, thank you for answering my prayer. Anna
22nd of August, 2013
Thatnk yoy Holy Mother for your intercession and protection. Nicole
23rd of August, 2013
Great Lady- I am a miserable sinner whom you have saved and saved my family by your constant intercession_ I am literally at one of the lowest in my life but I know that you will aid my family and I and deliver us because no one can withstand your power and intercession with our Lord your son Jesus Christ- Thank you in advance for answering my prayers for healing this loneliness for protection for my children , for forgiveness and mercy from my just punishments, for helping to find peace  again, for protection and guidance and healing for my daughter , for helping with school and work, and healing this infirmity- the health and unity of my family and for assistance in our temporal needs-Please intercede for forgiveness , mercy and protection for me and mine Help me Great Lady my Mother and thank you from the depths of my soul for all you have done and for your continued mercy and intercession. Please help me to do Gods will and find peace, unity, protection and fulfillment in it. Please continue to aid me- Nicole
4th of September, 2013
Our Lady again I come, and again you have granted me, thru your intervention to our lord, Jesus Christ needs beyond my capabilities, three main issues. loss of loved one, dealing with a false love if so please give me the strength to correct or power to forgive, also the strength of mind with purpose and resolve to do with what is right. Thank you our lady through your intersession to your son for making all the right things . In great Devotion to you Mother of Jesus guide always in his service  Amen, John  h
6th of September, 2014
Holy Mother, Thank you for your intercession and mercy I ask for healing, guidance, protection and to bring my daughter to the right decision, physical, spiritual and physical protection that she come back to her faith reaming chase until marriage, healing for me and my family and deliverance from spiritual battle, loneliness and for a blessed marriage and more children. Thank you Great Lady for these current and future healings and answers to my petitions. I love you - Nicole
9th of September, 2013
Dearest Blessed Mother, Thank you for hearing my novena and for interceding for me to your son, our Lord Jesus! I love you Mother! Lacey
10th of September, 2013
Blessed Mother than you for answering my prayers , I ask that you continue to pray and intercede for my petitions and that guided by your prayers and intercession we have an outcome  that is most pleasing to the Lord and best for our eternal soul. Thank you Blessed Mother for all you have done for me for your mercy, love example and constant protection and intercession for me and mine let your example be a guide for all and please have mercy on us. Nicole
13th of September, 2013
Oh beautiful Mother.  Thank you for our faithful love and intercession.  Thank you for lifting my prayers to the Father and obtaining my requests. Peggy
17th of September, 2013
Holy Mother, please, help my husband and let his health be restored. I thank you for listening and know you will ask The Lord to grant my request I thank you for all your blessings Mother From Cath
27th of September, 2013
Great Lady, Thank you for answering my prayers once again, although I am a sinner and unworthy I thank you for your continued mercy and intercession and beg for your continued protection , mercy and intercession. Thank you from the bottom of my heart-Please in your mercy continue to intercede for me and mine- although unworthy. Nicole
7th of October, 2013
Thank you Mother Mary for your help - KBP
9th of October, 2013
Dearest Mother, I thank you for your unfailing intercession in my necessity and answered prayer, JEP
11th of October, 2013
Oh Holy Mother Mary, my Dear Sweet Mother & Holy Mother of Our Lord Jesus, I thank You from the very depths of my heart for hearing and answering my very urgent prayer!!! Oh Holy Mother & Lord Jesus I place all my trust in you to heal my relationship with my daughter, son-in-law & my grandbabies! I know you will reunite us together forever, in the most Devine way possible!  Oh Mary conceived without sin pray for us who have recourse to thee, Amen! Thank you! I love you and trust in you always!!!  April
17th of October, 2013
Thank you oh Heavenly Mother for hearing and answering my most urgent need!!! I place all my trust in You Mother Mary and our Lord Jesus to miraculously heal my relationship with my only child, her husband and my grandbabies! I know You with reunite us forever in the most Devine way!!!  Love and trust in Both of You with all my heart,  April
17th of October, 2013
Great Lady, Out Mother, Thank you for saving the house, for our wonderful daughter and for the educational opportunities we have been given. Please heal our family, help us in our temporal needs and increase our faith and devotion. I love you, Nicole
21st of October, 2013
Thank you our Lady of Mount Carmel, Blessed Virgin, Mother of God for hearing the prayers of a lowly sinner.  Thank you for granting me this miracle!-Kevin B.
23rd of October, 2013
To my great friend and confident, Our Lady once again thank you for coming to my aid. Catherine
8th of November, 2013
Thank you Blessed Mother for granting my prayer.  I have complete faith in you.  You are always there for me.  I love you.  Send my prayer to your Son also. Karen
14th of November 2013Mbr /> Holy Mary I place my trust in you, please hear my prayer as you have always done.  Catherine
14th of November, 2013
Dearest Mother, Thank you in advance for answering my prayers. I love you very much .......and am I need of your assistance always. Please stay with me,since my needs are great, You are my Mother of confidence, my Mother of Hope, my Mother of Perpetual Help. I am your little orphan child who needs Your protection in this valley of tears. Love always, your, Mary
15th of November, 2013
Blessed Mother, Our Lady, Thank you for hearing my novena and listening to my prayers and bringing my fears and anxieties to your Son. Thank you for bringing my request to our Lord Jesus. I love you my Heavenly Mother! ~Lacey
18th of November, 2013
Blessed Mary, thank you for you intercession with my son. I will forever honor and serve you. ME
22nd of November, 2013
Thank you Our Lady, love Angela
26th of November, 2013
Thanks you for hearing my request and I know you will answer it. JR
26th of November, 2013
Blessed Mother, I thank you for your help, I love you, JP
12th December, 2013
Oh Blessed Mother I placed my prayer in your hands and it was granted, as always, thank you and love you always, J
28th of December, 2013
I pray for help in saving my home from foreclosure, and that a pending business deal will be concluded quickly so that this can be achieved.  I thank you in advance for this miracle, and with all of my heart sincerely turn to you in my time of need and ask the Father for forgiveness for any past wrongs that I have done.  I repent of anything that I have done in the past that has brought me to this point, and place myself at Your mercy.  I trust the Holy Spirit to convict me in my heart of any wrongdoing that I may have overlooked, so that I may further repent and bring myself deeper into a State of Grace.  Most Blessed Mother of God and Our Lady of Mount Carmel, pray for me now and at the hour of my death.  My trust is in you, and I venerate you.   Bill, 1st January, 2014
Thank you most Blessed Mother for your assistance. Thank you for being my Mother. Your daughter, Lynn
12th of January, 2014
That my sons team win a few games. They are a group of good boys who cannot get a break. My husband coaches them and I want him not to blame himself and to continue on guiding these boys in the right way of good Christian sportmanships. I just want their spirits intact and maybe 1 or 2 games. They have won one game all season and it did not count. Elia C. H.
16th January, 2014
Dearest Mother in Heaven. I thank you from my heart for all the blessings you have bestowed on me and I beg you to assist with my current crises. I believe in you and your power and I believe in your son Jesus Christ . Peter.
17th of January, 2014
Thank you Dear Mother, for listening to my prayers. I believe that You will answer my prayers and help me with all my needs. Amen. Lulu
19th of January, 2014
Thank you Dear Mother, for listening to my prayers. I believe that You will answer my prayers and help me with all my needs. Please, help me Mama Mary. Amen. Lulu
22nd January, 2014
Holy Mother, Thank you for your intercession, mercy, and guidance. I request your prayers to bring my son to the right decision to stay at his current school for we all know in our hearts that it is the right decision to finish his journey there and continue to provide spiritual devotion to you and your son. Thank you Blessed Mother for granting my prayer. I have complete faith in you. You are always there for me. I love you. TM
22nd January, 2014
Thank you Dear Mother, for listening to my prayers. I believe that You will answer my prayers and help me with all my needs. Please, help me Mama Mary. Amen. L.
25th of January, 2014
Thank you Dear Mother, for listening to my prayers. I believe that You will answer my prayers and help me with all my needs. No one can withstand your power.... Please help me, Mama Mary. Amen. L.
28th of January, 2014
Thank you dearest Mother for listening to my prayer and for graces received, JP
30th of January, 2014
Dearest Mama Mary, Please, please answer my prayers. Thank you for listening to my prayers. I believe you will answer my prayers and help me with all my needs. Amen. Lulu
31st of January, 2014
Holy Mother, Thank you for healing John's eyes and returning his vision to him. He will be A GREAT TESTAMENT TO THE HEALING LOVE OF YOU AND YOUR SON as he returns to his family as a complete father and husband. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Heavenly Mother for loving us so much. I am, as always, forever grateful, MG.
31st of January, 2014
Holy Mary, Mother of God; Thank you for healing Robbie's leg Blessed Lady. He too will be A GREAT TESTAMENT TO THE HEALING LOVE OF YOU AND YOUR DIVINE SON when he returns, fully healed, to his wife and children. None can withstand your power Blessed Lady, The Immaculate Conception. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You My Heavenly Mother for hearing my prayer... MG
31st of January, 2014
Dearest Mama Mary, Thank you for answering my prayers even before the end of this novena. Please help me now, as I ask for guidance to help S heal. All for the glory of God. Amen. Lulu
3rd of February, 2014
Dearest Mama Mary, My prayers are for S to heal, emotionally and spiritually. Please continue to guide me to help him. Help me also with my finances. You are all powerful and have heard my prayers. All for the glory of God. Amen. Lulu
6th of February, 2014
Oh my beautiful, tender, loving Mother, thank you so much for helping me beyond my greatest expectations! You are so gracious to me, and I pledge my entire existence to your service, my sweet Queen, under the title of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. You have granted me the best possible job that I could ask for, despite my unworthiness, despite my wretched sinfulness. May you be praised for all time and all eternity, oh sweet Blessed Mother! William
8th of February, 2014
Dear Mother, I know you will answer my prayers for S to heal, emotionally and spiritually. Strengthen my faith, too, to wait for the right time and to carry out the will of God. Help me also to discern His will. Amen. Lulu
9th of February, 2014
Oh gracious Lady of Mount Carmel, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for granting my prayer. I know how I have hurt my love because of fear and lack of trust, but I only feared losing him and without realizing that I feared losing him so much, I hurt him. I thank you for bringing us back together again and for renewing our relationship that it has become much stronger than any trials that we face. I am very blessed and thankful and my heart rejoices in You. CS
10th of February, 2014
My Blessed Mother, Thank you in advance for granting my prayerful request, a second time, a request which I place in your hands, knowing doors closed on earth are open to You. Wise and loving Mother, I know you will answer my novena prayer and I pray for the grace to always hear and follow your loving counsel and to serve as an example to one who I pray comes to know you and your Son. Thank you Sweet, Sweet, Sweet Mother of God and Queen of Heaven. LJM
13th of February, 2014
Thank you Mama Mary for your powerful intercession. Holy Mary, all my love and thanksgiving. Amen. t.c.
14th of February, 2014
Holy Mother of Mount Carmel, I thank you for listening to and answering my prayer. Rita
15th of February, 2014
Thank you heavenly mother for your unconditional love. Thank you for listening to my prayers. Thank you for always being here with us protecting, guiding us and for interceding with our heavenly father. Amen. Xay
17th of February, 2014
My Beloved Holy Mother, Thank you for quickly answering my prayer, Love and Adore You Always, C.C.
19th of February, 2014
Thank you Our Lady of Mount Carmel for answering my prayers in bringing peace and harmony to my daughter's family and for helping my grandchildren at home and at school - Rita
23rd of February, 2014
Holy Mother, thank You for interceding for me. I trust that I have received the answer already to my request. I love You. Reply, Reply. Ellen
24th of February, 2014
Dear Mama Mary, I take comfort that you hear my prayers and will lift them up to your Son, Jesus Christ. You are His Mother, He can not refuse you. I continue to pray for S, for his spiritual and emotional healing. May the Holy Spirit guide me to discern the will of God. Lulu
1st of March, 2014
Holy Mother Mary, thank you so much for your intercession in my time of need and answering my prayers, I will continue to provide spiritual devotion to you. TM
12th of March, 2014
Dear mother I know you have always been beside me through any troubles I have had, intercede for my daughter help her to overcome her fears and lift her depression. Bless you holy Mary From Catherine
12th of March, 2014
Thanks you for hearing my request and I know you will answer it. JR
21st of March, 2014
Thank you Mary, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, for always listening to what seems to be my never-ending need for help. I feel a sense of comfort when I pray to you and I beg you to help me once again. Amen, CarolLynn
3rd of April, 2014
Thank you, Blessed Mother for always listening and answering my prayers. I have confidence that you will get my prayers and act on them. Karen Black
5th of April, 2014
Thank you Our lady of Mount Carmel for giving me the grace to invoke your aid. I feel clamer already and I have every confidence in your help and generosity that my prayers will be answered. I will try to pray to you each day not only for my own petitions but also for other. Love Jane
8th of April, 2014>br /> I am asking for good news for my 89 YR old mother. She has had a series of tests/Ex rays and Blood. We are hoping that the findings are not life threatening, and you will bring this request to your son, who never refuses his mother. Thank you for listening and I know that you will hear and answer our prayers and take this to you holy son. I will continue to pray for your intercession always. You always hear and listen to my prayers. Thank You most holy mother. Love Always Gina T.
10th of April, 2014
This is a request for an answer to my prayers to you for my friends mother who has stage 1 Lung cancer. Please intercede for us to your son to make the doctor’s give her an answer on what she should do. I know you will take this to your son and he will give us the answer through you intercession to him. Thanks blessed mother, me and my friend will continue to pray to you. You have answered a lot of requests for both of us. We will always love and cherish you forever. Thanks Gina T for Michele S.
10th of April, 2014
I would like to thank you, for a prayer answered for my 89 year old mom. The Doctor’s report came back clean and she is fine. I will continue to pray to you always. Love Gina T. 18th of April, 2014
My Dearest Mother I thank you for hearing my prayer for making my cousin healthy again and free of cancer, if God wills. Thanks you, always yours JEP
20th of April, 2014
I have always prayed to you for answer, through the intercession to your son. You have answered a lot of my prayers. I hope you can intercede to your son for this particular one. I need to get through some financial hardship and have been praying to you for some help. I have a friend that could also use some financial help also by the name of John. I know you are always listening and will have your son help us in some way. Thanks for always listening and bringing my petitions to your son Jesus. I will continue to pray to you always. Love Always Gina T and John D.
24th of April, 2014
Thank you dear Blessed Mother for prayers answered O clement O loving O sweet Virgin Mary. N D.
1st of May, 2014
Dear Mother I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your help. I know you will aid my children and give them help, pray for me queen of heaven Many thanks, Cath
3rd of May, 2014
Thank you as always dear Mama Mary for your intercession and answered prayers for securing the right employment and a new place to move in to. I love you my Blessed Mother. LC
6th of May, 2014
Thank you, as always, for listening to my pleas for help. I know you listen and help me where you can. Please watch over Jess for me and help her. I will always be grateful and faithful to you. cls
8th of May, 2014
Dear mother i know you will grant my request and I give thanks for the many blessings I and my family have been given. With your help I know my prayer will be answered by your holy son our lord Jesus Christ. Amen Cath e
11th of May, 2014
Holy Mary, Mother of God, thank you for prayers answered. My love for you and gratitude is forever. Barb
14th of May, 2014
I believe in this. I am publishing this novena as promised and I know all will be granted. Holy Mary, Mother of God, thank you for prayers answered. My love for you and gratitude is forever.( 2nd petition) Barb
14th of May, 2014
Holy mother thank you for granting my request my daughter gained the strength she need through your intercession. Cathy
16th of May, 2014
Holy Mother of Mt. Carmel thank you for hearing my prayer and thank you for answering my prayers. Michael B.
19th of May, 2014
My dearest Mother, I thank you for your intercession and help, I believe my petition will be granted, Love J
21st of May, 2014
I am forever grateful to have your guidance and help.  Thank you for helping Jess get some clarification as to the right path she needs to take, which gives us all some peace.  You know I love you and am devoted to you, cls
21st of May, 2014
Dearest Mother Mary, thank you for obtaining from God my petition. Through you, our prayers are never in vain. I am truly grateful for your intercession. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Praise be to God. Catherine.
25th of May, 2014
Thank you Our Lady Of Mount Carmel, Mother Mary for your most powrful intercession in our lives. Thank you for favoring us and removing all cross condiions that are hindering us from moving forward.Most of all, I thank you for your healing me and restoring my eyesight. Amen. God Bless you mother Mary, Robyn & W
30th of May, 2014
Dear Mother thank you for listening to my prayers you have always listened and helped throughout my life. May The Lord grant my request Cath
2nd of June, 2014
Hail Mary, Queen of mercy, everlasting garden of love, Queen of the Holy Rosary... i am so greatful to you for replying to my prayer. I offer you everything that you gave me. Do accept me as your slave and guide me in my path. Thank you my dear and dearest Mother of unceasing love and the most holy queen of Rosary. With love... your slave Madonna$
6th of June, 2014
Thank you my mother mary for everlasting love,and always helping me when i seek your assistance.its through we reach your son Jesus,always pray for me and my family,I love you mother Mary. Carol
13th of June, 2014
Thank you my mother. Thank you for standing beside me for carrying me and for watching over me. To day is a big day but I am inspired by your love for me and my faith in you. Mother I have pleaded your help on many occasions and yet again am doing so now please watch over me and may tour light shine on all here on earth. I am forever grateful for the gifts and graces you have already granted to me. Peter
18th of June 2014
Thank you for an answer to my prayer, It is for some (Financial Assistance)/Hardship, It has been a struggle the past few months. I would also like for you to bring my other petition for some help, (Adoption Petition) Please bring it to your son, Jesus. I will always continue to pray to you for your intercession to your son. I could really use an answer to both of these requests. I know you will continue to listen and help. Thanks Always your loving child. GMT
18th of June, 2014
Dear Blessed Lady, Thank you for an answer to my prayer, It is for some (Financial Assistance) It has been a struggle the past few months. Please bring it to your son, Jesus. I have and always will continue to pray to you for your help. I could really use an answer to this one. I know you will continue to listen and help. Thanks Always your loving child. GMT
18th of June, 2014
Dear Mother, thank you for answering my prayers I know you can and will help, Holy Mother pray for us, Catherine.
19th of June, 2014
Dear Blessed Mother, Thank you for listening to my poor prayers. Thank you for being there to hear me and pray to your Son for me. I am so grateful for your intercessions. Please take my anxieties and worries to Jesus. Thank you Mother! I love you! Lacey
23rd of June 2014
Thank you for favours waiting to be received Amen. AMH
26th of June, 2014
Thanksgiving, Wonderful Mother. You have protected us and given us so much that we cannot thank you enough. Please hear my prayers again as I have no one to turn to except you and your precious Son. Thank you very much. JP
27th of June, 2014
My Dearest Mother, I thank you for your help and intercession and all the graces received through you. JEP
30th of June, 2014
Dearest Blessed Mother Mary, I thank you for everything you have done for me. Please intercede my petition for my son to have a change of heart in choosing his lifelong partner. He is your son too and guide him on the right path. PJ
30th of June, 2014
Thank you for all your help - all the time. Please help Doug to get better quickly and be able to return to work and feel well. Forever grateful. Cls
2nd of July, 2014
Thank you to Our Lady of Mount Carmel for prayers answered. Ruth Ann C.
5th of July, 2014
Dear Virgin Mother, I am so grateful for your intercession on my behalf. I adore and love you. Thank you Dear Lady for coming to my aid. Anna
5th of July, 2014
Holy mother thank you for listening to my request I know you will help me with my difficulties holy mother pray for me - From Catherine
6th of July, 2014
Most Holy Mother, thank you for listening. I know through your power you will grant my request. I will be forever grateful. Lisa
7th of July, 2014
Thank you Our Lady of Mount Carmel for answering my prayers. Ruth Ann C.
8th of july, 2014
Mother Mary, today is the third day of my novena. I thank you for answering my payers. I don't know the answer but I know of your love for me which gives me the utmost confidence that you have heard and seen my heart. I will always be thankful to you and always encourage devotion to you. LAF
9th of July
Thank you Holy Mother for prayers answered. Ruth Ann C
11th of July, 2014
I pray to our lady of Mount Carmel for blessing me and my 5 boys, I'm asking her to protect me and my kids family I need a new home for me and the boy's to bless me with a new home a new job cooking my catering and to cover us and specially one if my son whose adhd and learning disability thanx you for everything you don for me Mother I love you and preotect me from enemies and evil from:J.A.F
16th of July, 2014
On Friday, I am going for a biopsy of my lung. I thank you Our Lady of Mount Carmel for answering my prayer that there will be no cancer or anything seriously wrong. In fact, there will be no abnormality in the lung and I will be completely healthy in Jesus' name. Thank you so much. KM
16th of July, 2014
Thank you Sweetest Mother Mary for your powerful intercession in my time of distress. I will always be devoted to you and your Son. JW
18th of July, 2014
Holy Mother Mary, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for hearing my prayer and helping my family in our time of urgent need. Our home is safe, and our daughter can stay in her Catholic preschool. Praise God, and thank you for your powerful intercession! Matt Harris
18th of July, 2014
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, I lovingly thank you once again for hearing and answering my prayer. Ruth Ann C.
23rd of July, 2014
Mary our Mother please hear my prayers to let Jess be able to have the surgery to ease her pain so she can lead a normal life and go to work and be happy. I beg of you and will be so grateful. Thank you as always CarolLynn
23rd of July, 2014
Oh Blessed Virgin of Mt Carmel, my Mother, I thank you for your help and graces received, your faithful servant, JEP
28th of July, 2014
Dear Blessed Mother of Jesus, I am praying that you will hear and answer my prayer and take it to your son, Jesus Christ. My asking is of me getting some financial help from the bank to put me in a program that can lower my mortgage payment so I won’t lose my home. You have always listened and helped me with my petitions. I hope and pray that you will take this to your son in my behalf. Thank you for always being with me and answering all of my prayers. Your loving servant. I will continue to pay homage to you and your son. GT. Thanks.
31st of July, 2014
Dearest Mother Mary, Thank you so much for hearing my prayer and helping me in my troubles and times of need. Great Mother of Jesus, help me to rely on you as my own Mother joined by your Immaculate Heart and the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I am forever grateful for your blessings and assistance.~In Christ, Barbara D.
3rd of August, 2014
Dear Mother- thank you for always being here to comfort me and help us. Please let Jess' stress test be okay so she can have the surgery to give her pain relief and get back to her life. Thank you always. I love you. Carol
3rd of August, 2014
Please Our Lady of Mt Carmel let Jess pass her test so she can have the operation on Monday to alleviate her pain. I beg of you. Thank you Carol
6th of August, 2014
I do thank Our Lady of Carmel for hearing my prayers and for her intercession on my behalf,and for her staying with me (that latter I hope). Susan
7th of August, 2014
Our Mother - Lady of Mt. Carmel, you have answered my prayers so many times that I feel bad coming to you for help again and again. Please let Jess' surgery be a go and have a good outcome tomorrow, alleviating her pain. Our Lady Of Mt Carmel hear our prayers. Thank you. I love you and beg for your help. Carol
10th of August, 2014
Our Mother Mary I beg you to please have Doug be able to work out the problem with his job and be able to keep it and his insurance be intact. I am sorry to always have so many problems that I need to come to you so often for help, but it does give me comfort to know you are there to listen and to help. Please I beg of you help this time as well as it is so critical. I love and adore you. Love Carol
11th of August, 2014>br /> Please pray for the relationship of Michael and Liliana. For harmony, open communication, more love and passion and marriage. Also, that they don't have to live apart in different countries. With thanksgiving and Praise to our Blessed Mother. Liliana
12th of August, 2014
Thank you Blessed Mother for answered prayer. Liliana
12th of August, 2014
O Blessed Virgin, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your help and intercession in this necessity, and for graces received, Love JP
15th of August, 2014
Thanksgiving to Our Lady of Mt Carmel - m.e
16th of August, 2014
Thank you for blessing Liliana and Michael's Relationship. Watch over them and bring them together. . That they be married and share anlong life abundently filled life with health and wisdom and peace. L.C.
17th of August, 2014
Beloved Holy Mother, Thank You from my heart for answering my prayer. Love You Always, C.C.
17th of August, 2014
Thank You to Our Blessed Lady of Mt. Carmel for answered prayer. Liliana and Michael
30th of August, 2014
Blessed Virgin, I thank you from all my heart for listening to my poor prayer and graces received and for your intercession on behalf of my fried for her recovery from life threatening disease. I thank you for all your help. JEP
1st of August, 2014
Holy Mother of God I know you will listen and help my daughter and my mother both are facing difficulties but I know through your grace and the help of The Lord their troubles will be eased Catherine
3rd of August, 2014
Dear Mother Mary, Thank you so much for comforting and strengthening me after my husband left. I pray he finds his way back to Jesus and becomes willing to work on our marriage. Thank you for helping us to become a family again. With your guidance, example and intercession- I know I can be a better wife. Love Nicole M.
6th of August, 2014
My Dearest Mother, I thank you for listening to my prayer and for graces received, love you JEP
7th of September, 2014
My dearest Mother , thank you for your help and intercession and for the graces received, love you always, JEP
7th of September, 2014
Dear Mother Mary, Thank you for my dream job in Dubai! Thankyou for lending me a hand when there was no one to help me. Thank you for giving me light when all around was darkness. Thankyou for the grace shown, for the blessings. Thank you for the wonderful job in Dubai which will help me to achieve career growth and success.Thanks Mother Mary for all blessings showered, Please continue to guide and shower your infinite mercy. Please also help me Mother whenever possible, I can help other needy people like me because I know how it feels - when all around its just despair and no one there for you. Please help me , help others too like me in which ever way is possible. Thank you for your miracles always :) - Deeps
16th of September, 2014
Dear Mother I know you will help my son with his difficulties and intercede with The Lord on his behalf I thank you for all your guidance. From Cath
16th of September, 2014
Dear OLMC, I'm sending this petition straight to you so you can take it to your son Jesus. I have prayed numerous times and asked for your help and you have answered me. I need a favor to hear a answer from my bank to see if my loan modification will be approved, I've been praying now for some weeks. Please take this to your son for an answer soon, I will continue to pray to you always. Thanks GMT (9-12-14)
Thank you in advance Mama Mary. You love us very much and I am confident of your love and intercession. My petitions one of which appears to be slowly granted...which is peace in my workplace seems to be getting fulfilled in an amazing way. I shall come back to the website with a big big big thank you to you when all is fully granted. Thank you sweety Mama... From your loving child-PP
25th of September, 2014>br /> Dearest Mother, thank you for answering my request! There are no words that will do justice to the joy in my heart. :D I have waited 36 years for him.... But God never lets His children wait in vain. May we always help each other to walk closer to your Son. Thanks again. - Catherine
1st of October, 2014
Dear Our Lady, Thank you so so much for all the favours received through the devout recitation of your miraculous 3-day Novena. O Blessed Mother continue to answer my prayers.HP
8th of October, 2014
Holy mother thanks you for listening to my prayers I know you will help me and give me strength through our lord jesus from Catherine
12th of October, 2014
Thank you blessed Mother! you never let me down. I can pour myself out to you and you hear me. Love,Karen 14th of October, 2014
My Dearest Mother, I thank you for your help, intercession and graces received, you have always been so helpful and generous, thank you, JEP
15th of October, 2014
Thank you Blessed Mother for hearing and answering my prayer, and especially for the unfailing tenderness and care you have always given to me, your unworthy son and servant. WKK
15th of October, 2014
Thank you- Blessed Mother for everything you have done for me and my family. Carlos
15th of October, 2014
Many thanks Mlother Mary, Yet again you come through for me It seems thatspite myself you will not let me become lost and for this I thank you with all my heart. May your name be praised on earth and in heaven. P
18th of October, 2014
Dear Blessed Mother, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening to my prayers and I thank you for all your graces, blessings and help for my family. I am forever grateful to you Holy Mother. Paula
19th of October, 2014
Thank you Blessed Mother for answering my prayers and bringing me peace. I am so grateful. Kerri Graham
19th of October, 2014
Thank you for your unfailing patience and help Blessed Mother. Sincerely, WKK
21st of October, 2014
Holy Mother, thank you for showing me mercy and love and for answering my petition. Forgive me for ever questioning God's will. I love you and know that you love me and my family too. You told me what to do so I faithfully did so and I trust in you. Antonia
22nd of October, 2014
Dear mother thank you for your intercession I know you will help me and ask The Lord to give me strength From Cathbr /> 23rd of October, 2014
My Mother and My Queen, I thank you for every grace bestowed on me through your intercession and I ask for this favour in total confidence that it will be granted, there is not that can withstand your power! Love JEP
29th of October, 2014
Please help us Our Mother and help Jess and Doug get through this crisis and get back to more normal times. As usual I turn to you for help as I don't know where else to turn and take comfort that you will help. Thank you for all you do for us every day. Cls
1st of November, 2014
Blessed Mother, thank you for listening to my prayer and helping me overcome my addiction. I have been set free by your intercession. I will be forever grateful. Rita
3rd of November, 2014
Most holy Mary Mother of God help me to find the strength to carry on and give my mother hope in the future I love you and know you will help me and my family. Cath
3rd of November, 2014
Most Blessed Virgin, Mother of God, I thank you for prayers answered I have all my confidence in you, Thank you, Love J
6th of November, 2014
Our Mother, Lady of Mt Carmel, Please help Jess and Doug get their lives back on track, and to remember they love each other and be happy. Thank you for always being there. Love Cls
8th of November, 2014
Our Mother, Lady of Mt Carmel, Please help Jess and Doug get their lives back on track, and to remember they love each other and be happy. Thank you for always being there. Love Cls
8th of November, 2014
Holy Mary, Mother of God, thank you for being my mother. Thank you for granting my request and for all the abundant graces I have received. You have shown yourself to me as my mother. Thank you for everything. Thank you most of all for leading me to your Divine Son. Melissa in San Diego, CA
14th of November, 2014
Our Lady of Mt Carmel I thank you for always listening and answering my prayer. My prayer is for my beautiful granddaughter. Thank you. With much gratitude, Karen B.
18th of November, 2014
My Dearest Mother, I thank you again for listening to my prayer and for graces received, I love you. JEP
19th of November, 2014
Dear Mother, thank you for always listening and being there for my requests. Please help Jess to let go of the bitterness and return to a more happy state, for her sake and the sake of their marriage and the relationship with her father.CLS
25th of Nove,ber, 2014
Our Lady- please help me. Thank you AM
27th of November, 2014
Oh, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, thank you so much for always helping me and making me feel better. My family has benefitted from your help. We are very grateful! Karen Black
7th of December, 2014
Oh, Blessed Mother, Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, thank you for again listening and hearing my prayers. I am very grateful and more at peace after praying and petitioning you. You always answer my prayers. Thank you for you love. Karen Black
17th of December, 2014
I am so very grateful and thankful for your intercessions on my behalf. You always make me feel better. Love, Karen Black
21st of December, 2014
Holy Mother, I thank you for listening and giving me strength I know you will help my family hail Holy Queen. Catherine
11th of January, 2015
Oh Mary concieved without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee, Holy Mary I place this prayer in Your hands Amen.Thank you for answering this prayers and caring for my needs......Humbly Yours John
14th of Jnuary, 2015
Thank you so much for helping my precious granddaughter get better. I am very grateful for this and all you have done for me. Karen Black
26th of January 2015
Holy mother I thank you for listening and hearing my prayers thank you for answering them. Thank you for the love you have shown me and my family Cathy 27th of January, 2015
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, thank you for helping me launch the first product of my small food business. CB
9th of February, 2015
Thank you mother for helping me and my family ask our lord to have mercy on us and give us strength. From Catherine
28th of February, 2015
Thank you Our Lady Our Mother in advance for petitions granted A.
8th of March, 2015
Holy Mother I know you will grant my request. Thank you for all your guidance and prayers. Lord jesus give us strength to face all of life's problems with grace and compassion, Amen. Cath
8th of March, 2015
Mother of God, Holy Lady of Mount Carmel I am forever grateful to you for hearing my prayer and sending you healing powers to Baby Hope. You have heard my prayers as i have seen healthy changes in little Hopes eye and whole health. I thank you always and am forever grateful to your love and kindness. You have powers that are much stronger than any others and your love sustains us sinners as we sometimes stray from you. You have again shown me your powers by beginning the healing process of little Baby Hope's eye. My faith that you will continue to heal Baby is unconditional because you have shown me before your powers with miracles as you are showing me now with you intervention in healing little Hope's eye and saving her from losing it to surgery. You are most powerful. I thank you in prayer everyday. Always, VEB
12th of March, 2015
Blessed mother I stand before you in such a dark time but I thank you for answering my prayer and giving me comfort.AM
24th of March, 2015
Thank you from the bottom of my heart You have saved me David. KF
27th of March, 2015
Thank you, Blessed Mother, for helping my brother and his student with autism. C.B.
27th of March, 2015
Thank you Mary for all of your blessings.DW
27th of March, 2015
Holy Mary help my mam give her the strength to get through her illness and calm her nerves. Ask The Lord to strengthen her will. Thank you for your love and kindness. From Cath
7th of April, 2015
Dear Blessed Mother, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Thank you for your intercession and for answering my prayers. I know you will always listen and I feel so grateful to have your love. Karen Black
13th April, 2015
Dear Mother of Jesus, I love you and I know if its God's willing my prayer will be granted. Thank you Joanna for your amazing job.J
15th April, 2015
Thank you holy mother for your help through this difficult time for my family may The Lord have mercy and bless all of us and give us strength Catherine
19th April, 2015
Oh Blessed Mother of God, thank you so much for interceding on my behalf and answering my prayers. I am happier than I could have ever imagined. What was once impossible is now possible because of you. Please stay with me always. Shay
24th April, 2015
I pray in thanksgiving to Our Lady of Mount Carmel for helping take care of Ralph and for the love he shows me. A.C.
1st of May, 2015
Thank you Blessed Mother for listening to my prayers and for interceding on my behalf as I know that through your intercession my prayers will be answered. Catherine.
14th of May, 2015
Holy and most blessed Mary Mother of God I know you will help my mother in her illness and grant my request thank you for asking the Lord to help Her, your compassion and love will give her strength . From Catherine
15th of May, 2015
To My Dearest Mother Mary, I pray and thank you with all my heart for listening to my heartfelt prayers. I have truly suffered a lot of pain in these last couple of years and at times when I truly thought I could not go on, my mother you have come to my rescue many times. You have given me the strength to carry on and even though my burden is heavy you have lifted me out of some very life threatening situations. I pray my holiest mother that you will finally lift all my burdens that are pulling me down like an anchor and protect my son that his back will heal. My Mother Mary I truly love you with all my heart and without you would surely not be here today. I pray my Mother you will hear my prayer through your holiest Son our Lord Jesus Christ and of our father. Amen. Thank you my Mother. RajeshV
19th of May, 2015
My holiest mother Mary - I love you and worship you with all my heart and with everything I have every single day. My mother you have made things possible in myself and my families life which were unachievable with out you my dearest mother. My mother I need you in my life every single day my hurdles are long and my journey will be incomplete without you. I know you will protect my son and I love you my mother even more for it. I will surely spread your word and be eternally grateful for the rest of my life. I give thanks to our heavenly father and to our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. RV
30th of May, 2015
Thank you Immaculate Queen and Mother. W.K.K.
9th of June, 2015
Holy mother I need your help please let my father recover And may my family find happiness please give me strength From Cathy
12th of June, 2015
petition prayer to our lady of Mt Carmel. Thank you mother for answering my prayers John M.
16th of June, 2015
Dear Blessed Mother ~ Thank you for always hearing and answering our prayers. JL
17th of June, 2015
Holy Mother, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, I have had my prayer answered – the three day Novena – and once again, it has not failed. My son and his spouse were under threat of redundancy. They both work at the same company. They have a mortgage to pay and they also have a darling little daughter, aged 6, who has Downs Syndrome. I prayed that their jobs would be safe, and they have just been told that they are safe. Thank you so much, and please now pray for the other people at the company who were not so fortunate, and who now face unemployment. My thanks dear Mother Mary. Patricia Y.A-S.
17th of June, 2015
Dear Dear Blessed Mother, I thank you for once again hearing my novena as you always do, and praying for me through my anxiety and fear. I need you and I thank you for praying for me and helping me and I love you. Amen, Lacey
1st of July, 2015
Holy mother i love you and know you will help my mother and daughter give them confidence and help them face all hardships ask our lord to help them and give them strength. From Cat
5th of July, 2015
My Dearest Mother, thank you for listening to my prayer and for interceding for me, I strongly believe in this prayer, JEP
9th of July, 2015 My Mother and My Queen, I say thank you for your help and intercession and graces received, I believe with all my heart in this prayer, JEP
9th of July, 2015
Thank you Holy other for answering my prayer, CE
11th of July, 2015
Thank you for answering my prayer, LMK
11th of July, 2015
O, Mother of Carmel, THROUGH THE INTERCESSION of Thy beloved son, St. Simon Stock and all the Holy Carmelites who have ever loved and been devoted to Thee, I extend my deepest gratitude for your maternal love and solicitude. Thank you for granting the favor I now so assidsu- ously implore. O Mother of Mercy, never take your loving eyes off of any one of us, but keep us in Thy maternal embrace until each and every one of us are together in Thy presence enjoying Thy company and the company of the one true God for all eternity. So I hope. So may it be. Amen. Mona Lisa
16th of July, 2015
Thanks you so much, Our Lady . Nando
16th of July, 2015
Holy Mother on this Your Feast Day- thank you once again for answering my prayers. Anna M
16th of July, 2015
Heartfelt gratitude to you blessed mother for your grace and intercession. With faith and trust in you always, CM
16th of July, 2015
Thank you, Blessed Mother, for the blessings you bestow upon me. M.M.
18th of July, 2015
My dear sweet mother, thank you for answering my prayer and for continuing to be with me and for guiding my son . Please help him to find a nice apartment in a safe area near his job. I know you and your,sweet son are always by my side leading me. I love you my sweet mother, please continue to hear and answer me for I know you know what's in my heart. AMEN MM
18th of July, 2015
I thank you most holy mother for all of your blessings and intercessions on my mother and daughters behalf hail holy queen thank you. From Cath
21st of July, 2015
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel thank you for making me strong amidst our trials... our family had been a lot of miseries but you kept us on our feet to move on with our lives... we love you Our Lady of mt. carmel... pls continue to guide & pray for us... Amen.
24th of July, 2015
Most Blessed Mother thank you for hearing and answering my prayers for my son. MTP
28th of July, 2015
Dear mother I ask you to help my mam she is very poorly at the moment and needs your strength take away her fear and may The Lord bless her and give her hope. I know you have heard my prayer and will grant my request. Hail holy queen mother of God. Many thanks From Catherine
15th of August, 2015
Thank you dear Mother. There is not anything that I do not owe to thy intercession. Sincerely, W.K.K.
20th of September 2015
Thank you Holy Queen, Flower of Mt. Carmel. Thy unworthy son, W.K.K.
22nd of September, 2015
Thank you for hearing my prayer Immaculate Mother and Star of the stormy sea. Thy unworthy son, W.K.K.
25th of September, 2015
Thank you Blessed Mother. May I spend eternity thanking God for creating Thee. Sincerely, W.K.K.
7th of October, 2015
Holy mother I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your help and understanding, thank you for your love and kindness at this difficult time. I know that all of these problems will be resolved. Pray for us, Cathy
11th of October, 2015
I am so eternally grateful to You, Our Lady of Mt Carmel.I thank you for listening to and answering my prayers and for blessing us with your help. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Kerri G.
24th of October, 2015
Thank you Most Blessed Mother for listening to my prayers, I know you will help me in my family's hour of need. Catherine
24th of October, 2015
Thank you Holy Mother, Star of the stormy sea of this mortal life. Keep us on the path which leads to Heaven. Thy unworthy son, W.K.K.
27th of October, 2015
Holy Mother thank you for listening to my prayers I know you always hear me and will answer. Through Jesus Christ Amen Cath
7th of November, 2015
Our Lady Of Mt Carmel, with your help I believe my prayers will be granted. From the start you gave guided me with this great need i know you will syand beside me - Thank You T.
15th of November, 2015
Blessed Mother, I so need your help. Thank you so much for all of your blessings and helping us during this trying time. Thank you for hearing my prayers and call for help. Kerri G.
11th of December, 2015
This is my thanksgiving prayer to Our Lady of Mount Carmel for favours I am confident of receiving through her mighty intercession. Our most gracious Lady has never let us down and never will. Thank you, Sabrina K.
15th of December, 2015
I thank Our Lady now in advance of her answering my prayer. I promise to always honor Her and try to instill in my children and grandchildren devotion to Her as my mother did with me. I ask again, Dear Lady, to answer my prayer to break the hold this addiction has on him. I know with complete confidence that with You, he will be healed. Annette
14th of January, 2016
Thanks for all the favours received,Catherine
16th of January, 2016
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, I pray to you that you bless me in this great disaster that I'm going through with my job. I know you will bless me in not loosing my job. Thank you mother praise you mother. Your loving daughter PF
17th of January, 2016
My Dearest Mother, Thank you for your help and graces received. JEP
23rd of January, 2016
Holy mother thank you for all your blessings I know you will listen and help me and ask The Lord to give me strength Catherine
28th January, 2016
Our Lady of Mount Carmel intercede for me to know that happiness again and forever no matter what the cost BH
30th January, 2016
Thank you Mother Mary for listening to and answering my prayer. Thank you for blessing a marriage that was in dire need of prayers and forgiveness. Rita
14th of February, 2016
Blessed mother thank you for healing a marriage. Rita
14th of February, 2016
Holy Mary I thank you for helping my daughter I know you will give her the help she needs. Thank you Holy Mother of God. Cath
10th of March, 2016
My Dearest Mother, I thank you for your help and intercession and the answer to my prayer, I strongly believe it happened because you have prayed for me. JEP
14th of March, 2016
Most beautiful Flower of Mt. Carmel I thank thee for hearing and granting my request. Thy unworthy son, WKK.
30th of March, 2016
I'm sending this in thanksgiving for answering my prayers for my Mother of 91 years, my friends husband, very sick with cancer. Please take it to your son Jesus. Thanks. Gina T.
1st of April, 2016
Holy mother I am sorry for all my transgressions. My hope is that you will help my family please give me strength. Please pray me, Cath
13th of April, 2016
My mom has a doctor's appointment with her oncologist. Please let us receive news, that will not take her life. Some news we can live with and calm her down. She is very afraid and upset. For my friend Frank and MaryAnn that his cancer goes into remission if not a cure. My good friend Carol Getz, I hope she gets better fast. I have prayed to you often. I know you will hear and answer my petitions and bring it to your son Jesus. GMT
13th od April, 2016
Thank you Mary for listening to my prayer of need. If you see that I am deserving of my request please grant it. Amen, Lyn
17th of August, 2016
I know you will hear and answer my prayers, for my mother to start feeling much better with her pain. The family Dr. has given her shots and I believe it will start helping her. My friend Frankie, that he goes into remission, if not a cure. My other friend Carol Getz, that she starts doing better. I also have a petition for someone to be placed not in our area, he will not go well with the rest of the folks. For him to be moved away from our immediate area. I will continue to pray to our Lady and her son always. She has always answered my prayers. GMT
20th April, 2016
Dear Blessed Lady. You always hear and answer my prayers. Please also take to your son Jesus. For my mom to start feeling much better with her pain. The family doctor has given her shots and I believe it will start to help. For my friends frank and Maryann that he goes into remission or receives a cure. My friend Carol that she starts doing better, she is also very sick. I also have a favor for a certain individual, not to be placed in our work area. He is not so nice a person. I will continue to pray to our lady and her son always. She has always answered my prayers. GMT
20th April, 2016
Dear Mother Mary, Thank you for answering my prayer. You made the impossible happen. I can’t describe how grateful I am to you. You gave me what I truly desired and you have never failed me. You are amazing and I love you so much. Thanks from me and from my loving future husband. Amen. A.J.J
22nd of April, 2016
Dear Mother Mary, I'm writing you for some answers to some prayers, For my mother that is 91 years, that her pain is taken away from her, and that it is not life threatening and we have her for many more years to come. For my prayers for my friends, Frankie who has a very aggressive cancer, that he receives a cure and if not a cure goes into remission, for my friends Carol and Helene that they start doing better with their cancer, for them to go into a remission if not a cure. I will continue to pray to you Blessed Mother and your son Jesus, please take my petitions to your son, he does not refuse his mother. I love you and will continue to ask for your help. Love your faithful servant. GT for (FB, CG, & H)
3rd of May 2016.
Dear mother please help my family I know that you have listened to me and helped many times I hope that you can bring the conflict in my family to an end. My prayers to the Lord are hopeful and I know you will help - Cat
5th of Ma5, 2016
Please help my 91 yr old mother to manage her pain. To take to your son, that he has mercy for her, she is so frightened, and worried. For my friend Frankie to have a cure for him and if not a cure, to go into remission for his cancer. For Robyn to have Her baby soon and that it be a nice size and be healthy. For my friend Carol to get well soon. I love you and will continue to ask for your help and to take my petitions to your son, Jesus. Love - your faithful servant. Gmt
11th of May, 2016
Dear Blessed Mother Mary thank you for my prayers answered that you will heal my bronchitis and that j will be free from serious illness or disease of the lungs. I pray sweet Mother always for your support and guidance through this journey which can be difficult. I love you Mother Mary and know that you are watching over me. Tara
12th of May, 2016
Dear Blessed Lady/Mother of Jesus Christ. My 91 yr. old mom has a Dr's Appointment with the oncologist today, please bring to your son a way she can take care of the pain and not die now from it. She is scared and frightened. The cancer as we know has spread somewhat at a slow progression, please ask your son to help control and manage the pain as we go forth. Help her and myself how to deal. I know you will take it to your son and he will help her. I will continue to pray to you for your help in this petition. GT
16th of May, 2016
Dear Blessed Mother, Thank you for answering my petitions, my 91 year old mother went to the oncologist and she told her if her cancer did go a little further that it is progressing very slow, she is not going to die from it. The most she would have to do is to be put on a different medication (a needle), she is not sure yet. This is very good news for my mom. My friend Carol is doing better she is at work. Thank you so much for answering my petitions, I do believe you have answered my prayers and taken it to your son. I will continue to pray to you. I can't tell you how elated I am for you to answer my prayers. Love always your faithful servant. GT.
19th of May, 2016
Holy mother I thank you for all your intersessions please help us in these troubled times I know you have listened and will help all my family Cath
20th of May, 2016
Dear Blessed Lady of Mt. Carmel, I am writing this to send for an answer to my prayers. I know you will hear and answer my petitions as always in the past. For my 91 yr. old mother, that when she takes her new cancer medicine to help stop her cancer from progressing, She is taking the new medicine for little over a week's time. She is still in a lot of pain. Please make the severe pain subside so that we know that the new medicine is working and she will start feeling somewhat better. Please take this petition right to your son Jesus for her. In Petition for Citizens Bank to grant me another loan, (hardship). If not the payment will double in size, then I won't be able to pay it and go into bankruptcy and possible lose my home. Please take this to your son it is quite serious, I need help. If I lose my home my family and myself will go into the street. Please do not let that happen. For my friends Frankie, Carol and Helene. That they either go into remission or get a healing of some kind or a complete miracle. I will continue to pray to you & your son always. Thanks your servant in Jesus Christ, (7 June 2016). GMT.
O most beautiful flower of Mt. Carmel…my husband and I thank you for listening to our request! You heard and provided!!! Ann N.
11th June, 2016
Dear Blessed Lady of Mt. Carmel, I am writing this to send for an answer to my prayers. I know you will hear and answer my petitions as always in the past. For my 91 yr. old mother, she is taking her new cancer medicine to help stop her cancer from progressing, She is taking the new medicine for little over 2 week's time. She is still in a lot of pain in her back area. Please make the severe pain subside so that we know that the new medicine is working and she will start feeling somewhat better. Please take this petition right to your son Jesus for her. In Petition for Citizens Bank to grant me another loan, (hardship). If not the payment will double in size, then I won't be able to pay it and go into bankruptcy and possible lose my home. Please take this to your son it is quite serious, I need help. If I lose my home my family and myself will go into the street. Please do not let that happen. For my friends Frankie, Carol and Helene. That they either go into remission or get a healing of some kind or a complete miracle. I will continue to pray to you & your son always. Thanks your servant in Jesus Christ, (13 June 2016). GMT.
Thank you Blessed Mother for hearing my prayers. Your kindness is greatly appreciated. Mary Ellen
23rd June, 2016
Holy Mary, born without the stain of sin, I have offered my final iteration of my petition to you. I feel a strange sense of calm, and a feeling that has occurred in me that now I must be patient, and continue to pray for my strength, and hope. I have been falsely accused of a crime, that even my home security system refutes, if only we can get these horribly tainted prosecuting people to look at ALL the evidence. When Mary has obtained the favor that I seek, I am confident that all will be well, and I will be back here and elsewhere to report what she has done for me! I will shout it from the mountain! Frank R
28th June, 2016
Holy Mary, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for healing and bringing peace and love to my daughter's marriage. MP
30th June, 2016
That my 91 year old mom starts doing better and gets stronger she is just out of the hospital about a week. Please ask for your son's mercy on her and ask him for his help. For my friends Frankie and Helene it is not looking too good, the cancer has spread into his lungs, liver and bladder, they need your divine intercession to your son also. That Citizen's bank grants me a refinance loan on my house, so I won't lose my home. I am really worried about this also. I don't want to lose my home. GT
30th June, 2016
Most holy mother of god I know that you will listen and help me with my request. Ask the Lord to grant my request Thank you Cath
1st July, 2016
Praise be to God, on the exact day my prayers to Mary ended May29th, the prosecutor has filed a reduced charge. We believe they cannot prove their original charges against me due to the video tapes and our statements. I am innocent though, and praise be to God, I will keep praying for them to drop these charges altogether. All praise to God. Thank you Mary, you did not fail me! praise the Lord! Frank R
2nd July, 2016
Dear Blessed Lady, I am asking for your help to bring this petition to your son for his help also along with yours, this is for my 91 year old mom, who is battling some cancer, she has a lump in her head on the right side (front), called a (Meningioma)the doctor's want to give her radiation for this, she doesn't want to do it, I'm not sure of what decision to make. Please ask your son for help in this matter. I am so beside myself about this decision. Also a petition for Citizen's Bank to grant me another loan, so I won't lose my home. This is super important. I keep praying to Our Lady, the bank is going to give me and answer by Monday, 11 July 2016, Please take it to your son for his help so I don't lose my home and be in the street. I also have an aunt who lives with me. For my friends Frankie and MaryAnn for his help with his cancer, it has gone to different places in his body. We are praying that he will be around and it is not life threatening. Your servant in Christ Jesus. GMT (8 July 2016).
Most holy mother I know you will aid me and help me to be strong ask your divine son our Lord to help me and my family I thank you for your help Amen Cath.
11th July, 2016
Thank you in advance for carrying my prayers to the Lord Jesus. Please pray that He will bestow His blessings upon us in abundance today. . I pray that He will be glorified through the answer to this prayer. Rose
16th of July, 2016
Dear Blessed Lady, My 91 year old Mom (Connie) passed away on July 10, It was hard losing her, but I pray to you that she is in eternal peace in heaven with our Father and Jesus your son. May she rest in peace with the angels and saints also. She will truly be missed. Also for petition that my loan gets re-finance or reissued by Citizens Bank or the payment will become double of what I was paying. My finances will be more now that my mom's not here to help with the home. I also asked that I don't lose my home. I have a 80 year old aunt that lives with me, please bring this also to your son for help. I will always come to you and never stop praying to you for help and guidance, also my friend Frankie that they can help him with this new medicine they are giving him for his cancer. He is also in a lot of pain, please ask your son for his help. Please ask your son for help for myself, with my grief for my mother. She lived a long life which I am grateful to have her a lot of years. Love your servant in Jesus Christ. (GMT) Thank You.
28th July, 2016
Dear Holy Mother, thank you for listening to and answering my prayer. Thank you for the many favours I have been granted throughout my life. Rita
8th of August, 2016
Dear Blessed Mother, I want to thank you for a favor granted to me just recently for my two loans from Citizens Bank, you answered my prayer and gave it to your son, Now at least I won't lose my home, The loans have been re-done with Taxes and Insurances, which is even better. I will continue to pray to you and your son. Thanks so much this was an important favor to be granted. I am so Happy and Thankful. Love your servant in Christ Jesus. (GMT)
14th of September, 2016
Holy mother I ask you to help my daughter and give me strength in these difficult times. Ask our Lord to change her heart with the power of the Holy Spirit, Amen. From Catherine
19th of September, 2016
Dear Blessed Mother, I want to thank you for a favor granted to me just recently for my two loans from Citizens Bank, you answered my prayer and gave it to your son, Now at least I won't lose my home, The loans have been re-done with Taxes and Insurances, which is even better. I need them to approve both loans, and send me the paperwork to sign, so I can continue to keep my home. I will continue to pray to you and your son. Thanks so much this was an important favor to be granted and hope you will grant me the rest of the favor within the next couple of months. I also need you to take it to your son about my friends Frank and Maryann, he has been going through a rough time, please help them to get through this hard time with his illness. For my mother to whom I just lost about 2 1/2 months ago that she is in a good place and that I will continue to miss and pray for her salvation in heaven. I hope she is in eternal peace with you and your son. I will continue to pray to you and your son Jesus. I am so Happy and Thankful. Love your servant in Christ Jesus. (GMT) (Oct 6 2016).
Holy Mary mother of God I know you hear my prayer and will help me with my troubles thank you for your many blessings - From Catherine 15th October, 2016
Dear Blessed Mother, Our Lady, Thank you for hearing me, giving me your Son's peace, and for interceding for my intention. I love you Mother! ~LTD
3rd November, 2016
Holy mother I believe that my prayer will be answered through the lord Jesus thank you for your help Amen Cathy
5th February, 2017
Blessed Mother, please hear my prayer and request. Thank you so much for all of your blessings and help. I so gratefully ask for your help in my time of need. Kerri Graham
12th February, 2017
+JMJ- My Queen and Mother: In Thanksgiving to you for always answered prayers, protection, guidance, help and your Love, I again offer my life, my existence to you, my hopes, dreams, prayers, worries, disappointments, failures, attempts, successes, temporal and spiritual needs. You know my concerns and God's Plan for my life. May I always do His Will and please you. May I always serve Him and you by serving others. Thank you. Your daughter, Kathy H.
27th of February, 2017
Holy Mother I know you will answer my prayer. Please help my daughter through her trials I believe that you will grant my request Amen - Cathy
8th of March, 2017
Thank you Our Lady of Mount Carmel for answering my prayer of sobriety for Tom.! You never fail me. GOD BLESS AND AMEN!!!Debi
13th of March, 2017
Holy Mother I ask you to help me and I believe that you will grant my request I love you and know the lord listens to you and will help my daughter bless and protect her - Amen. From Cathy
6th April, 2017
Blessed mother, thank you for your many blessings and for answering my desperate plea - Rita
16th April, 2017
Thank you Holy Mother for listening to my prayer and putting my petition under thy most gentle care. I have asked a childish wish of getting the almost discontinued altar server holy card that I have been wanting to have for quite some time as a sign that God wants me to serve as His faithful altar server throughout my life. Altar serving means a lot to me and it is truly a privilege to be able to serve Christ and priest by the altar during mass. Holy Mother, you always have patiently listened to all of my prayers in the past, and this time too, graciously interceded for me out of thy love. Thank you Our Lady of Mount Carmel, thank you for loving me with the greatest of mother's love.Jin-Dominque
24th April, 2017
Holy mother I thank you for all the gifts we have received and I know you will intercede for me and help my child. Lord have mercy Cathy
5th May, 2017
Blessed Mother Our Lady, Thank you for hearing my prayer and interceding for me to your Son! I am so grateful for this novena to you Blessed Mother! Thank you! ~LTD
16th May, 2017
Blessed Mother, Thank you for listening to my prayers and for the successful negotiations to not lose the house. Amen and God Bless, Deb
21st may, 2017
Holy Mary I know you will help my daughter and help me be a better mother I thank you for all your blessings through Christ our Lord Amen. Catherine
31st July, 2017
Just a prayer of thanksgiving to Our Lady of Mount Carmel for answered prayers on Her feast day, 7/16/17.KB
9th August, 2017
I thank you for hearing my prayers and for helping me & my family through our difficult times. I ask that you please continue to pray for my Goddaughter, Winter Rose. Please pray that she remains healthy, happy and safe. Please also pray that she returns to us legally & permanently, as no child should be afraid of her mother. If this child is being abused or neglected, please pray that she is returned to our loving home, which she has known since she was 3 days old. Thank you again for all that you do! David G
17th September, 2017
Thank you Holy Mother for listening to my prayer and interceding for me, amen. JEP
28th of September, 2017
Holy mother I come to you again with my request. I know you will not fail me you never have give me strength holy mother I thank you for all your love in the difficult times me and my family have endured and for your intercession with the lord Cathy
16th October, 2017>br /> Holy mother strengthen me in my faith I know you will listen and grant my request through our Lord Jesus Christ Amen
10th of November, 2017
Holy mother help my sister recover from her illness I know you will grant my request through our Lord Jesus Christ Amen Cathy
29th of November, 2017
Dear Blessed Mother Our Lady, Thank you from the bottom of my heart for hearing me and interceding for me. I love you Mother! Thank you for your prayers to your Son our Lord! LTD
31st January, 2018< br/> Holy mother please intercede for my sister so she feels well again help her to recover quickly. I know you will grant my request through our Lord Jesus Christ Amen Catherine
18th January, 2018
Oh blessed Mother Mary thank you for listening to my prayers and Your intercession. Mary C
4th February, 2018
O Blessed Mother, Thank -you for your intercession in my time of need. I will always be grateful. Clarissa
12th February, 2018
Thank you, Holy Mother for listening to my prayer and interceding for me, amen. JEP
27th February, 2018
Oh holy mother thank you for listening to my prayers please grant my request through our Lord - Catherine
2nd March, 2018
Thank you dear Mother for listening to my prayer for Rosalie, please heal her in her body and in her soul, if it be Gods will please help her pass her driving test on Monday. I love you dear Mother please help me to. Inez
21st April, 2018
Holy mother I turn to you again with my problems please help my sister to be healed and please help my son to behave at school and be a good and kind person. Holy mother I know you will listen and help me through our Lord Jesus Christ amen From Cathy
13th May, 2018
Holy mother please pray for my sister to help her recover with our lords help pray for us Catherine
18th May, 2018
My Dearest mother Mary No words I could ever say could ever repay you my dearest mother for what you have done for me, the love you have shown me has given me the strength to carry on each day. My dearest mother you saved my son when all the doctors said he needed to have a major operation, on the final appointment out the blue they said he no longer requires it and can carry on his life as normal. My mother you performed a miracle. I am forever grateful. My mother I truly pray I can pay all my debts and reclaim the land I lost in Gr. La . Thankyou my dearest mother Mary. With all my heart I pray and Thankyou for all your prayers and intercession through our Heavenly Father and your only son our saviour Jesus Christ. Amen RV
2nd June, 2018
Blessed Mother Mary, Once again I thank you for many blessings received and for granting this request which will remove so much anxiety and stress from my daughter’s life Rita
11th June, 2018
Dear Holy Mother, With grateful hearts we thank you for interceding for the healing of our mom who is suffering so much. YN
16th July, 2018
Most holy mother of God give my daughter strength to make the right choices and to treat people with love and respect with the lords grace Amen From Cathy
18th July, 2018
Holy mother please intercede and grant my request I know that you never fail and will always protect and help me amen Catherine
6th August, 2018
Oh holy mother of God help my husband in his work situation I pray the matter is resolved I know you will help him through the Lord Jesus Amen Cathy
9th August, 2018
Holy mother I thank you for listening to my prayers I know you will help me and intercede for me with our Lord with my humblest thanks and prayers Cathy
10th August, 2018
Oh holy mother please help my husband in his hour of need I know you will grant me this intercession. Through Christ our Lord Amen Cathy
15th August, 2018
Oh most holy mother I know you will grant my request and help my daughter and husband Through Christ our Lord Amen Cathy
16th August, 2018
Thank you, Our Lady of Mt Carmel for your intercession and all graces received, JEP
22nd February, 2019
Holy mother I ask for your help again please pray for all my family and help us all to become closer please give your help to Ellie she needs your intercession as do we all we love you mother pray for us Cath 16th March, 2019
Dearest MOther Queen of Carmel, Thank you for removing obstacles to holiness in my life, including people who do not believe in the Catholic faith. May they one day come to an understanding of the true faith. Make me free of relationships that hold me in bondage. Dear Mother, make me holy, and let me make reparation for the sins of my past life, wherewith I turned my back on your holy teachings, and turned to false religion, impurity, and immorality, and love of money and pride. I have amended my life and now only ask that I keep firm on the path to holiness. I also ask that the finiancial burden I have incurred, due to my overspending before my conversion, be lifted somehow, in a way that does not lead me to a life which doesn't have time for prayers, for as you know, I now am converted, and will never turn my back on you. I only want to devote my life to prayer, and to one day find union with your son Jesus, our Savior, through the graces of your immaculate heart. Thank you Oh Divine mother, for answering my lengthy prayers. Make me more simple as I advance in holiness. Tara S 23rd March, 2019
Most holy mother please pray for my family I know that you will Help me to resolve my difficulties Amen Cathy 29th March, 2019
+JMJ Dearest Blessed Mother, You know the challenges I am experiencing. I am grateful. I only wish to do God's Most Holy Will. Please help me to know the direction, and provide the solutions. Thank you for always answering my prayers and taking care of my needs and those of my family. I trust in Your Love and Maternal Solicitude. Your daughter, KH 12th April, 2019
+JMJ Dearest Blessed Mother, I come to you in Trust and Hope in Your Love and assistance. You know the challenges I am experiencing have increased. I truly am grateful. I only wish to do God's Most Holy Will. Please help me to know your direction, and provide the solutions. Thank you for always answering my prayers and taking care of my needs and those of my family. I place my heart, my life, my soul in trust in Your Love and Maternal Solicitude. Your daughter, KH
23rd April, 2019
Dear our Lady of mount Carmel i love you please i need your intercession to help me with urgent money for buying food for my family,also please help me to get a new smartphone to facilitate communication with my loved ones and lastly intercede go deliver my Bachelor degree's certificate of Business administration from college of UDBS University of Dar es salaam,clear Taxation BAC 200 Carry over and make me to receive my Bachelor degree's certificate in my hands,thanks in advance for granting my petition and i promise to publish this Novena to public places and share this prayer to different sites am thankful TOBIAS. 24rd May, 2019
Dear our Lady of Mount of Carmel i love you so much please i need your intercession help me with urgent money for buying food for my family also please help me to get a new smartphone for facilitating communications with my loved ones and lastly intercede go deliver my Bachelor degree's certificate of business administration from college of UDBS university of Dar es salaam clear Taxation BAC 200 Carry over,thanks in advance for granting my wish am grateful and i promise to publish this novena to public open places and also share the prayer in internet sites.TOBIAS.25-05-2019
Most holy mother please hear and grant my request and help my daughter and my family through Jesus Christ our lord amen From Cathy 21st June, 2019
Holy mother of god help me with my request I know you will grant me this intercession through the lord Jesus Cath 17th July, 2019
Our Lady of Mt. Carmen, it is with a sincere and warm heart I send many loving thanks to you for praying to your son on my behalf. I am confident my prayers will be heard and I pray that all will be granted. I will honor you and make a donation in your name. Love, Marisa 19th July, 2019
Holy mother please grant my request and intercede to give us peace through Christ our lord Amen Catherine 30th july, 2019
Thank you Our Lady of Mount Carmel for hearing my prayers and granting my petitions. I am so grateful to you and love you very much. Thank you for always being there for us. Karen 14th September, 2019
Oh Blessed Mother, thank you so very much for your love, grace, and intercession on behalf of our daughter’s present and future needs concerning her game at the level needed for her scholarship and beyond. So very grateful!!! Love, Shannon 17th September, 2019
I prayed the 3 day Novena parayer to Our Lady of Mt Carmel a few weeks ago for Barbara my good friend who was looking so hard for a good job, that she will love doing. I would like to say a Big Thank you to Our Lacy of Mt Carmel for answering my prayers. Barbara came to my home told me she had an interview for a cleaning job. She used my pc to do her Jobsearch, poor girl was so down for months, she would often say, “Surely there is a job for me out there.” Afterwards Barbara was very happy indeed as her Employer told her she is the one they are looking for, her long years Cleaning work experience her CV etc, he asked for her P45 right away she starts her job next week. So I would like to publish my grateful thanks to Our Lady of Mt Carmel for answering my prayers with such a happy outcome. Barbara is very happy indeed about her new job. Orysia. X Our Lady’s servant 18th September 2019
My good friend Kevin tried to commit suicide on Sunday, he has been getting unwell mentally for months, says he hears voices, talks to himself. I have been praying for him all week. I started the 3 day Novena on Wednesday (yesterday). Kevin’s friend Barbara found him in his flat on Sunday morning deep cut on wrist, blood all over him, on bed, everywhere. took him to hospital all day Sunday. She took care of Kevin for 2 days n nights she borrowed my duvet for him. He had a full assessment on Tuesday from Mental Health Team. The Doctors have decided to admit Kevin to the Psychiatric hospital today, its in lovely peaceful grounds, best place for Kevin, he is having good care. I give heartfelt thanksgiving to Our Lady of Mt Carmel who has answered my prayers so quickly. Barbara his friend and mine told me just now he has been admitted and receiving medication. I’m so glad Our Lady has saved Kevin. “What a good Mother we have in Heaven.” Fr Louis Andreau of Garabandal Yours in Stitches Miss O Zwiryk 19th September 2019
Most holy mother please help my daughter in her current troubles through our lord Jesus Christ amen From Catherine 22nd September 2019
Holy Mary mother of God I know you are my mother and will grant my request through our lord Jesus Christ amen Catherine 26th September 2019
Thank you for prayers answered of finding a place to live as well as steady income. Amen! DM 30th September 2019
Through the “unconditional and loving” intentions of her “patroness” Our Lady of Mount Carmel”, to a most LOVING and unconditional GOD. Pray that Carmel may know the LOVE, and unconditional healing if GOD, in her daily life, and those of her families, friends, and people involved in her daily life. My prayers are also with you my dear sister in Carmel, as we daily live that life that we are loving called to “live” as the “presence, and healing LOVE of GOD, through “Our Lady of Mount Carmel”, “blessed and loved are we, indeed. Let us continue to “pray without ceasing”, as we are always asked in our living of presence of GOD’s Healing LOVE to all people, including ourselves. Please post this on your website, without my email address, for others to also remember in prayer. Blessings and PEACE, Clifford 13th October 2019
Most Holy Mother give my son guidance to help him to follow the Lord's path I know you will hear my prayer and intercede for him amen Cathy 15th October 2019
Most Holy Mother I know you will help me as you have always done I find myself at a loss again through your kindness we will be healed Kind Regards, Cathy 17th November 2019
Lady Of MT. Carmal Mother of Jesus, my Mother, from my heart and soul I thank you for hearing my needs, and answering my prayers, you truly are our Mother, with a direct line to Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ your son, Thank you for favors Granted. J.H.M. 11th December 2019
Thank you Mother Mary for your intercessory prayer to God and for sending Kobby a red Rose from the Garden of St. Theresa as a sign of God’s affirmation to our relationship. Thank you that am going to find favour as i look for a 2nd job and that i will pass my CEN exam and he, his CDN exam. And thank you for God health and blessed year. I proclaim a blessed year 2020 ahead. Amen. P.M 12th December 2019
Dear Mother of our Lord, Baby Jesus, Thank you with all my heart for hearing my novena and for listening and praying for me to your Son. I am so grateful and so thankful! Praise God! I love you Mother, ~LTD 21st December 2019
Thanksgiving text: Thank you dearest Mother for recovering my health fully and forever. Thank you for giving me back my life and making me healthy, independent to walk, run, climb stairs, join my job as before. Thank you for always protecting me and family. Thank you for making me healthier and giving me back my life as before - Deeps 29/12/2019 Thanksgiving text: Thank you Mother mary for protecting my baby daughter and always giving her good health.Thank you for blessing her always and giving her good health and joy - Deeps 29/12/2019 Thank you very much for your help, Mother Mary will definitely grant me my request Regards, Deeps 29th December 2019
Most holy mother I thank you for your intercession pray for us oh holy mother of god Amen Cathy 1st January 2020
Our dearest Lady of Mount Carmel. thank you for listening and answering my prayers. my DD was able to be selected for the team in the most “god works in mysterious ways” manner. we are always grateful GT 09 Jan 2020
Holy Mary mother of God I ask you to grant my request Through our Lord Jesus Christ help my daughter Amen Cath 11th January 2020
Holy mother, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for favours received, I thank you for taking care of my grandsons and answering my latest prayer Rita 5th March 2020
Most holy Mary mother of God please help us in our time of trial I know you will grant my request through our lord Jesus Christ Amen, Cathy 29th March, 2020
Our Dearest Lady of Mount Carmel, thank you for listening and answering my prayers. My wife test results came back negative and she does not have a tumor. I am always grateful! Thank you and thank God always, Teo 8th May, 2020
Most Holy Mother I know you will intercede with Our Lord for my mother who is still ill. I pray all will be well. Cathy 13th May, 2020
Oh Most Blessed Mother I thank you for listening to me and granting my sequest through Your Divine Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen, Cathy 21st May, 2020
Most Holy Mother you have blessed my family through our Lord and I know you are helping my Mother get her health back I thank you for all our blessings Catherine 28th May, 2020
Most holy mother thank you for helping me and granting my request through our lord Jesus Christ amen Cathy 6th June, 2020
Most holy mother thank you for granting my request through our lord Jesus Christ Amen Catherine 14th June, 2020
Most holy mother I thank you for granting my request through our lord Jesus Christ amen Cath 16th June, 2020
Thank you holy mother for granting my request through our lord Jesus Christ amen Cathy 24th June, 2020
Most Holy Mother, thank you for your intercession you have always helped my family, my mother and my daughter through Our Lord Jesus Christ, amen, Cathy 13th July, 2020

Most Holy Mother, thank youfor helping my Mam better health, Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Cathy 25th July, 2020

Most Holy Mother, I thank you for interceding for my three requests for my daughter, for my son and for myself with Your Son Our Lord Jesus, and for all the graces received, your faithful servant JP, amen. 31st July, 2020

Most Holy Mother, thank you for listening and giving me hope in these uncertain times for my family through Our Lord Jesus Christ, amen. Cathy 5th August, 2020
Thank you Most holy Mother for answering my prayers and I know through your intercession they will be answered through our Lord Jesus Christ, amen Cathy
23rd August, 2020

Most Holy and loving Mother, I give thanks for your intercession I know you will help my daughter through Your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, amen, Cathy
2nd September, 2020

Holy Mother of God I humbly ask you to intercede for my daughter and I know you have granted my request. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen, Cathy
9th September, 2020
Most Holy Mother of God, thank you for helping my daugther and family and granting my request through your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, CathErnie
27th September, 2020 

Most Holy Mother thank you for your care and understanding of the problem my daughter has and I know you will help through Our Lord Jesus Christ, amen, Cathy
5th October, 2020

Most Holy Mother, thank you for your intercession regarding my son. Holy Mary, Mother of God pray for us, Cathy
13th October, 2020

Most Holy Mother, thank you for helping me and my children through Our Lord Jesus Christ, amen. Cathy
25th October, 2020

Holy Mother of God thank you for intercession for my children, amen Cathy 
8th November, 2020
Holy Mother I thank you from my heart for all your love and care regarding my children, pray for us Holy Mother of God, Cathy
12th November, 2020 

Thank you Holy Mother for praying and helping a very poorly man, Andrew D. Orysia Z.
24th November, 2020
Most Holy Mother, I thank you for your intercession and for your help with my family. I know my prayer will be answered through our Lord Jesus Christ, amen, Catherine
25th November, 2020 

Most Holy Mother, thank you for your intercession and granting my request through Our Lord Jesus Christ, amen, Catherine E
15th December, 2020

Most Holy Mother thank you for listening and granting my request through Our Lord Jesus Christ, amen Cath
23rd December, 2020

Holy Mary, I thank you and know you will help my daughter and family through Our Lord Jesus Christ, amen, Catherine
31st December, 2020

Most Holy Mother I know you will int our Lord Jesus Christ, amen, Cathy
17th February, 2021

Most Holy Mother of God, I thank you for helping my mother in her illness and the many blessings we have received from your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, amen, Catherine
2nd March, 2021

Thank you Mother Mary for answering all my prayer and blessing me. SP
22nd April, 2021

Most holy mother I know you will grant my request and intercede with our lord Jesus Christ for my mother and sister. Amen, Catherine
4th May, 2021
Holy Mary, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for assisting my grandson to overcome his fears and for many requests granted, Rita
9th May, 2021

Holy Mary,
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for assisting my grandson to overcome his fears and for many requests granted
9th May, 2021

Blessed Mother Mary 
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for prayers answered and for many blessings received 
25th May, 2021

Our Lady of Mount Carmel has never let me down. I wish everybody knew about this miraculous prayer and used it. Thank you Our Lady for everything. Love, Karen
26th august 2021

Most holy mother I ask you humbly for your help with my children I know you will answer my prayer through our lord Jesus Christ
 Oh Blessed Mother, thank you for all of the graces you've given me. Thank you for answering my petitions once again. You truly never fail. Also I am sorry for bothering you so much with my petitions bu I run to you in confidence, always. I love you, Mary Tanya Claire19th February, 2022
Most Holy Mother, thank youfor all your support, hear my request and ask the Lord to help, amen
Holy Mother, please help me with my necessity, help my daughter to be healthy, through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen. Cathy
Most Holy Mother, I thank you for your intercession to help with my daughter test I know you will help, theough Christ Our Lord. Amen, Cathy

Most Holy Mother, I humbly ask for your intercession, I know you willhelp my child, yhrough Christ our Lord. Amen. Catherine E.
4th August, 2022

Holy mother I know you will intercede with our lord for my daughter and help her in her struggle with her health you have helped me many times and I thank you for my family 

27th September, 2022.

Most Holy Mother, thank you for your intercession with my daughter 's health. I know you will always help her when asked through Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Cathy
9th October, 2022

Oh, Holy Mother Mary, Mother of God, I thank you most sincerely in advance for your favours received following my Novena prayer. Christopher G.
10th November 2022

Most holy mother I thank you for your intercession with our lord for my son I know he will be successful with your help praise be to the lord forever amen 

Kind Regards,
3rd September 2023

Oh Holy Mary, Mother of God, I thank you most sincerely in advance for favours received following my novena. 
Christopher C
14th September 2023

Holy mother you have never let me down I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the blessings I have received 
10th October, 2023 

Blessed mother, thank you for listening to my prayers.
24th January, 2024

Holy Mother, please help my children and family with all our troubles, through Christ Our Lord, amen, Cathy
5th April, 2024

Most holy mother I love you and ask you to intercede with the lord to grant me healing and to help my daughter with her weight thank you most blessed lady and our blessed lord amen 
29th April, 2024

I thank you our lady for your intercession for my son to help him in his endeavours with love and thanks to our lord amen 

4th May, 2024

Dear mother I know you will help me in my hour of need let me find healing through Christ our lord amen 
12th June 2024

Most holy mother let there be peace in my house please let my daughter find serenity through Christ our lord 
Cathy, July 2024

Most holy mother intercede for me and help me with my request I know you will help through Christ our lord amen 
Cathy, July 2024
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